- Aug 29, 2019
erwan authored
Remove a lot of warnings (considered as errors by dune).
- May 22, 2019
- Aug 18, 2017
erwan authored
And it is now done only by Lic2soc (L2lCheckLoops is not used anymore) Also, during this change, I was bitten again by the « "__" versus "::" in ident names » problem again. The core of this problem is due to the fact that I use LicDump both for (1) dealing with internal ident names (2) generating lustre files Because of (2), ident names may depend on the ec or the v4 option. hence, internal names were sometimes translated with "__" instead of "::". To (try to) fix that, I've added a boolean flag to all "to_string" functions that states whether the function is used for internal purposes, or for generating lustre files. It was quite a boring change, that triggered other problems, that I've fixed in this (too long) commit : - -esa should force -en, otherwise bad things happen (-esa is used for -ec anyway) - in -esa mode, #/nor inputs tuples of bool, not arrays - fix the list of predi op that returns a type different that its arg (SocPredef)
- Sep 20, 2016
Erwan Jahier authored
so that w7/lesar can help otawa/ilp to prune path in the binary. nb : not working on the convertible example: - sometimes the module name still appear in the ident (enums) - clocks are not well supported by Lesar actually. More thinking is necessary.
- Sep 05, 2016
Erwan Jahier authored
The bug was appearing a node was called on a non base clock that was existing in the called nodes (name clash). Typically, it occurs on recursive node called on some non-trivial clocks. Also, use maps instead of list to hold the substitution between params and args.
- May 27, 2016
Erwan Jahier authored
('::' vs '__') soc2c -2cw7: use mkff+fixffx+arm.looploc to fix extern lib calls.
- May 29, 2015
Erwan Jahier authored