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  1. Aug 29, 2019
  2. Aug 26, 2014
  3. Aug 14, 2014
    • Erwan Jahier's avatar
      lic2soc: fix the translation of the current operator into SOC. · d3061085
      Erwan Jahier authored
      nb : the -exec mode was working because I did not use the generated soc,
      which was completely wrong.
      Note that to do that, I have modified the CURRENT variant of
      Lic.val_exp, to attach it the clock the current holds on. Indeed, the
      clock is mandatory to generated correct code...
      In an ideal world, this clock information may have explicitely been
      set by the user ("current(clk_of_X,X)" instead of "current(X)"), but
      for historical reason, it is not the case.
      Hence, this information is added as soon as it is available, namely,
      during clock checking.
  4. Feb 13, 2013
  5. Jan 31, 2013
  6. Dec 13, 2012
    • Erwan Jahier's avatar
      Documentation et renommage des modules. · 65dfa567
      Erwan Jahier authored
      nb: les tests ne passent toujours bien sur.
      * Partie lus -> AST
    -> ->     ->
      syntaxTreeDump.mli-> astV6Dump.mli
      * Partie Ast -> Ast
      solveIdent.mli -> astRecognizePredef.mli
      syntaxTab.mli -> astTab.mli
      symbolTab.mli -> astTabSymbol.mli
      * Partie  AST -> lic (static evaluation)
      getEff.mli -> ast2lic.mli
      lazyCompiler.mli -> licTab.mli ->
      predefEval*.ml -> licEval*.ml
      name.mli -> licName.mli
      * Partie Lic -> Lic
      uniqueOutput.mli      -> l2lCheckOutputs.mli
      structArrayExpand.mli -> l2lExpandArrays.mli
      nodesExpand.mli       -> l2lExpandNodes.mli           ->       ->            ->
  7. May 26, 2009
    • Erwan Jahier's avatar
      Attach the clock of Eff.val_exp to the val_exp itself, instead of · e7ef1b90
      Erwan Jahier authored
      maintaining (ugly and error-prone) hash tables.
      That change revealed an untriggered bug in EvalClock.check_args: it was wrong
      to add in subst the substitutions made of the parameters and the arguments (it
      is enough to unify the clocks of the pars and of the args). For instance, consider
      the node (in should_work/clock/clock.lus)
         node clock5(x :  bool; y:  bool when x; z: bool when y)
      and the call
        z2 = clock5(a, b when a, c when e);
      I was adding y/b in the subst, which was wrong.
      Other minor changes:
       - move const_to_val_eff from Eff to UnifyClock.
       - GetEff.translate_val_exp now returns a substitution, in order to be able
         to unify clock vars and propagate the resulting substitution.
  8. Mar 09, 2009
  9. Feb 10, 2009
  10. Jan 30, 2009
  11. Sep 15, 2008
  12. Aug 29, 2008
  13. Aug 28, 2008
  14. Aug 19, 2008
    • Erwan Jahier's avatar
      Split expressions into atomic expressions. In other words, introduce · d7905aff
      Erwan Jahier authored
      as many  new local  variables as necessary  so that an  expression is
      made at most of one operator.
      The rational  for that  is to obtain  a lic  code that is  trivial to
      clock check (nested node calls, for example, make it less simple).
      The old behavior can still be obtained using --keep-nested-calls.
      During  that  change,   I  realised  that  I  did   not  clock  check
      asserts. Hence, I have also added this check.
  15. Jun 26, 2008
  16. Jun 12, 2008