(* Time-stamp: <modified the 28/06/2022 (at 16:31) by Erwan Jahier> *)
type enum_mode =
AsInt (* translate enums into int (for rif-friendlyness *)
| AsBool (* translate enums into bool arrays; not working yet *)
| AsConst (* translate enums into abstract const *)
| AsEnum (* do nothing *)
(* koketeri, vu qu'on continu ranger concetement
les options dans des var. globales ! (cf Global
Erwan Jahier
type io_transmit_mode =
| Stack (* All I/O are are passed as arguments of the step functions *)
| Heap (* All I/O are in a ctx structure; ctx of memoryless soc are global *)
| HeapStack (* I/O of memoryful soc are in a ctx structure; memoryless soc uses step arg *)
(* *)
type schedul_mode = Simple | Sort | Reorder
Erwan Jahier
type t = {
mutable opts : (string * Arg.spec * string) list; (* classical Arg option tab used by Arg.parse *)
mutable user_man : (string * string list) list; (* ad hoc tab for pretty prtting usage *)
mutable hidden_man: (string * string list) list; (* ad hoc tab for pretty prtting usage *)
mutable dev_man: (string * string list) list; (* ad hoc tab for pretty prtting usage *)
mutable others: string list;
mutable margin : int;
mutable outfile : string;
mutable infiles : string list;
mutable main_node : string;
mutable compile_all_items : bool;
mutable run_unit_test : bool;
Erwan Jahier
mutable print_interface : bool;
mutable expand_nodes : bool;
mutable expand_node_call : string list;
mutable expand_arrays : bool;
mutable expand_io_type : bool;
Erwan Jahier
mutable optim_ite : bool;
mutable oc : out_channel;
mutable tlex : bool;
mutable exec : bool;
Erwan Jahier
mutable gen_c : bool;
mutable rif : bool;
Erwan Jahier
mutable gen_ocaml : bool;

mutable ext_types : bool;
mutable launch_exec : bool;
mutable precision : int option;
Erwan Jahier
mutable gen_lic : bool;
(* Those are really too boring to be functionnal (used in all over the places) *)
type global_opt = {
mutable gen_c_inline_predef : bool;
mutable lv4 : bool;
mutable ec : bool;
mutable expand_enums : enum_mode;
mutable inline_iterator : bool;
mutable one_op_per_equation : bool;
mutable one_op_per_equation_set : bool; (* to be able to give priority to cli option *)
mutable when_on_ident : bool;
mutable no_when_not : bool;
mutable no_prefix : bool;
mutable nonreg_test : bool;
mutable current_file : string;
mutable line_num : int;
mutable line_start_pos : int;
mutable soc2c_no_switch : bool;
Erwan Jahier
mutable soc2c_one_file : bool;
mutable soc2c_inline_loops : bool;
mutable soc2c_global_ctx : bool;
mutable gen_wcet : bool;
Erwan Jahier
mutable io_transmit_mode : io_transmit_mode;
mutable schedul_mode : schedul_mode;
val paranoid : Lv6Verbose.flag
val global_opt:global_opt
(* La ``mthode'' principale *)
val parse : string array -> t
val usage : out_channel -> t -> unit
val full_usage : out_channel -> t -> unit
val lexbuf_of_file_name : string -> Lexing.lexbuf