--2c-inline-loop, -2cil: a new option that inline iterator loops.
Actually, that was the default behavior. Now the default behavior is to generate loops for iterators. nb : with -2ch, loops are still always inlined
- lv6-ref-man/lv6-ref-man.tex 30 additions, 15 deletionslv6-ref-man/lv6-ref-man.tex
- src/lic2soc.ml 2 additions, 2 deletionssrc/lic2soc.ml
- src/lv6MainArgs.ml 9 additions, 2 deletionssrc/lv6MainArgs.ml
- src/lv6MainArgs.mli 1 addition, 0 deletionssrc/lv6MainArgs.mli
- src/soc2c.ml 4 additions, 3 deletionssrc/soc2c.ml
- src/socPredef2cStack.ml 84 additions, 24 deletionssrc/socPredef2cStack.ml
- test/lus2lic.sum 13 additions, 13 deletionstest/lus2lic.sum
- test/lus2lic.time 8 additions, 8 deletionstest/lus2lic.time
- test/should_work/TIME_STABLE.lus 6 additions, 1 deletiontest/should_work/TIME_STABLE.lus
- test/should_work/alias.lus 6 additions, 6 deletionstest/should_work/alias.lus
- test/should_work/matrice.lus 2 additions, 2 deletionstest/should_work/matrice.lus
- test/should_work/matrice2.lus 1 addition, 1 deletiontest/should_work/matrice2.lus
- test/should_work/moyenne.lus 2 additions, 2 deletionstest/should_work/moyenne.lus
- test/should_work/redIf.lus 2 additions, 2 deletionstest/should_work/redIf.lus
- test/should_work/rediter.lus 2 additions, 2 deletionstest/should_work/rediter.lus
- test/should_work/xx.lus 1 addition, 1 deletiontest/should_work/xx.lus
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