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(* Time-stamp: <modified the 29/08/2019 (at 15:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
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open Printf 
open Lxm
open Lv6errors
open AstCore 
open LicEvalConst
open LicEvalType
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let dbg = (Lv6Verbose.get_flag "eval-const")

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EvalArray_error :
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        - leve par les fonctions ddies aux tableaux
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exception EvalArray_error of string

EvalConst_error :
  - leve localement dans les sous-fonctions,
  - capte dans EvalConst.f et tranforme en Compile_error.
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let finish_me msg = print_string ("\n\tXXX"^msg^" ->  finish me!\n")
let not_evaluable_construct str =
  raise (EvalConst_error(
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           Printf.sprintf "The construct %s is not allowed in static expression" 
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Utilitaire :
extraire une tranche de tableau

N.B. first_ix  last_ix step et width sont supposs 
venir de eva et donc tre corrects

N.B. Puisque correct, last_ix est inutile, mais bon ...
let rec fill init size = if size = 0 then [] else init::(fill init (size-1)) 
let _ = assert (fill 0 5 = [0;0;0;0;0])

       Lic.const list -> Lic.type_ -> Lic.slice_info -> Lic.const list) =
  fun clist ctype slice ->
    let sliced_clist,_,_ = 
        (fun (acc, i, j) elt ->
           if i = slice.se_first + j*slice.se_step then
             (elt::acc, i+1, j+1)
             (acc, i+1, j)
        ([], 0, 0)
    let sliced_clist = List.rev sliced_clist in
      [Array_const_eff(sliced_clist, ctype)]

(** Utilitaire : fabriquer si possible une constante tableau *)
let (make_array_const : Lic.const list list -> Lic.const) =
  fun ops -> 
    let expected_type = ref None in
    let treat_arg : Lic.const list -> Lic.const =
      fun op -> 
        match op with
          | [x] -> (
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            (* non tuple *)
            let xtyp = Lic.type_of_const x in
            match (!expected_type) with
              | None -> expected_type := Some xtyp; x
              | Some t -> (
                if (t = xtyp) then x else 
                  raise (EvalConst_error(
                    "type error in array, "^
                      (Lic.string_of_type xtyp)^
                      " mixed with " ^ (Lic.string_of_type t)
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            raise (EvalConst_error("array of tuple not allowed"))
    let res = treat_arg ops in
    match (!expected_type) with
      | None -> raise (EvalConst_error("empty array"))
      | Some t -> Array_const_eff(res, t)

(** Utilitaire : fabriquer si possible une constante structure 
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N.B. Par construction on sait que arg_tab n'a pas de doublons
let make_struct_const (teff : Lic.type_) (id_opt : Lv6Id.idref option)
    (arg_tab : (Lv6Id.t, Lxm.t * Lic.const) Hashtbl.t) =
  (* on verifie qu'on a bien un type struct *)
  (match teff with
      Struct_type_eff (tnm, flst) -> (
        let make_eff_field ((fn: Lv6Id.t),((ft:Lic.type_),(fv:Lic.const option))) =
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          (* on construit la liste dans le BON ordre *)
            (* on prend en priorit dans arg_tab *)
            let lxm, v = Hashtbl.find arg_tab fn in
            (* effet de bord : on vire la valeur de arg_tab *)
            Hashtbl.remove arg_tab fn ;
            let vt = Lic.type_of_const v in
            if (vt = ft) then (fn, v) (*ok*)
            else raise (Compile_error(
              lxm , 
              sprintf "\n*** type error in struct %s, %s instead of %s"
                (Lic.string_of_type vt)
                (Lic.string_of_type ft)  )) 
          with Not_found ->
            (* sinon la valeur par dfaut *)
            (match fv,id_opt with
              | Some v,_ -> (fn, v) (* ok : v correcte par construction *)
              | None,Some _ ->
                finish_me " eval const with 'with'";
                assert false
              | None,None -> 
                raise (EvalConst_error(
                  sprintf "bad struct expression, no value given for field %s" 
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        (* on mappe flst pour avoir la liste dans le bon ordre *)
        let eff_fields = make_eff_field flst in
        (* si arg_tab n'est pas vide, erreur sur le premier *) 
        let raise_error (id : Lv6Id.t) ((lxm : Lxm.t), (_veff : Lic.const)) 
            = raise(Compile_error(
              lxm, sprintf "\n*** %s is not a field of struct %s" 
        Hashtbl.iter raise_error arg_tab; (* ok : tout s'est bien pass ! *)
        Struct_const_eff (eff_fields, teff)
    | _ -> raise (EvalConst_error(
      sprintf "struct type expected instead of %s" (Lic.string_of_type teff)
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        Evaluation rcursive des expressions constantes
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f :
        - entres :  IdSolver.t et val_exp
        - sortie :        Lic.const list
        - Lic.t de bord : Compile_error 
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Rle :
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        -> rsoud les rfrences aux idents
        -> gre les appels rcursifs (valuation des arguments) 
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let rec f
    (env : IdSolver.t) 
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    (vexp : val_exp)
    fonction rcursive principale
    -> capte les nv
    -> rcupre les EvalConst_error 
  let rec rec_eval_const (vexp : AstCore.val_exp) : Lic.const list = (
    match vexp with
      | AstCore.CallByPos ({it=posop; src=lxm}, Oper args) -> (
        try eval_by_pos_const posop lxm args
          | EvalType_error msg -> 
            raise (Compile_error(lxm, "type error: "^msg))
          | EvalConst_error msg ->
            raise (Compile_error(lxm, "can't eval constant: "^msg))
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      | AstCore.CallByName ({it=nmop; src=lxm}, nmargs ) -> (
        try eval_by_name_const nmop lxm nmargs
        with EvalConst_error msg ->
          raise (Compile_error(lxm, "can't eval constant: "^msg))
      | Merge_n (_,_) 
      | Merge_bool_n (_,_,_) -> 
        finish_me "merge"; 
        assert false

    fonction rcursive secondaire
    eval. exp classique (by pos)
    N.B. On distingue les oprations 
    classiques (avec extention tableau
    implicie) des autres. Ici, on traite
    toutes les oprations non classiques. 
  and eval_by_pos_const
      (posop : by_pos_op)   (* l'operateur *)
  (lxm : Lxm.t)      (* source de l'oprateur *)
  (args : val_exp list) (* arguments *)
      = (
    match (posop) with 
        (* capte les idents de constantes *)
          (* 2007-07 on interdit les externes *)
          match (env.id2const id lxm) with
            | Abstract_const_eff(_,_, const_eff, true) -> [const_eff]
            | Abstract_const_eff(_,_,_,false) -> 
              raise (EvalConst_error(
                sprintf "\n*** cannot access this abstract constant value"))
            | Extern_const_eff(_,_) -> 
              raise (EvalConst_error(
                sprintf "\n*** cannot access this extern constant value"))
            | x -> [ x ]
      (* oprateur lazzy *)
      | WITH_n(a0,a1,a2) -> (
        match (rec_eval_const a0) with
            [ Bool_const_eff true] -> rec_eval_const a1
          | [ Bool_const_eff false] -> rec_eval_const a2
          | x -> type_error_const x "bool"
      (* mettre  plat la liste des args *)
      | TUPLE_n -> ( List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args))
      (* les tableaux de tuples sont interdits *)
      | HAT_n -> (
        match args with
          | [cexp; szexp] -> (
              let sz = eval_array_size env szexp in
              match rec_eval_const cexp with
                | [cst] ->
                  let l = fill cst sz in
                  [ Array_const_eff (l, Lic.type_of_const cst) ]
                | _x -> 
                  raise (EvalConst_error("array of tuple not allowed"))
                EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
          | _ -> raise(EvalConst_error
                         (sprintf "arity error: 2 expected instead of %d" 
                            (List.length args)))
      | CONCAT_n -> (
        let ops = ( rec_eval_const args) in
        match ops with
          | [[Array_const_eff (v0, t0)];
             [Array_const_eff (v1, t1)]] -> (
            if(t0 = t1) then 
              [Array_const_eff (List.append v0 v1, t0)]  
                  "\n*** type combination error, can't concat %s with %s"
          | [_;_] -> 
              "type combination error, array type expected"))
          | _ -> raise(EvalConst_error
                         (sprintf "arity error: 2 expected instead of %d" 
                            (List.length ops)))
      | ARRAY_n -> (
        let ops = ( rec_eval_const args) in
        [make_array_const (ops)]
      | ARRAY_ACCES_n ix -> (
        let effargs = List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args) in
        match effargs with
          | [Array_const_eff (elts, _typelts)] -> (
              let sz = List.length elts in
              let effix = eval_array_index env ix lxm in
              let _ = if effix > sz then 
                    sprintf "array index %d out of bounds 0..%d" 
                      effix (sz-1)))
              [List.nth elts effix]
            with EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
          |  _  -> type_error_const effargs "some array"
      | ARRAY_SLICE_n sl -> (
        let (elts, typelts) =
          match List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args) with
            | [Array_const_eff (l, t)] -> (l, t) 
            | x -> type_error_const x "some array"
        (* value la slice *)
          let sliceff = eval_array_slice env sl lxm in
          make_slice_const elts typelts sliceff
            EvalArray_error msg -> raise(EvalConst_error msg)
      | STRUCT_ACCESS_n fid -> 
        let ceff_list = List.flatten ( rec_eval_const args) in
        (match ceff_list with 
          | [Struct_const_eff (flst, typ)] -> (
            try [(List.assoc fid flst)]
            with Not_found -> 
              raise (EvalConst_error
                       (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a field of struct %s" 
          | [x] -> type_error_const [x] "struct type"
          | x -> arity_error_const x "1"
      | CALL_n _ -> not_evaluable_construct "node call"
      | WHEN_n _ -> not_evaluable_construct "when"
      | FBY_n -> not_evaluable_construct "fby"
      | ARROW_n -> not_evaluable_construct "->"
      | CURRENT_n -> not_evaluable_construct "current"
      | PRE_n -> not_evaluable_construct "pre"
      | Predef_n(op) -> 
        let effargs =  ( rec_eval_const args) in
        LicEvalConst.f env lxm [] effargs
  (* Fonction rcursive secondaire       *)
  (* -> Eval. d'une expression spciale  *)
  (* "par nom"                           *)
  and eval_by_name_const
      (namop : by_name_op)   (* l'operateur *)
      (lxm : Lxm.t)      (* source de l'oprateur *)
      (namargs : (Lv6Id.t srcflagged * val_exp) list) (* arguments *)
    let arg_tab = Hashtbl.create 50 in 
    let treat_one_arg opid ((pid:Lv6Id.t srcflagged), (pexp:val_exp)) =
      if Hashtbl.mem arg_tab
          sprintf "multiple definition of param %s in %s call"
            (Lv6Id.to_string (Lv6Id.string_of_idref false opid)))
        let v = rec_eval_const pexp in
        match v with
          | [x] -> Hashtbl.add arg_tab (pid.src, x)
          | _ -> 
              sprintf "unexpected tuple value for param %s in %s call"
                (Lv6Id.to_string (Lv6Id.string_of_idref false opid)))
      | STRUCT_anonymous_n -> finish_me "anonymous struct"; assert false
      (* effet de bord : on tabule les parametres effectifs *)
        List.iter (treat_one_arg opid) namargs ;
        (* pour l'instant, on ne traite que les constructions de struct *)
        let teff = env.id2type opid lxm in
        [make_struct_const teff None arg_tab]
      | STRUCT_WITH_n (opid,opid2) -> (
        List.iter (treat_one_arg opid) namargs ;
        let teff = env.id2type opid lxm in
        [make_struct_const teff (Some opid2) arg_tab]
  (* Corps de la fonction principale      *)

   Lv6Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg (fun () ->
      let lxm = lxm_of_val_exp vexp in "#CALL EvalConst.f '";
      Dbg.p_val_exp vexp; "' %s\n" (Dbg.s_lxm lxm);
   let res = rec_eval_const vexp in
   Lv6Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg (fun () ->
      let _lxm = lxm_of_val_exp vexp in "#RET  EvalConst.f '";
      Dbg.p_val_exp vexp; " = %s\n" (Dbg.s_const_eff_list res)
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  Rle : calcule une taille de tableau 
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  Lic.ts de bord :
  EvalArray_error "bad array size, type int expected but get <t>" si t pas int
  EvalArray_error "bad array size <n>" si n <= 0
and (eval_array_size: IdSolver.t -> val_exp -> int) =
  fun id_solver szexp -> 
    match (f id_solver szexp) with
      | [Int_const_eff sz] -> 
        let sz = int_of_string sz in
        if (sz >= 0) then sz else
          raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf "bad array size %d" sz))
        raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf  "bad array size, int expected but get %s"
                                (Lic.string_of_type(Lic.type_of_const x)))) 
        raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf "bad array size, int expected, not a tuple"))
  Rle :
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  Entres :
  id_solver, val_exp, taille du tableau
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  Sorties :
  int (entre 0 et taille du tableau -1
  Lic.ts de bord :
  EvalArray_error msg si pas bon
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and eval_array_index
    (env : IdSolver.t)
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    (ixexp : val_exp)
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      match (f env ixexp) with
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        | [Int_const_eff i] 
        | [Abstract_const_eff(_,_, (Int_const_eff i), true)] -> int_of_string i 
        | [Abstract_const_eff(id,_,_,false)] ->
          raise(EvalArray_error("The const " ^ (Lv6Id.string_of_long false id) ^ 
          raise(EvalArray_error("The const " ^ (Lv6Id.string_of_long false id) ^ 
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        | [x] -> raise(EvalArray_error(sprintf 
                                         "bad array index, int expected but get %s"
                                         (Lic.string_of_type(Lic.type_of_const x)))
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        | _ -> raise(EvalArray_error(
          sprintf "bad array index, int expected but get a tuple"))
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        raise (Compile_error(lxm, "can't eval constant: "^msg))
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(*  and check_int i sz = *)
(*     if ((i >= 0) && (i < sz)) then i *)
(*     else raise(EvalArray_error( *)
(*                  sprintf "array index %d out of bounds 0..%d" i (sz-1))) *)
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  Rle :

  Entres :
  IdSolver.t, slice_info, size du tableau,
  lxm (source de l'opration slice pour warning)
  slice_info_eff, i.e.
  (fisrt,last,step,width) tels que step <> 0 et
  - si step > 0 alors 0<=first<=last<=sz
  - si step < 0 alors 0<=last<=first<=sz
  - 1<=width<=sz 
  Lic.ts de bord :
  EvalArray_error msg si pas bon
and eval_array_slice (env : IdSolver.t) (sl : slice_info) (lxm : Lxm.t) =
    let first_ix = eval_array_index env sl.si_first lxm in 
    let last_ix = eval_array_index env sl.si_last lxm in
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        | Some stepexp -> (
            | [Int_const_eff s] ->  int_of_string s (* ok *)                    
            | [x] -> raise(EvalArray_error(
              sprintf  "bad array step, int expected but get %s"
                (Lic.string_of_type (Lic.type_of_const x)))) 
            | _ -> raise(EvalArray_error(
              sprintf "bad array step, int expected but get a tuple"))
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        | None -> if (first_ix <= last_ix) then 1 else -1
      (step = 0) 
      || ((step > 0) && (first_ix > last_ix))
      || ((step < 0) && (first_ix < last_ix))
      let msg = sprintf "bad array slice [%d..%d] step %d" first_ix last_ix step in
      raise (EvalArray_error msg)
      (* index relatif du dernier *)
      let last_rel = abs (last_ix-first_ix) in
      let abs_step = abs step in
      (* le dernier est-il pris dans la tranche ? *)
      if ((last_rel mod abs_step) <> 0) then
        warning lxm (sprintf "last index out of slice [%d..%d step %d]" 
                       first_ix last_ix step);
      let width = 1 + last_rel/abs_step in
      (* on force le dernier a tre dans la tranche *)
      let real_last_ix = first_ix + (width-1) * step in
      (* (first_ix,last_ix,step,width) *)
        se_first = first_ix;
        se_last = real_last_ix;
        se_step = step;
        se_width = width
        raise (Compile_error(lxm, "can't eval constant: "^msg))