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(** Time-stamp: <modified the 26/05/2009 (at 17:02) by Erwan Jahier> *)
open LicDump
open Printf
open Lxm
open Errors
open Eff
let ci2str = LicDump.string_of_clock2
type subst1 = (Ident.t * Ident.t) list

   A dedicated kind of substitution tailored to deal with clock variables 
   (Eff.ClockVar). A few fact motivating why a general unification algorithm
   is not necessary.
   - ClockVar can only be created at val_exp leaves.

   - each leave returns a unique ClockVar

   - By construction, clocks of the form "On(id,clk)" do not
   contain ClockVar (I should probably craft a new Eff.clock type
   that materialize this fact).
   - When unifying two Eff.clocks, as far as ClockVar are concerned, there is 
   therefore only two cases:

   (1) c1,c2= ClockVar i, ClockVar j
   (2) c1,c2= ClockVar i, clk (where clk does not contain ClockVar _ )
   We do that by constructing subst2 only via the function [add_link2] (case 1) and 
   [add_subst2] (case 2).

   And since [add_subst2] is linear (cf the code), this unification algorithm 
   is also linear.

module IntMap = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
module IntSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)

(* Clock variable information associated to a clock var cv *)
type cv_info = 
  | Equiv of IntSet.t (* the list of CV that are equals to cv *)
  | Clk of clock (* a ground clock *)
      (* The idea of this DS is the following. We maintain, for free CVs,
         the list of CVs that are equals to them. Hence, once a CV is
         becomes bounded, it is easy to bound all the CVs that were equal to

type cv_tbl = cv_info IntMap.t
type subst2 = { cpt : int; cv_tbl : cv_tbl }


let (subst2_to_string : subst2 -> string) = 
  fun s2 -> 
    (String.concat ",\n\t " 
          (fun i cvi acc ->
             (match cvi with
                | Clk c -> 
                    "CV_" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ "/" ^ 
		      (ci2str c)
                | Equiv is -> "CV_" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ " in  {" ^ 
                    (String.concat "," 
                       (IntSet.fold (fun i acc -> (string_of_int i)::acc) is [])) ^
       )) ^ "\n"

let (subst_to_string : subst -> string) = 
  fun (s1,s2) -> 
    let v2s = Ident.to_string in
      (String.concat ", " ( (fun (v1,v2) -> (v2s v1) ^ "/" ^ (v2s v2)) s1)) ^
        "\nsubst2:\n\t " ^ (subst2_to_string s2)

let (empty_subst2:subst2) = { cpt = 0 ; cv_tbl = IntMap.empty }
let (empty_subst:subst) = [], empty_subst2
let (add_subst1 : Ident.t -> Ident.t -> subst1 -> subst1) =
  fun id1 id2 s ->
    if List.mem_assoc id1 s then s else (id1,id2)::s

let rec (add_link2 : int -> int -> subst2 -> subst2) =
  fun i j s2 ->
    if j > i then add_link2 j i s2 else
      let tbl = s2.cv_tbl in
      let cvi_i = IntMap.find i tbl
      and cvi_j = IntMap.find j tbl in
      let tbl =
        match cvi_i, cvi_j with
          | Equiv li, Equiv lj ->
              let l = IntSet.union li lj in
              let tbl = IntSet.fold (fun i tbl -> IntMap.add i (Equiv l) tbl) l tbl in
          | Equiv l, Clk c 
          | Clk c, Equiv l ->
              IntSet.fold (fun i tbl -> IntMap.add i (Clk c) tbl) l tbl
          | Clk c1, Clk c2 -> 
              assert (c1=c2); tbl
        { s2 with cv_tbl = tbl }

let (add_subst2 : int -> Eff.clock -> subst2 -> subst2) =
  fun i c s2 ->
    let tbl =
      match IntMap.find i s2.cv_tbl with
        | Equiv l -> 
            IntSet.fold (fun i tbl -> IntMap.add i (Clk c) tbl) l s2.cv_tbl
        | Clk c2 -> 
            IntMap.add i (Clk c2) s2.cv_tbl
      { s2 with cv_tbl = tbl }

let (find_subst1 : Ident.t -> subst1 -> Ident.t option) =
  fun id s ->
    try Some (List.assoc id s) with Not_found -> None

let (find_subst2 : int -> subst2 -> Eff.clock option) =
  fun i s2 ->
      match IntMap.find i s2.cv_tbl with
        | Equiv l -> None
        | Clk c -> Some c
    with Not_found -> 
      print_string (" *** Don't know anything about CV" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ "\n");
      print_string (" in the table : " ^ subst2_to_string s2);
      flush stdout;
      assert false
(* Stuff to generate fresh clock vars *)
(* exported *)
let (new_clock_var : subst -> subst * Eff.clock) =
  fun (s1, s2) -> 
    let clk = ClockVar s2.cpt in
    let tbl = IntMap.add s2.cpt (Equiv (IntSet.singleton s2.cpt)) s2.cv_tbl in
    let s2 = { cpt = s2.cpt+1; cv_tbl = tbl } in
(*       print_string (" >>> Creating CV" ^ (string_of_int (s2.cpt-1)) ^ "\n"); *)
(*       flush stdout; *)
      (s1, s2), clk
let rec (apply_subst:subst -> Eff.clock -> Eff.clock) =
  fun (s1,s2) c ->
      | BaseEff -> BaseEff
      | On((cc,cv),clk) ->
	  let cv = match find_subst1 cv s1 with Some cv2 -> cv2 | None -> cv in
          let clk = apply_subst (s1,s2) clk in
	    On((cc,cv),  clk)
      | ClockVar i ->
          match find_subst2 i s2 with
            | Some clk -> apply_subst (s1,s2) clk
            | None -> c
(* apply only the second part of the subst *)
let rec (apply_subst2:subst -> Eff.clock -> Eff.clock) =
  fun (s1,s2) c ->
        | BaseEff -> BaseEff 
            let clk = apply_subst2 (s1,s2) clk in
              On(v, clk)
        | ClockVar i -> 
            match find_subst2 i s2 with
              | Some clk -> apply_subst2 (s1,s2) clk
              | None -> c
let rec (apply_subst_val_exp : subst -> Eff.val_exp -> Eff.val_exp) =
  fun s ve ->
    let ve_core = 
      match ve.core with
        | CallByPosEff (by_pos_op, OperEff vel) -> 
            let vel = (apply_subst_val_exp s) vel in
              CallByPosEff (by_pos_op, OperEff vel)
        | CallByNameEff(by_name_op, fl) -> 
            let fl =
              (fun (fn,ve) -> (fn, apply_subst_val_exp s ve)) fl
              CallByNameEff(by_name_op, fl)
    let new_clk = (apply_subst s) ve.clk in
    let ve = { ve with core = ve_core ; clk = new_clk } in
let is_clock_var = function 
  | On(_) | BaseEff -> false | ClockVar _ -> true
let (f : Lxm.t -> subst -> Eff.clock -> Eff.clock -> subst) =
  fun lxm (s1,s2) ci1 ci2 -> 
    let ci1 = apply_subst (s1,s2) ci1 in
    let ci2 = apply_subst (s1,s2) ci2 in
    let rec aux (s1,s2) (c1,c2) = 
        match (c1,c2) with
	| On(v,clk), BaseEff
	| BaseEff, On(v,clk) -> (s1,s2)
	    (* not unifiable: we stop trying to find a substitution and return s;
	       the error message is issued outside [aux] (just below).
	| BaseEff, BaseEff -> (s1,s2) (* ok *)
	| On((cc1,cv1), clk1), On((cc2,cv2), clk2) ->
	    let s1 = if cv1 = cv2 then s1 else add_subst1 cv2 cv1 s1 in
	      aux (s1,s2) (clk1, clk2)
            if i=j then s1,s2 else s1,(add_link2 i j s2) 
	| ClockVar i, ci
	| ci, ClockVar i -> s1, add_subst2 i ci s2
    let s = aux (s1,s2) (ci1,ci2) in
    let unifiable =
      (* Two clocks are unifiable iff, once s have been applied, they are
         equal, or one of them is a clock variable *)
      let ci1 = apply_subst s ci1
      and ci2 = apply_subst s ci2 
        ci1 = ci2 || is_clock_var ci1 || is_clock_var ci2
      if unifiable then (
	Verbose.print_string ~level:3 (
	  "# clock checking: unifying '" ^ (ci2str ci1) ^
	    "' and '" ^ (ci2str ci2) ^ "' ->  "^ (subst_to_string s) ^"\n");
	flush stdout;
	let msg =  
	  ("\n*** clock error: The two following clocks are not unifiable:\n***\t" ^ 
	   (ci2str ci1) ^ "\n***\t" ^ 
	   (ci2str ci2) ^ "\n")
	  raise(Compile_error(lxm, msg))

(* exported *)
let (list : Lxm.t -> Eff.clock list -> subst -> Eff.clock * subst) =
  fun lxm cl s -> 
      (fun (clk,s) clk2 -> 
	 let s = f lxm s clk clk2 in
	 let clk = apply_subst s clk in (* necessary? *)
      (List.hd cl, s)
      ( cl)
(* exported *)
let rec (const_to_val_eff: Lxm.t -> bool -> subst -> const -> subst * val_exp) = 
  fun lxm expand_const s const -> 
    let mk_by_pos_op by_pos_op_eff =
      let s, clk = new_clock_var s in
      { core = CallByPosEff(flagit by_pos_op_eff lxm, OperEff []) ; 
        typ = [type_of_const const] ;
        clk = [clk];
    let id_of_int i = Ident.of_string (string_of_int i) in
      match const with
        | Bool_const_eff b -> 
            s, mk_by_pos_op (Predef((if b then Predef.TRUE_n else Predef.FALSE_n), [])) 
        | Int_const_eff  i ->
            s, mk_by_pos_op (Predef((Predef.ICONST_n (id_of_int i)),[]))
        | Real_const_eff r -> 
            s, mk_by_pos_op (Predef((Predef.RCONST_n (Ident.of_string r)),[]))
        | Enum_const_eff   (l, _)
        | Extern_const_eff (l, _) -> s, mk_by_pos_op (IDENT (Ident.idref_of_long l))

        | Abstract_const_eff (l,  teff, c, is_exported) -> 
            if expand_const 
            then const_to_val_eff lxm expand_const s c
            else s, mk_by_pos_op (IDENT (Ident.idref_of_long l))

        | Array_const_eff  (ct, _) -> 
            let s, vel = 
                (fun (s,vel) c -> 
                   let s,ve = const_to_val_eff lxm expand_const s c in
            let vel = List.rev  vel in
              s, mk_by_pos_op (ARRAY vel)

        | Struct_const_eff (fl, stype) ->
            let sname = match stype with 
              | Struct_type_eff(sname, _) -> sname
              | _ -> assert false
            let pack = Ident.pack_of_long sname in
            let name_op_flg = flagit (STRUCT(pack, Ident.idref_of_long sname)) lxm in

            let s, fl = 
                (fun (s,fl) (id,const) -> 
                   let s, ve = const_to_val_eff lxm expand_const s const in
                   s, (flagit id lxm, ve)::fl
            let fl = List.rev fl in
              s, { core = (CallByNameEff(name_op_flg, fl));
                   typ = [stype] ;
                   clk = [BaseEff]