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Verimag's fork of CompCert
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A version of CompCert with
extra optimization a backend for the Kalray KVX coreUpdated -
DecentMon: an OCaml Benchmark for Decentralised Monitoring of LTL Formulae
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Reproduce the experimental results of an article under submission (at the LITES journal) named :
''Improving WCET Evaluation using Counters and Linear Relation Analysis''
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Tools and libs shared by Verimag/synchronous tools (lustre, lutin, rdbg).
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The experiment of this project has been moved into the osim-lutin project inside the verimag/reproducible-research/ group
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Reproduce the experimental results of an article currently under submission
"Assessing Software Abstractions inWCET Analysis of Reactive Programs"
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RDBG stands for Reactive programs DeBuGger.
Its a programmable debugger that targets reactive programs for which a rdbg-plugin exists. Currently two plugins exist : one for Lustre, and one for Lutin (nb: both are synchronous programming languages).
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The objective of run-bench is to measure the execution time of a set of tools (e.g., compilers) and tool options on several data files (e.g., programs).