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Erwan Jahier authored
(which breaks lurettetop)

nb : Mamadou's change broke some tests (18->53). Empty body is
generated for nodes that have one eq.  I'll fix that later.


Pour installer les outils de cross compilation (gcc et ocaml) :

aptitude install mingw32 mingw32-binutils mingw32-runtime mingw32-ocaml gcc-mingw32

sur grivola, le cross-compilateur gcc est la : /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/bin


you need ocaml, rdbg-plugin, (more ?)

git clone file:///usr/local/src/lustre/repos/lus2lic.git lus2lic
cd lus2lic
make test


Tests (./test)

requires ‘sudo apt-get install dejagnu’

The idea is to run those tests before each commit.

All tests are controlled by file:test/Makefile; which runs the lus2lic compiler with various options on every files contained in

  • file:tests/should_work/ that contains correct Lustre V6 programs
  • file:tests/should_fail/ that contains incorrect ones (e.g., that contains a type error).
  • file:tests/should_work/broken and file:tests/should_fail/broken that contain broken tests

a ‘make test’ in this test dir will run quite a lot of tests, and generate several files:

  • file:testslus2lic.sum: a summary generated by the runtest (dejagnu) program
  • lus2lic.log: a log file generated by runtest
  • lus2lic.diff: which is a diff betwenn lus2lic.log and lus2lic.log.ref

‘make test’ exits normally iff lus2lic.diff is empty.

‘make utest’ will update the lus2lic.log.ref

‘make test’ is actually equivalent to ‘make nonreg’ plus ‘make prog’. The goal is that:

  • ‘make nonreg’ have no unexpected failures/successes
  • ‘make prog’ have no expected failures/successes

Hence, before issuing a ‘make utest’, it is better if it is the case unless you plan to fix the problems in the very short term.

Sources (./src)

‘make html’ in the top directory produces html doc that can be browsed here: file:ocamldoc/index.html

Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler (in src)

First of all, the Lustre files are parsed,

lxm.{ml|mli} lexer.mll parser.mly ident.{ml|mli}

and put input tables performing some checks along the way (references)

astTab.{ml|mli} astTabSymbol.{ml|mli} astV6Dump.{ml|mli}

Some source to source manip are performed of those tables

astInstanciateModel.{ml|mli} astRecognizePredef.{ml|mli}

Then the source is statically evaluated and type/clock checked

ast2lic.{ml|mli} licTab.{ml|mli} licDump.{ml|mli} licMetaOp.{ml|mli} licName.{ml|mli} licEvalClock.{ml|mli} licEvalConst.{ml|mli} licEvalType.{ml|mli} evalClock.{ml|mli} evalConst.{ml|mli} evalType.{ml|mli} unifyClock.{ml|mli} unifyType.{ml|mli}

Lic is transformed into a LicPrg (imperative table->functional maps)


Some source to source manip are performed

l2lAliasType.{ml|mli} l2lCheckOutputs.{ml|mli} l2lExpandArrays.{ml|mli} l2lExpandNodes.{ml|mli} l2lRmPoly.{ml|mli} l2lSplit.{ml|mli}

All this controlled from a main program lv6MainArgs.{ml|mli} compile.{ml|mli}

Some misc (eponymous) modules are used along the way.

verbose.{ml|mli} filenameExtras.mli

crutch to remove