- Apr 10, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
Symbolic link as as I did are a bad idea. I will synchronise them using git subtrees or submodules latter, as explained here: http://www.elegantchaos.com/node/432 http://www.elegantchaos.com/high-level-git-subtree-scripts
Erwan Jahier authored
Also Merge the Global and the MainArg module as they were (bizzarely) both handling command args options.
- Apr 08, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
I took the data type definition from SocExecValue to define a Data module that is a strict extension of the Lutin Data module. The duplicated Genlex module is now also identical to the one of Lurette. Quite boring, but simple thanks to the ocaml type system.
- Mar 19, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
- Mar 11, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
- Mar 05, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
Can be tried unsing the -exec option. currently only working with trivial programs manipulating equalities (wires) and predef operators (no pre, ->, arrays, and node calls).
- Feb 25, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
Indeed, the data structure in output of the lis2loc parser was very similar to Lic.t/LicPrg.t. Hence, this shunt. At this stage it compiles, but it's untested and does not work.
- Feb 22, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
- Feb 13, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
BTW, put everything that concerns node environement into the new IdSolver module (from the Lic module).
- Jan 31, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
nb : do not work for lv4/ec mode
- Jan 29, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
Also fix some bugs in DumpLic when printing condact in other modes.
- Jan 24, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
- Jan 11, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
Erwan Jahier authored
nb : I've transformed all the regressions I've seen into todo entries in todo.org. nb 2 : I did not mv the newly broken tests into the broken dirs. I'll do that for those I do not want to fix in the short term.
- Dec 20, 2012
Erwan Jahier authored
- Dec 18, 2012
Erwan Jahier authored
- Dec 13, 2012
Erwan Jahier authored
Erwan Jahier authored
nb: les tests ne passent toujours bien sur. * Partie lus -> AST predef.ml -> srcPredef.ml syntaxTreeCore.ml -> astCore.ml syntaxTree.ml -> astV6.ml syntaxTreeDump.mli-> astV6Dump.mli * Partie Ast -> Ast solveIdent.mli -> astRecognizePredef.mli syntaxTab.mli -> astTab.mli symbolTab.mli -> astTabSymbol.mli * Partie AST -> lic (static evaluation) eff.ml -> lic.ml getEff.mli -> ast2lic.mli lazyCompiler.mli -> licTab.mli builtIn.ml -> licMetaOp.ml predefEval*.ml -> licEval*.ml name.mli -> licName.mli * Partie Lic -> Lic uniqueOutput.mli -> l2lCheckOutputs.mli structArrayExpand.mli -> l2lExpandArrays.mli nodesExpand.mli -> l2lExpandNodes.mli doNoPoly.ml -> l2lRmPoly.ml doAliasTypes.ml -> l2lAliasType.ml doSplit.ml -> l2lSplit.ml
- Dec 11, 2012
Erwan Jahier authored
+ remise en place du souk qu'il a mis dans le repertoire test. - il a commencé à rajouter le CondAct (tout est parti de la en fait...) - il a coupé le LazyCompiler en morceaux Pour cela, il a créé un nouveau module LicPrg qui définit la structure de données (SDD) en sortie du LazyCompiler. Ensuite, les diverses tranformations src2src sont faites à partir de cette SDD. - il a débranché (temporairement) l'expansion de noeud et de array/structure - il a débranché ma pseudo inférence de type et a mis à la place une vérification de types. - Le traitement du polymorphisme est effectué via une transfo src2src dans DoNoPoly (que je vais renommer en RmPoly) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Par ailleurs, J'ai créé un todo.org et un README.org que je vais essayer de tenir à jour. nb: les tests ne passent toujours bien sur.
- Oct 26, 2012
Erwan Jahier authored
- Aug 10, 2012
Pascal Raymond authored
- plus de macros prefefinies (e.g. FILL, BOOLRED etc...) (remplacé par la notion de BuiltIn) - split.ml adapté et remanié pour rentrer dans le moule source to source (voir DoSplit)
- Aug 06, 2012
pascal authored
- Aug 03, 2012
Pascal Raymond authored
- Jul 13, 2012
Pascal Raymond authored
IDENT remplacé par VAR_REF/CONST_REF - plus de node_exp dans les CALL, juste une ref (node_key) - reste a faire pareil pour les NodeStaticArgEff
- Jul 11, 2012
Pascal Raymond authored
importante du mecanisme de UnifyType : - fait : * definition de Eff.poly_match * TypeVar type_var au lieu de Any/Overload avec type_var = Any | AnyNum (pour l'instant et pour longtemps ?!) - à faire : * revoir UnifyType pour qu'il rende un poly_match * stocker là où c'est nécessaire les poly_match calculés lors du type check (pour les CALL et peut-être les sargs ?)
- Jul 10, 2012
Pascal Raymond authored
Pascal Raymond authored
- Jul 07, 2012
pascal authored
- Jul 06, 2012
Pascal Raymond authored
Pascal Raymond authored
- Jul 04, 2012
Pascal Raymond authored
Erwan Jahier authored
Pascal Raymond authored
- Jan 20, 2010
Erwan Jahier authored
Erwan Jahier authored
- May 26, 2009
Erwan Jahier authored
message if the constant is abstract ("an integer is expected whereas an int is provided" was not a great message...).
- Mar 11, 2009
Erwan Jahier authored
expanser to expand the mentioned node.
Erwan Jahier authored
maintaining (ugly and error-prone) hash tables.
- Feb 04, 2009
Erwan Jahier authored
When a node P::n1 wants to access to a node P::n2, it is ok to search for it in the boby of P.
- Jul 22, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored