- May 27, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
work yet though (returns the wrong type). Also add the struct printer, and fix a bug in the static argument printing.
- May 26, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
performed. The resulting code is both more compact, and more general. It is more general, since that predef operators are now represented by node_exp_eff, exactly as user nodes. Hence, all the functions that were operating on user nodes via node_exp_eff (such as, node aliasing) works for free on predef op! In order to be able to perform that generalisation, it was necessary to extend sligthly the data structure used to represent the node profile in CompiledData.node_exp_eff with information indicating if a variable is polymorphic or overloaded. Not that, currently, polymorphic or overloaded variables can only be introduced by predef operators. But I think it would be easy to add those notions for normal user nodes after this change. New non-reg files boolred now compiles. Those involving - boolred - alias on predef.op
- May 21, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
Also, node aliased to other nodes were handled poorly: I was replacing in the syntax tree the node by its alias. Now, I really define the alias node using the aliases one. For instance, node toto(x:t) returns (y:t); let ... tel node titi = toto; node tutu(...) returns(...); let ... z = titi(a); tel was compiled into node toto(x:t) returns (y:t); let ... tel node tutu(...) returns(...); let ... z = toto(a); tel Now, I generate node toto(x:t) returns (y:t); let ... tel node titi(i1:t) returns (o1:t); let o1 =toto(i1); tel node tutu(...) returns(...); let ... z = titi(a); tel which is equivalent, but closer to the original program.
- May 20, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
(support for fill, red, etc. is coming soon). In order to add support for iterators, I have extended the by_pos_op (and the by_pos_op_eff) data type with a list of static arguments. In other words, iterators are handled as a particular case of predefined operators.
- May 15, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
t, and a node returning such a t, the compiler was actually returning the type definition of t (instead of the abstract type). In order to fix that, it was necessary to add in argument of Lazycompiler.solve_x_idref a flag (named provide_flag) indicating whether the item being compiled appears in the provide, or in the body part of the package. This fix triggered another bug that we also fix: indeed, it is not correct to return a compile error when the provided parameters of a node is not equal to its implementation. Indeed, such parameters can be abstract type that are defined in that package. The test "should_work/packEnvTest/packages.lus" is now ok.
- Apr 02, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
For non-regression tests, do not use Lazycompiler.test function anymore and just use LazyCompiler.node_check instead. put in the new file compiledDataDump.ml all the stuff related to string convertions of CompiledData items.
- Mar 28, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
and anonymous structures. I've even found some type errors in the non-reg files!
- Mar 20, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
operators. Predef contains the abstract syntax of those operators (taken for SyntaxTreeCore.by_pos_op), and PredefSemantics contains: - const_eval: that says how to statically evaluate constants - type_eval: that provides the type profile of predef operators - clock_eval: that provides the clock profile of predef operators The code in EvalConst that dealt with predef const evaluation is now in Predef.const_eval
- Mar 14, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
Erwan Jahier authored
This is done via the new module EvalEq. A lot of new errors appear in the on-reg tests, which is normal as quite a lot of the code is now used...
- Mar 11, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
predefined nodes. The idea is that the Predef module will contain all the necessary information to build a node_info_eff for each of the predefined operator. It migth makes thing more difficult to deal with overling, but we'll see later how to fix that. Anyway, not all the predefinef operator are overloaded, so...
Erwan Jahier authored
used in order to make it homogoneous with what is done in SyntaxTreeCore.ml This commit is related to the previous one actually. Also remove all this story of node_half_eff that is not used (yet), and that may not be useful (we'll see later). Also continue to fix the representation of SyntaxTrreCore.node_info : -> remove the node alias -> put the corresponding infomation in node_body field -> rename node_body field into node_def -> associate to node_def (instead of a body option) a new union type made of Abstract, Extern, Alias of ..., Body of ... This allows us to - remove an "assert false" to deal with node with body and alias (this new presentation makes it impossible) - Deal with Abstract node properly
Erwan Jahier authored
change is - make the parser simpler - make the compilation simpler - make everything simpler actually... - accepts more correct programs. - etc. Indeed, before, we had specific syntax nodes for - extern nodes - aliased nodes - abstract nodes - normal nodes which leads to duplicate code everywhere. Now, we have a more generic representation. The nice thing is that the parser is much simpler, and a lot of duplicated code is avoided (for example, extern and abstract nodes do now share the same code). The bad thing is that we have more "assert false" lying everywere due to this «too rich» representation, in order to deal with cases that can never happen. For exemple, we have to do something with nodes that have both an alias and a body. This cannot happen of course, so we issue an "assert false", which is a little bit painful, as it have been rejected by the parser anyway. Moreover, for some reason, external node params could not be clocked, and cannot have static params. Maybe it is not possible to compile such nodes (I don't know yet), but we should not raise a syntax error IMHO. Somehow, what was done was very similar to ask the parser to perform type checking.
- Mar 06, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
EvalNode.f rename back predef_node into by_pos_op.
Erwan Jahier authored
- Feb 20, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
- Feb 15, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
To do that, we : (1) totally remove (in the ocaml code) the use of "oper", and use "node" instead. Indeed, a node is a memoryfull operator, as opposed to function that are memoryless operators. However, lus2lic does not really care about memoryless and memoryfull information. Therefore I prefer to use node everywhere, and to flag node_info to indicate whether it has memories or not. (2) change the syntaxTreeCore type to make it more general. Indeed, the distinction between functions and nodes was - redundant: extern nodes and (extern) functions were handled differently (NodeExtern versus ExtNode (was named FUNC before)). - and incomplete: it was not possible to provide static parameters to function, nor to define functions with body, etc. Now a function is just a memoryless node. The check that function indeed use no memory will be done later. (3) also, change the parser so that functions with body are accepted. (4) in order to do it step by step, I add the "extern" keyword" so that extern nodes and functions are more easy to parse. I will remove it later.
- Feb 14, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
- Feb 12, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
Do not test nodes with static params as it is too difficult to do from the top-level automatically. Indeed, it would require to build effective static arg before, which would require to make node_check mutually recursive with type_check and co. Its not worth the trouble, as such node can be tested anyway if used. LazyCompiler.solve_node_idref: compile (with the new function check_static_arg) static params instead of ignoring them. EvalConst.eval_const -> EvalConst.f for simplicity and homogeneity with the naming scheme used in EvalType.
Erwan Jahier authored
Better error msgs. Renaming idents.
- Feb 07, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
oper -> node func -> extern node node -> (user) node
Erwan Jahier authored
CALL_BY_NAME -> STRUCT_n STRUCT_EXP_n -> STRUCT_anonymous_n flaged -> flagged
- Feb 06, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
src/syntaxTreeCore.ml (new file) Split syntaxTree.ml into syntaxTree.ml and syntaxTreeCore.ml. The idea is that lic2loc should be able to use syntaxTreeCore.ml verbatim. src/lxm.ml src/lxm.mli remove pack_name from this module, so that it can be shared with lic2loc too (this is mandatory since it is used by SyntaxTreeCore) src/compile.ml src/compiledData.ml src/evalConst.ml src/evalConst.mli src/evalType.ml src/evalType.mli src/expandPack.ml src/lazyCompiler.ml src/main.ml src/parser.mly src/symbolTab.ml src/symbolTab.mli src/syntaxTab.ml src/syntaxTreeDump.ml src/syntaxTreeDump.mli src/test/Makefile src/test/packs.lus src/test/test.res.exp opening SyntaxTreeCore module, and inline the definition of Lxm.pack_name. Also, begin to replace oper by node or predef_node in identifiers, in order to get a more consistant naming scheme.
- Jan 30, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
src/lxm.ml: src/global: (new file) Add the lustre file name in error messages. src/compiledData.ml: Better Data structure dumping (string_of_type_eff,string_of_const_eff), and more dumping (LazyCompiler.check_const_interface). src/lazyCompiler.ml: Fix a bug that prevented enum constants to be exported. Indeed, in LazyCompiler.const_check_interface_do, only extern constants (Extern_const_eff) were accepted in the provided part, whereas enum contants (Enum_const_eff) should also be accepted. Force constants interface checking in LazyCompiler.test. src/test/Makefile: src/test/onlyroll.lus: src/test/heater_control.lus: src/test/pfs.lus: Some more test files.
- Dec 21, 2007
Erwan Jahier authored
- Dec 17, 2007
Erwan Jahier authored
Erwan Jahier authored
ParserUtils.flat_flaged_list -> ParserUtils.flat_flagged_list
- Dec 14, 2007
Erwan Jahier authored
Ident.t is now an abstract data type (instead of a string). fullid is turned into an Ident.long, and is also made abstract.
- Oct 19, 2007
Erwan Jahier authored