- Jul 04, 2018
Erwan Jahier authored
- Jul 03, 2018
Erwan Jahier authored
Erwan Jahier authored
nb: i should really add 'make test' in the git commit hooks!
- Apr 27, 2018
erwan authored
Remove unused files along the way (myGenlex.ml/mli)
- Mar 28, 2018
erwan authored
- Mar 25, 2018
erwan authored
By not catching errors, rdbg and (thus) lurette were silently do nothing in presence of errors in Lustre files.
- Mar 23, 2018
erwan authored
The idea is to be able to take into account clock in node profiles when generating the main simulation loop, and to avoid to read inputs that are not present.
- Jan 12, 2018
erwan authored
- Dec 18, 2017
erwan authored
The generated code for tests on boolean output was wrong. Indeed, it was generating if (o1 == _true) { instead of if (*o1 == _true) { nb : a warning was emited
- Dec 14, 2017
erwan authored
- Dec 08, 2017
erwan authored
- Nov 30, 2017
erwan authored
Add code to support empty arrays (not yet working)
- Oct 04, 2017
erwan authored
- Sep 27, 2017
erwan authored
BTW, fix iterator handling which was not working from SocExecDbg
- Sep 12, 2017
erwan authored
BTW, fonctionalise the corresponding non-debug code.
- Sep 08, 2017
erwan authored
+ fix a (invisible) bug in lic2soc: the same action was generated twice.
- Sep 06, 2017
erwan authored
Basically, I have added the missing fields
- Aug 22, 2017
erwan authored
It was also the case in L2lRemovingAlias, but the bug in L2lExpandNode was happening before.
- Aug 18, 2017
erwan authored
nb: the 2 tests that now pass pass for other reasons (because of a change in rdbg 1.108)
erwan authored
I've done the same fix in LicDump actually to be sure (more parenthesis can't hurt). fix carligths.lus which was badly initialized
erwan authored
And it is now done only by Lic2soc (L2lCheckLoops is not used anymore) Also, during this change, I was bitten again by the « "__" versus "::" in ident names » problem again. The core of this problem is due to the fact that I use LicDump both for (1) dealing with internal ident names (2) generating lustre files Because of (2), ident names may depend on the ec or the v4 option. hence, internal names were sometimes translated with "__" instead of "::". To (try to) fix that, I've added a boolean flag to all "to_string" functions that states whether the function is used for internal purposes, or for generating lustre files. It was quite a boring change, that triggered other problems, that I've fixed in this (too long) commit : - -esa should force -en, otherwise bad things happen (-esa is used for -ec anyway) - in -esa mode, #/nor inputs tuples of bool, not arrays - fix the list of predi op that returns a type different that its arg (SocPredef)
- Jul 18, 2017
- Jul 12, 2017
erwan authored
- Jul 10, 2017
erwan authored
Indeed, x=y iff memcmp(x,y) == 0 not x=y iff memcmp(x,y) != 0 !
erwan authored
erwan authored
But actually, it is possible to have node without output, so expression without output clock is perfrectly possible, as in the following example : node h(x : bool) returns (); var h : bool; let h = false fby (not x); tel node f(x : bool) returns (y: bool); var u:bool; let y,u = (false, h(true), true) fby (true, x, h(false)); tel
- Jul 05, 2017
erwan authored
Also, -eeb is now the default when using -ec.
erwan authored
It was generetaing wrong code in conjunction with -ec. In particular, it was generating n-any "and" instead of binary "and". Also, I needed (in L2LExpandEnum) to generated a Lic.ARRAY of const instead of a Lic.Array_const_eff so that LicDump properly generated ec code.
- Jul 04, 2017
erwan authored
To do that, I have created a new dedicated module L2lExpandEnum, that actually also deals with -eei (which was probably wrong, even if I have not counter-exemple). Use 1-hot encoding instead of log-encoding I've fixed a bug in L2lExpandArrays that occurs on equation such as some_bool = (some_array1 = some_array2); Also, I've rewritten Lv6Compile for more readability Remove duplicated code when using SocMap.find and co
- Jun 27, 2017
erwan authored
I've fixed that using memcmp, which should be fine since compared elements are of the same types.
- Jun 26, 2017
erwan authored
+ add a test that reveal a pb in the generated C code in lustre programs that perform equalities on arrays.
- Jun 22, 2017
erwan authored
- Jun 21, 2017
erwan authored
Indeed, expressions such as "3.0-42.5" caused a syntax error, as the unary minus of real constant was in hard in the lexer. "3.0- 42.5" worked, but still. The problem then was that LicEvalConst refused to eval "- 3.14", that was parsed directly as a constant, and that is now a call to the unary minus. I've added specific code to handle this case.
erwan authored
- Jun 20, 2017
- Jun 01, 2017
erwan authored
- May 05, 2017
erwan authored
The previous change fixed program that contains type decl such as : type t1; type t2 = t1; but not type t1; type t2 = t1^2 ; or type t2 = { xxx : t1^2 ; yyy : t1^2} ; And now it works. To fix it, I have include the _ext.h file into the lustre_type.h one.