- Aug 29, 2019
erwan authored
Remove a lot of warnings (considered as errors by dune).
- Oct 02, 2014
Erwan Jahier authored
that expands the call of the specified node (can be used for several nodes). Remove the previous --do_not-expand-nodes <string> Also, the L2lExpandNodes pass now deletes the expanded nodes from the current LicPrg.t.
- Apr 10, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
Also Merge the Global and the MainArg module as they were (bizzarely) both handling command args options.
- Dec 20, 2012
Erwan Jahier authored
Also call L2lCheckOutputs.check_node for all compiled nodes at the end of all the l2l transfo.
- Dec 13, 2012
Erwan Jahier authored
nb: les tests ne passent toujours bien sur. * Partie lus -> AST predef.ml -> srcPredef.ml syntaxTreeCore.ml -> astCore.ml syntaxTree.ml -> astV6.ml syntaxTreeDump.mli-> astV6Dump.mli * Partie Ast -> Ast solveIdent.mli -> astRecognizePredef.mli syntaxTab.mli -> astTab.mli symbolTab.mli -> astTabSymbol.mli * Partie AST -> lic (static evaluation) eff.ml -> lic.ml getEff.mli -> ast2lic.mli lazyCompiler.mli -> licTab.mli builtIn.ml -> licMetaOp.ml predefEval*.ml -> licEval*.ml name.mli -> licName.mli * Partie Lic -> Lic uniqueOutput.mli -> l2lCheckOutputs.mli structArrayExpand.mli -> l2lExpandArrays.mli nodesExpand.mli -> l2lExpandNodes.mli doNoPoly.ml -> l2lRmPoly.ml doAliasTypes.ml -> l2lAliasType.ml doSplit.ml -> l2lSplit.ml
- Jul 13, 2012
Pascal Raymond authored
IDENT remplacé par VAR_REF/CONST_REF - plus de node_exp dans les CALL, juste une ref (node_key) - reste a faire pareil pour les NodeStaticArgEff
- Apr 14, 2010
Erwan Jahier authored
- Jan 23, 2009
Erwan Jahier authored