- Aug 29, 2019
erwan authored
Remove a lot of warnings (considered as errors by dune).
- Feb 27, 2015
Erwan Jahier authored
- Feb 13, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
BTW, put everything that concerns node environement into the new IdSolver module (from the Lic module).
- Dec 13, 2012
Erwan Jahier authored
nb: les tests ne passent toujours bien sur. * Partie lus -> AST predef.ml -> srcPredef.ml syntaxTreeCore.ml -> astCore.ml syntaxTree.ml -> astV6.ml syntaxTreeDump.mli-> astV6Dump.mli * Partie Ast -> Ast solveIdent.mli -> astRecognizePredef.mli syntaxTab.mli -> astTab.mli symbolTab.mli -> astTabSymbol.mli * Partie AST -> lic (static evaluation) eff.ml -> lic.ml getEff.mli -> ast2lic.mli lazyCompiler.mli -> licTab.mli builtIn.ml -> licMetaOp.ml predefEval*.ml -> licEval*.ml name.mli -> licName.mli * Partie Lic -> Lic uniqueOutput.mli -> l2lCheckOutputs.mli structArrayExpand.mli -> l2lExpandArrays.mli nodesExpand.mli -> l2lExpandNodes.mli doNoPoly.ml -> l2lRmPoly.ml doAliasTypes.ml -> l2lAliasType.ml doSplit.ml -> l2lSplit.ml
- Mar 11, 2009
Erwan Jahier authored
info is attached to all val_exp. Moreover, this allow to perfrom all the type checking in EvalType.f, instead of doin part of it in GetEff.translate_val_exp.
- Aug 29, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
- Mar 28, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
and anonymous structures. I've even found some type errors in the non-reg files!
- Mar 14, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
This is done via the new module EvalEq. A lot of new errors appear in the on-reg tests, which is normal as quite a lot of the code is now used...
- Feb 12, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
Do not test nodes with static params as it is too difficult to do from the top-level automatically. Indeed, it would require to build effective static arg before, which would require to make node_check mutually recursive with type_check and co. Its not worth the trouble, as such node can be tested anyway if used. LazyCompiler.solve_node_idref: compile (with the new function check_static_arg) static params instead of ignoring them. EvalConst.eval_const -> EvalConst.f for simplicity and homogeneity with the naming scheme used in EvalType.
- Feb 07, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
CALL_BY_NAME -> STRUCT_n STRUCT_EXP_n -> STRUCT_anonymous_n flaged -> flagged
- Feb 06, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
src/syntaxTreeCore.ml (new file) Split syntaxTree.ml into syntaxTree.ml and syntaxTreeCore.ml. The idea is that lic2loc should be able to use syntaxTreeCore.ml verbatim. src/lxm.ml src/lxm.mli remove pack_name from this module, so that it can be shared with lic2loc too (this is mandatory since it is used by SyntaxTreeCore) src/compile.ml src/compiledData.ml src/evalConst.ml src/evalConst.mli src/evalType.ml src/evalType.mli src/expandPack.ml src/lazyCompiler.ml src/main.ml src/parser.mly src/symbolTab.ml src/symbolTab.mli src/syntaxTab.ml src/syntaxTreeDump.ml src/syntaxTreeDump.mli src/test/Makefile src/test/packs.lus src/test/test.res.exp opening SyntaxTreeCore module, and inline the definition of Lxm.pack_name. Also, begin to replace oper by node or predef_node in identifiers, in order to get a more consistant naming scheme.
- Dec 21, 2007
Erwan Jahier authored
- Dec 17, 2007
Erwan Jahier authored
Erwan Jahier authored
ParserUtils.flat_flaged_list -> ParserUtils.flat_flagged_list
- Dec 14, 2007
Erwan Jahier authored
Ident.t is now an abstract data type (instead of a string). fullid is turned into an Ident.long, and is also made abstract.
- Oct 19, 2007
Erwan Jahier authored