- Aug 18, 2017
erwan authored
And it is now done only by Lic2soc (L2lCheckLoops is not used anymore) Also, during this change, I was bitten again by the « "__" versus "::" in ident names » problem again. The core of this problem is due to the fact that I use LicDump both for (1) dealing with internal ident names (2) generating lustre files Because of (2), ident names may depend on the ec or the v4 option. hence, internal names were sometimes translated with "__" instead of "::". To (try to) fix that, I've added a boolean flag to all "to_string" functions that states whether the function is used for internal purposes, or for generating lustre files. It was quite a boring change, that triggered other problems, that I've fixed in this (too long) commit : - -esa should force -en, otherwise bad things happen (-esa is used for -ec anyway) - in -esa mode, #/nor inputs tuples of bool, not arrays - fix the list of predi op that returns a type different that its arg (SocPredef)
- Feb 27, 2015
Erwan Jahier authored
- Jan 21, 2015
Erwan Jahier authored
More precisely, a node that has memory ougth to be declared using "node", and using "function" otherwise. Moreover, a node that performs side-effects (i.e., if it calls an extern node that performs side effects) ougth to be declared as "unsafe". Safe/unsafe mismatches raise an error. Memory mismatches raise an error in one way (a "function" that uses memory), and a warning in the other way (a "node" that uses no memory). Also fix some errors done when transmitting the unsafe flag (well, it's the first time I use it!).
- Jan 20, 2015
Erwan Jahier authored
Currently no integrity check is performed (i.e., check that each node that uses an unsafe node is itself declared as unsafe).
- Aug 26, 2014
Erwan Jahier authored
- Apr 04, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
In order to do that, I've generalised the type of merge : now the clock argument can be any expression. Some assert false still prevent its use, but it should be easy to get rid of them (I'll do that latter).
- Feb 07, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
- Feb 06, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
Pascal prepared « the field » for that change.
- Feb 01, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
Erwan Jahier authored
Also, force the merge to operate over an ident rather than on any val_exp.
- Jan 31, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
nb : do not work for lv4/ec mode
- Jan 11, 2013
Erwan Jahier authored
nb : I've transformed all the regressions I've seen into todo entries in todo.org. nb 2 : I did not mv the newly broken tests into the broken dirs. I'll do that for those I do not want to fix in the short term.
- Dec 20, 2012
Erwan Jahier authored
Also call L2lCheckOutputs.check_node for all compiled nodes at the end of all the l2l transfo.
- Dec 13, 2012
Erwan Jahier authored
nb: les tests ne passent toujours bien sur. * Partie lus -> AST predef.ml -> srcPredef.ml syntaxTreeCore.ml -> astCore.ml syntaxTree.ml -> astV6.ml syntaxTreeDump.mli-> astV6Dump.mli * Partie Ast -> Ast solveIdent.mli -> astRecognizePredef.mli syntaxTab.mli -> astTab.mli symbolTab.mli -> astTabSymbol.mli * Partie AST -> lic (static evaluation) eff.ml -> lic.ml getEff.mli -> ast2lic.mli lazyCompiler.mli -> licTab.mli builtIn.ml -> licMetaOp.ml predefEval*.ml -> licEval*.ml name.mli -> licName.mli * Partie Lic -> Lic uniqueOutput.mli -> l2lCheckOutputs.mli structArrayExpand.mli -> l2lExpandArrays.mli nodesExpand.mli -> l2lExpandNodes.mli doNoPoly.ml -> l2lRmPoly.ml doAliasTypes.ml -> l2lAliasType.ml doSplit.ml -> l2lSplit.ml
- Jul 14, 2012
Pascal Raymond authored
et donc ne marchent plus !
- Jul 06, 2010
Pascal Raymond authored
- Jul 02, 2010
Pascal Raymond authored
- May 05, 2010
Erwan Jahier authored
Add a -tlex option to debug the lexer. Also, rename the rules in parser.mly now that their appear in the manual. This renaming work is in progress though.
- Oct 24, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
- Oct 23, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
by position). Rename ExpandPack into InstanciateModel.
- Sep 15, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
change the parser and accept only clock expressions after a when. A clock is now made of 2 idents: one for the clock constructor, and one for the clock variable.
- Sep 01, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
simple, and also avoids 3 shift/reduce conflicts. It also make the pragma stuff more homogeneous and simple to explain in the manual. Moreover, pramgma are no more attached to AST nodes, but to lexemes.
- Aug 29, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
- Jul 17, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
test/should_work/Pascal/t1.lus + typos
- Jul 08, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
lexing nightmares in lic2loc.
- Jul 01, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
- Jun 12, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
It does not work, I have changed my mind to use a more general clocking algorithm based on unification. I commit that current state just in case I change my mind again...
- Jun 06, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
equations is not done at all yet). Also, print the clock decorations (when clk) in the generated file.
- Jun 03, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
SolveIdent.recognize_predef_op that replaces node call by Predef constructor when necessary, via a complete traversal of the SyntaxTree (instead of doing it in the parser). The rationales for this change are that: - it is quite tedious to do it in parser as multiple locations are involved - I did missed some locations - It makes the parser more focused on parsing issues - that traversal is a first step do deal with idref solving (hence the name of the new module that contains that function Note that lsrc/test/should_work/fab_test/lecteur.lus was using "plus" as a variable ident, which raised an error, which
- May 29, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
- May 28, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
in the nonreg tests. They are currently ignored. Moreover, they should be added at other places (or maybe handled differently).
- May 27, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
work yet though (returns the wrong type). Also add the struct printer, and fix a bug in the static argument printing.
- May 21, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
Also, node aliased to other nodes were handled poorly: I was replacing in the syntax tree the node by its alias. Now, I really define the alias node using the aliases one. For instance, node toto(x:t) returns (y:t); let ... tel node titi = toto; node tutu(...) returns(...); let ... z = titi(a); tel was compiled into node toto(x:t) returns (y:t); let ... tel node tutu(...) returns(...); let ... z = toto(a); tel Now, I generate node toto(x:t) returns (y:t); let ... tel node titi(i1:t) returns (o1:t); let o1 =toto(i1); tel node tutu(...) returns(...); let ... z = titi(a); tel which is equivalent, but closer to the original program.
- May 20, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
(support for fill, red, etc. is coming soon). In order to add support for iterators, I have extended the by_pos_op (and the by_pos_op_eff) data type with a list of static arguments. In other words, iterators are handled as a particular case of predefined operators.
- May 07, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
type 'a hereflagged = Here of 'a | NotHere of Ident.long into type 'a elt = Local of 'a | Imported of Ident.long * static_arg list i.e., i am basically doing two things: - fix poor naming - adding static arg to nodes indeed, when compiling an equation that involves nodes defined in another package, I need to check that the static args and the static params match. Therefore I need to have the static params ! Therefore I add them (I will use them in the next commit). Moreover, in SyntaxTreeCore.node_info, the static_params list was an option type, which is a bit weird (empty lists are enough to represent node with no static params).
- May 02, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
not compile them is (well, was) the default...). also, during pretty-printing, remove the type in the constant definition (e.g., "const x = 42;" instead of "const x = 42:int;"), except if it is an abstract constant of course
- Mar 28, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
and anonymous structures. I've even found some type errors in the non-reg files!
- Mar 20, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
operators. Predef contains the abstract syntax of those operators (taken for SyntaxTreeCore.by_pos_op), and PredefSemantics contains: - const_eval: that says how to statically evaluate constants - type_eval: that provides the type profile of predef operators - clock_eval: that provides the clock profile of predef operators The code in EvalConst that dealt with predef const evaluation is now in Predef.const_eval
- Mar 14, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
This is done via the new module EvalEq. A lot of new errors appear in the on-reg tests, which is normal as quite a lot of the code is now used...
- Mar 11, 2008
Erwan Jahier authored
used in order to make it homogoneous with what is done in SyntaxTreeCore.ml This commit is related to the previous one actually. Also remove all this story of node_half_eff that is not used (yet), and that may not be useful (we'll see later). Also continue to fix the representation of SyntaxTrreCore.node_info : -> remove the node alias -> put the corresponding infomation in node_body field -> rename node_body field into node_def -> associate to node_def (instead of a body option) a new union type made of Abstract, Extern, Alias of ..., Body of ... This allows us to - remove an "assert false" to deal with node with body and alias (this new presentation makes it impossible) - Deal with Abstract node properly