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Commit d1ce2327 authored by erwan's avatar erwan
Browse files

Fix: array contant issue

Merge branch 'pascal01'
parents 33b7065b 480a64a5
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Pipeline #23915 failed
......@@ -57,5 +57,5 @@ Library "lustre-v6"
BuildDepends: str,unix,num,rdbg-plugin (>= 1.177)
XMETAEnable: true
InternalModules: SocExecValue,SocUtils,Lv6util,Lv6version,Lv6errors,Lxm,Lv6MainArgs,Lv6Verbose,Soc2cIdent,Soc,SocPredef,Lv6Id,SocExecDbg,SocExec,SocExecEvalPredef,Lv6Compile,AstTab,AstTabSymbol,AstInstanciateModel,Lv6parserUtils,AstV6,FilenameExtras,LicTab,LicDump,AstPredef,Lic,AstCore,FreshName,IdSolver,EvalConst,LicEvalConst,LicEvalType,UnifyType,Ast2lic,AstV6Dump,EvalClock,UnifyClock,LicEvalClock,EvalType,LicPrg,LicMetaOp,L2lCheckOutputs,Lv6Misc,L2lRmPoly,L2lExpandMetaOp,L2lSplit,L2lExpandNodes,L2lExpandArrays,L2lCheckLoops,L2lCheckMemSafe,L2lOptimIte,Lv6lexer,Lv6parser,AstRecognizePredef,Lic2soc,Action,ActionsDeps,SocVar,TopoSort,SortActions,SortActionsExpe,L2lCheckCKeyWord,L2lCheckKcgKeyWord,L2lWhenOnId,L2lNoWhenNot,L2lRemoveAlias,L2lExpandEnum
InternalModules: SocExecValue,SocUtils,Lv6util,Lv6version,Lv6errors,Lxm,Lv6MainArgs,Lv6Verbose,Soc2cIdent,Soc,SocPredef,Lv6Id,SocExecDbg,SocExec,SocExecEvalPredef,Lv6Compile,AstTab,AstTabSymbol,AstInstanciateModel,Lv6parserUtils,AstV6,FilenameExtras,LicTab,LicDump,AstPredef,Lic,AstCore,FreshName,IdSolver,EvalConst,LicEvalConst,LicEvalType,UnifyType,Ast2lic,AstV6Dump,EvalClock,UnifyClock,LicEvalClock,EvalType,LicPrg,LicMetaOp,L2lCheckOutputs,Lv6Misc,L2lRmPoly,L2lExpandMetaOp,L2lSplit,L2lExpandNodes,L2lExpandArrays,L2lCheckLoops,L2lCheckMemSafe,L2lOptimIte,Lv6lexer,Lv6parser,AstRecognizePredef,Lic2soc,Action,ActionsDeps,SocVar,TopoSort,SortActions,SortActionsExpe,L2lCheckCKeyWord,L2lCheckKcgKeyWord,L2lWhenOnId,L2lNoWhenNot,L2lRemoveAlias,L2lExpandEnum,Dbg
# Comment se passer de cette liste à la Prevert ?
......@@ -410,9 +410,9 @@ and dump_by_pos_exp (os: Format.formatter) (oper: by_pos_op) (pars: operands) =
| (GTE_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os ">=" p0 p1
| (DIV_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os "div" p0 p1
| (MOD_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os "mod" p0 p1
| (MINUS_n, Oper [p0]) -> dump_unary_exp os "-" p0
| (RMINUS_n, Oper [p0]) -> dump_unary_exp os "-" p0
| (IMINUS_n, Oper [p0]) -> dump_unary_exp os "-" p0
| (MINUS_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os "-" p0 p1
| (RMINUS_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os "-" p0 p1
| (IMINUS_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os "-" p0 p1
| (PLUS_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os "+" p0 p1
| (RPLUS_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os "+" p0 p1
| (IPLUS_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os "+" p0 p1
......@@ -425,7 +425,11 @@ and dump_by_pos_exp (os: Format.formatter) (oper: by_pos_op) (pars: operands) =
| (IF_n, Oper [p0;p1;p2]) -> dump_ternary_exp os "if" "then" "else" p0 p1 p2
| (NOR_n, Oper pl) -> dump_nary_exp os "nor" pl
| (DIESE_n, Oper pl) -> dump_nary_exp os "#" pl
| (_,_) -> assert false
| (_,_) -> (
Lv6errors.print_internal_error "AstV6Dump.dump_by_pos_exp"
(Printf.sprintf "unexpected op '%s'" (AstPredef.op2string_long;
assert false
| (HAT_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os "^" p0 p1
| (CONCAT_n, Oper [p0;p1]) -> dump_binary_exp os "|" p0 p1
......@@ -674,3 +678,20 @@ let print_node_exp oc ne =
dump_node_exp os ne;
pp_print_flush os ()
(* on one line for debug ... *)
let print_short_val_exp oc ve =
let os = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
let fof : Format.formatter_out_functions =
Format.out_string = (fun s p n -> output_string oc (String.sub s p n));
Format.out_newline = (fun () -> ());
Format.out_spaces = (fun _ -> ());
Format.out_indent = (fun _ -> ());
Format.out_flush = (fun () -> flush oc);
} in
Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions os fof;
dump_val_exp os ve;
pp_print_flush os ()
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ val op2string : AstCore.by_pos_op -> string
val print_val_exp : out_channel -> AstCore.val_exp -> unit
val print_short_val_exp : out_channel -> AstCore.val_exp -> unit
val print_node_exp : out_channel -> AstCore.node_exp -> unit
- regrouper ici tout ce qui permet de faire du verbose/debug
et qui est diffus et pas toujours homogene.
- typiquement tous les print et to_string dont on a besoin
dans les Verbose
- autant que faire se peut, deux sortes de fonction :
* s_toto : toto -> string
* p_toto : toto -> unit
qui ecrit sur stderr par defaut, sur une ligne sans rc autant que possible
- a terme, mettre tout ce qu'il faut ici !
(* affichage basique *)
let cr ?(oc=stderr) () : unit = output_string oc "\n"
let pf ?(oc=stderr) s = Printf.kprintf (fun t -> output_string oc t; flush oc) s
(* lexical *)
let s_lxm : Lxm.t -> string = Lxm.short_details
(* ast *)
let p_val_exp ?(oc=stderr) (ve:AstCore.val_exp) : unit = AstV6Dump.print_short_val_exp oc ve
(* lic = ast semantique *)
let s_const_eff : Lic.const -> string = LicDump.string_of_const_eff false
let s_const_eff_list : Lic.const list -> string = LicDump.string_of_const_eff_list false
......@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ open AstPredef
open LicEvalConst
open LicEvalType
let dbg = (Lv6Verbose.get_flag "eval-const")
EvalArray_error :
- leve par les fonctions ddies aux tableaux
......@@ -158,7 +160,8 @@ R
let rec f
(env : IdSolver.t)
(vexp : val_exp)
= (
fonction rcursive principale
-> capte les nv
......@@ -372,7 +375,21 @@ let rec f
(* Corps de la fonction principale *)
rec_eval_const vexp
Lv6Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg (fun () ->
let lxm = lxm_of_val_exp vexp in "#CALL EvalConst.f '";
Dbg.p_val_exp vexp; "' %s\n" (Dbg.s_lxm lxm);
let res = rec_eval_const vexp in
Lv6Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg (fun () ->
let lxm = lxm_of_val_exp vexp in "#RET EvalConst.f '";
Dbg.p_val_exp vexp; " = %s\n" (Dbg.s_const_eff_list res)
) (* fin de f *)
......@@ -579,7 +579,8 @@ let (type_of_const: const -> type_) =
| Abstract_const_eff (s, teff, _v, _is_exported) -> teff
| Enum_const_eff (s, teff) -> teff
| Struct_const_eff (fl, teff) -> teff
| Array_const_eff (ct, teff) -> teff (* Array_type_eff (teff, List.length ct) *)
(* | Array_const_eff (ct, teff) -> teff (* Array_type_eff (teff, List.length ct) *) *)
| Array_const_eff (ct, teff) -> Array_type_eff (teff, List.length ct)
| Tuple_const_eff cl ->
(* Utiliser plutot types_of_const (ci dessous) qui traite les tuples *)
print_internal_error "Lic.type_of_const" "should not have been called for a tuple";
......@@ -966,7 +966,8 @@ and (node_check_interface_do: t -> Lic.node_key -> Lxm.t ->
let teff = Lic.type_of_const ceff in
if (tdecl = teff ) then ceff else
raise (Compile_error (
lxmdef, Printf.sprintf " this constant is declared as '%s' but evaluated as '%s'"
lxmdef, Printf.sprintf
" this constant is declared as '%s' but evaluated as '%s'"
(Lic.string_of_type tdecl)
(Lic.string_of_type teff)
......@@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ let details lxm = (
Printf.sprintf "in file \"%s\", line %d, col %d to %d, token '%s'"
file lxm._line lxm._cstart lxm._cend lxm._str
(* affichage compact: *)
let short_details lxm = (
let file = Filename.basename lxm._file in
Printf.sprintf "f:%s, l:%d, c:%d-%d, t:'%s'"
file lxm._line lxm._cstart lxm._cend lxm._str
let position lxm = (
Printf.sprintf "line:%d, col:%d to %d"
lxm._line lxm._cstart lxm._cend
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ val last_made : unit -> t
(** Erreur/Warning printing *)
val details : t -> string
val short_details : t -> string
(** prints something like: 'machin' (line:10, col:3 to 7) *)
val position : t -> string
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