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Commit bdb8187d authored by erwan's avatar erwan
Browse files

Add the lustre-mt tool that process .yml files generated by lv6 -2cmc

parent cc145ae1
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(public_name lustre-mt)
(name main)
(libraries yaml yaml.unix)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 28/07/2022 (at 10:49) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Author: Antony Zahran *)
open Printf
open Types
let variables = ref [];;
let channels = ref [];;
let main = {name = ""; ctx_type = ""; ctx_new = ""; var_in = []; var_out = []; ch_in = []; ch_out = []};;
let nodes = ref [];;
let instances = ref [];;
(** saves the data from the Yaml parser into references of type Types.t *)
(* converts a `Float list into a int list *)
let (intlist : Yaml.value list -> int list) =
fun l ->
let (yv_to_int : Yaml.value -> int) = fun y ->
match y with
|`Float f -> int_of_float f
|_ -> assert false
in yv_to_int l
let (save_variable_attributes : Types.variable -> (string * Yaml.value) -> unit) =
fun v (key, value) ->
match key, value with
|"id", `Float _f -> ()
|"name", `String s -> <- s
|"type", `String s -> v.var_type <- s
|_ -> assert false
let (save_variables : Yaml.value -> unit) = fun x ->
let v = {name = ""; var_type = ""}::[]
match x with
|`O l ->
List.iter (save_variable_attributes (List.hd v)) l;
variables := !variables @ v
|_ -> assert false
let (save_channels : Yaml.value -> unit) = fun x ->
match x with
|`Float f -> channels := !channels @ [int_of_float f]
|_ -> assert false
let (save_main : (string * Yaml.value) -> unit) =
fun (key, value) ->
match key, value with
|"name", `String s -> <- s
|"ctx_type", `String s -> main.ctx_type <- s
|"ctx_new", `String s -> main.ctx_new <- s
|"var_in", `A l -> main.var_in <- (List.nth !variables) (intlist l)
|"var_out", `A l -> main.var_out <- (List.nth !variables) (intlist l)
|"ch_in", `A l -> main.ch_in <- intlist l
|"ch_out", `A l -> main.ch_out <- intlist l
|_ -> assert false
let (save_node_attributes : Types.node -> (string * Yaml.value) -> unit) =
fun n (key, value) ->
match key, value with
|"id", `Float _f -> ()
|"file_name", `String s -> n.file_name <- s
|"fct_name", `String s -> n.fct_name <- s
|"ctx", `Bool b -> n.ctx <- b
|"ctx_tab", `String s -> n.ctx_tab <- s
|_ -> assert false
let (save_nodes : Yaml.value -> unit) = fun x ->
let n = {file_name = ""; fct_name = ""; ctx = false; ctx_tab = ""}::[] in
match x with
|`O l ->
List.iter (save_node_attributes (List.hd n)) l;
nodes := !nodes @ n
|_ -> assert false
let (save_instance_attributes : Types.instance -> (string * Yaml.value) -> unit) =
fun i (key, value) ->
match key, value with
|"id", `Float f -> <- int_of_float f
|"node", `Float f -> i.node <- List.nth !nodes (int_of_float f)
|"var_in", `A l -> i.var_in <- (List.nth !variables) (intlist l)
|"var_out", `A l -> i.var_out <- (List.nth !variables) (intlist l)
|"ch_in", `A l -> i.ch_in <- intlist l
|"ch_out", `A l -> i.ch_out <- intlist l
|_ -> assert false
let (save_instances : Yaml.value -> unit) = fun x ->
let i = {id = 0; node = List.nth !nodes 0; var_in = []; var_out = []; ch_in = []; ch_out = []}::[]
match x with
|`O l ->
List.iter (save_instance_attributes (List.hd i)) l;
instances := !instances @ i
|_ -> assert false
let (save_data2 : (string * Yaml.value) -> unit) =
fun (key, value) ->
match key, value with
|"variables", `A l -> List.iter save_variables l
|"channels" , `A l -> List.iter save_channels l
|"main" , `O l -> List.iter save_main l
|"nodes", `A l -> List.iter save_nodes l
|"instances", `A l -> List.iter save_instances l
|_ -> ()
let (save_data : Yaml.value -> unit) = fun x ->
match x with
|`O l -> List.iter save_data2 l
|_ -> assert false
let yaml_file = ref ""
let main () =
if (Array.length Sys.argv) <= 1 then (
Arg.usage MainArgs.speclist MainArgs.usage; flush stdout; exit 2
) else (
try Arg.parse MainArgs.speclist (fun s -> yaml_file := s) MainArgs.usage
| Failure(e) -> print_string e; flush stdout; flush stderr; exit 2
| e -> print_string (Printexc.to_string e); flush stdout; exit 2
let yaml = Yaml_unix.of_file_exn Fpath.(v !yaml_file) in
save_data yaml;
(* creates the .c file *)
let cfile = open_out ( ^ "_pthread.c") in
(* includes *)
fprintf cfile "#include <stdio.h>\n";
fprintf cfile "#include <stdlib.h>\n";
fprintf cfile "#include <string.h>\n";
fprintf cfile "#include <stdbool.h>\n";
fprintf cfile "#include <pthread.h>\n";
fprintf cfile "#include <semaphore.h>\n";
fprintf cfile "#include <errno.h>\n";
fprintf cfile "#include \"%s.h\"\n";
fprintf cfile "#include \"%s_loop_io.h\"\n";
fprintf cfile "\n";
(* semaphores macro *)
fprintf cfile "/* Initialize the semaphore with the given count. */\n";
fprintf cfile "#define SEM_INIT(sem, v, max_v) sem_init(&(sem), 0, (v))\n";
fprintf cfile "/* wait for the semaphore to be active (i.e. equal to 1) and then decrement it by one. */\n";
fprintf cfile "#define SEM_WAIT(sem) while (sem_wait(&sem) != 0 && errno == EINTR) continue\n";
fprintf cfile "/* make the semaphore active (i.e. equal to 1) */\n";
fprintf cfile "#define SEM_SIGNAL(sem) sem_post(&(sem))\n";
fprintf cfile "\n";
(* variables declaration *)
fprintf cfile "/* Declare variables */\n";
List.iter (fun x -> fprintf cfile "%s %s;\n" x.var_type !variables;
fprintf cfile "\n";
(* semaphores declaration *)
fprintf cfile "/* Declare semaphores */\n";
List.iter (fun x -> fprintf cfile "sem_t channel%i;\n" x) !channels;
fprintf cfile "\n";
(* ctx declaration *)
fprintf cfile "/* Declare context */\n";
fprintf cfile "%s* ctx;\n" main.ctx_type;
fprintf cfile "\n";
(* instance loops *)
fprintf cfile "/* Instance loops */\n";
let print_instance_loop instance =
fprintf cfile "void loop_%s%i() {\n" instance.node.file_name;
fprintf cfile " while(true) {\n";
List.iter (fprintf cfile " SEM_WAIT(channel%i);\n") instance.ch_in;
fprintf cfile " %s(" instance.node.fct_name;
fprintf cfile "%s" (List.hd instance.var_in).name;
List.iter (fun (x:variable) -> fprintf cfile ", %s" ( instance.var_in);
List.iter (fun (x:variable) -> fprintf cfile ", &%s" instance.var_out;
if instance.node.ctx then fprintf cfile ", &ctx->%s[%i]" instance.node.ctx_tab;
fprintf cfile ");\n";
List.iter (fprintf cfile " SEM_SIGNAL(channel%i);\n") instance.ch_out;
fprintf cfile " }\n";
fprintf cfile "}\n";
fprintf cfile "\n";
List.iter print_instance_loop !instances;
(* main function *)
fprintf cfile "/* Main function */\n";
fprintf cfile "void main() {
int _s = 0;\n";
fprintf cfile " /* Initialize context */\n";
fprintf cfile " ctx = %s(NULL);\n" main.ctx_new;
fprintf cfile "\n";
fprintf cfile " /* Initialize semaphores */\n";
List.iter (fprintf cfile " SEM_INIT(channel%i, 0, 1);\n") !channels;
fprintf cfile " \n";
fprintf cfile " /* Declare pthreads */\n";
List.iter (fun x -> fprintf cfile " pthread_t pt_%s%i;\n" x.node.file_name !instances;
fprintf cfile " \n";
fprintf cfile " /* Initialize pthreads */\n";
List.iter (fun x -> fprintf cfile " pthread_create(&pt_%s%i, NULL, loop_%s%i, NULL);\n" x.node.file_name x.node.file_name !instances;
fprintf cfile " \n";
(* main loop *)
fprintf cfile "print_rif_declaration();\n";
output_string cfile " /* Main loop */
while(true) {
if (ISATTY) printf(\"#step \\%d \\n\", _s+1);
else if(_s) printf(\"\\n\");
fprintf cfile " get_inputs(ctx";
List.iter (fun (x:variable) -> fprintf cfile ", &%s" main.var_in;
fprintf cfile ");\n";
List.iter (fprintf cfile " SEM_SIGNAL(channel%i);\n") main.ch_in;
List.iter (fprintf cfile " SEM_WAIT(channel%i);\n") main.ch_out;
fprintf cfile " print_outputs(%s" (List.hd main.var_out).name;
List.iter (fun (x:variable) -> fprintf cfile ", %s" ( main.var_out);
fprintf cfile ");\n";
fprintf cfile " }\n";
fprintf cfile " \n";
List.iter (fun x -> fprintf cfile " pthread_join(&pt_%s%i, NULL);\n" x.node.file_name !instances;
fprintf cfile "}\n";
fprintf cfile "\n"
let _ = main ()
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 28/07/2022 (at 11:15) by Erwan Jahier> *)
let usage = (Sys.argv.(0) ^" [options] f.yml
with -pthread:
Generates a f_pthread.c file
exemple of use:
lv6 f.lus -n node -2cmc
"^ Sys.argv.(0) ^"f_node.yml
export C_LIBS=\"-lpthread -lm\"; export MAIN_FILE=\"f_node_pthread.c\"; sh
let verbose = ref false
type generation_mode = Pthread
let generation_mode = ref Pthread
(* Cloned from the OCaml stdlib Arg module: I want it on stdout! (scrogneugneu) *)
let usage_out speclist errmsg =
Printf.printf "%s" (Arg.usage_string speclist errmsg)
let rec speclist =
"--verbose",Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (verbose := true)),
"-verbose",Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (verbose := true)),
"-verb",Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (verbose := true)),
"\t\t set on a verbose mode";
"-pthread",Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (generation_mode := Pthread)),
"\t\t use pthread (default)";
"--help", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (usage_out speclist usage ; exit 0)),
"-help", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (usage_out speclist usage ; exit 0)),
"-h", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (usage_out speclist usage ; exit 0)),
"\t\t display this help message"
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 27/07/2022 (at 15:31) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(** type definition, used to store data *)
type variable = {
mutable name: string;
mutable var_type: string
type main_node = {
mutable name: string;
mutable ctx_type: string;
mutable ctx_new: string;
mutable var_in: variable list;
mutable var_out: variable list;
mutable ch_in: int list;
mutable ch_out: int list
type node = {
mutable file_name: string;
mutable fct_name: string;
mutable ctx: bool;
mutable ctx_tab: string
type instance = {
mutable id: int;
mutable node: node;
mutable var_in: variable list;
mutable var_out: variable list;
mutable ch_in: int list;
mutable ch_out: int list
File moved
File moved
File moved
File moved
File moved
File moved
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ fi
# generated the -2cmc version in $node.exec
./lus2lic -dir /tmp/lustre-test-$lustre_file-$node $OPT $lustre_file -n $node -2cmc ;
yaml2pthread /tmp/lustre-test-$lustre_file-$node/${node}_${node}.yml;
lustre-mt /tmp/lustre-test-$lustre_file-$node/${node}_${node}.yml;
cp foo_foo_pthread.c /tmp/lustre-test-$lustre_file-$node ;
export C_LIBS="-lpthread -lm " ; export MAIN_FILE="foo_foo_pthread.c" ; sh /tmp/lustre-test-$lustre_file-$node/$
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