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Commit a3b50883 authored by erwan's avatar erwan
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Add a missing file

parent e6b5c982
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Pipeline #140836 passed
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/06/2023 (at 16:18) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(** Generate smv programs
- simple equations and (memoryless) function calls are put in the ASSIGN section
- asserts are put in the INVAR section
- node calls (with memory) are put in the TRANS section
- if the first boolean output is named ok, the SPEC section contains
AG ok
let (string_of_soc_key : Soc.key -> string) = Soc2cIdent.get_soc_name
(* XXX add a CLi argument ? *)
let integer = "0..100"
let rec (type_to_string_gen : bool -> Data.t -> string) =
fun alias v ->
let str =
match v with
| String -> "string"
| Bool -> "boolean"
| Int -> integer
| Real -> "real"
| Extern _s -> "string" (* what else should be done? *)
(* | Enum (s, sl) -> "enum " ^ s ^ " {" ^ (String.concat ", " sl) ^ "}" *)
| Enum (s, _sl) -> s
| Struct (sid,_) -> sid
| Array (ty, sz) -> Printf.sprintf "%s^%d" (type_to_string_gen alias ty) sz
| Alpha nb ->
(* On génère des "types" à la Caml : 'a, 'b, 'c, etc. *)
let a_value = Char.code('a') in
let z_value = Char.code('z') in
let str =
if (nb >= 0 && nb <= (z_value - a_value)) then
("'" ^ (Char.escaped (Char.chr(a_value + nb))))
("'a" ^ (string_of_int nb))
| Alias(n,t) -> if alias then n else type_to_string_gen alias t
let (type_to_string : Lic.type_ -> string) = function
| Bool_type_eff -> "boolean"
| Int_type_eff -> integer
| Real_type_eff -> assert false
| External_type_eff (_name) -> assert false
| Abstract_type_eff (_name, _t) -> assert false
| Enum_type_eff (name, _) -> Lv6Id.no_pack_string_of_long name
| Array_type_eff (_ty, _sz) -> assert false
| Struct_type_eff (_name, _) -> assert false
| TypeVar _ -> assert false
let (type_to_string_alias : Data.t -> string) = type_to_string_gen true
open Printf
open Lic
let (f: Lv6MainArgs.t -> LicPrg.t -> Lv6Id.idref option -> unit) =
fun opt licprg main_node ->
let main_node_exp = LicPrg.get_main_node_exp licprg main_node in
let _base0 = if opt.outfile <> "" then opt.outfile else
let file = List.hd opt.infiles in
try (Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename file))
with _ ->
print_string ("*** Error: '"^file^"'is a bad file name.\n"); exit 2
let base0 = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename (
Lxm.file main_node_exp.lxm))
let dir = Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.dir in
let base = Filename.concat dir base0 in
let smv_file = base ^ ".smv" in
let oc = open_out smv_file in
let inputs = main_node_exp.inlist_eff in
let outputs = main_node_exp.outlist_eff in
let locals = match main_node_exp.loclist_eff with Some l-> l | None -> [] in
let p = Printf.fprintf oc "%s" in
let pn = Printf.fprintf oc "%s\n" in
Lv6util.entete oc "--" "" ;
pn "MODULE main
p "";
let decl_var v = Printf.fprintf oc " %s: %s;\n" v.var_name_eff (type_to_string v.var_type_eff) in
List.iter decl_var inputs;
List.iter decl_var outputs;
List.iter decl_var locals;
pn "INVAR";
pn "ASSIGN";
pn (sprintf "SPEC AG %s;" (List.hd outputs).var_name_eff);
pn "TRANS";
close_out oc;
Printf.eprintf "W: %s has been generated.\n%!" smv_file
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