Modify the --gen-autotest mode so that the generated oracle avoid a bug in the -lv4 mode
where equations such as " ok = (x=x_ref); " are translated into incorrect v' lustre when x is a structure or an array. nb : #FAILS=152->135
- src/ 24 additions, 8 deletionssrc/
- test/lus2lic.sum 21 additions, 21 deletionstest/lus2lic.sum
- test/should_work/access.lus 2 additions, 0 deletionstest/should_work/access.lus
- test/should_work/testPilote.lus 2 additions, 2 deletionstest/should_work/testPilote.lus
- utils/test_lus2lic_no_node 1 addition, 1 deletionutils/test_lus2lic_no_node
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