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(** Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2009 (at 17:44) by Erwan Jahier> *)
open Predef
open PredefEvalConst
open SyntaxTree
open SyntaxTreeCore
open Eff
open LicDump
open Printf
open Lxm
open Errors
open UnifyClock

    ** Foreword.

    The clock mechanism of Lustre is a simple kind of type dependant
    system.  Indeed, clocks depend on program variables. More
    precisely, and according to Pouzet&Colaco [emsoft03], the clock
    type system of Lustre is equivalent to a "firt class abstract
    type system".

    Note however that here, things are simpler than in emsoft03,
    since we are not interested in type reconstruction (or
    inference), but only in checking types are provided in node

   ** clock checking of expression. 

   In the following, we speak about input/output arguments/parameters of an 
   expression because:
   - the difficult case wrt clock checking concerns nodes
   - other kind of expressions can be seen as nodes, as they «take» some input
   arguments, and return some outputs.
   The clock checking consists in verifying that expression arguments clocks 
   are compatible with the expression parameters clocks. 

   For instance, for a node of profile:

      node toto(a; b when a) returns (x when a; y when x);

   when it is called, e.g., like that:

      (v1,v2) = toto(v3,v4);

   we need to check that:
     - the argument clocks are ok, i.e., v4 is on v3  (1)
       cf the [check_arg] function below
     - the result clocks are ok, i.e., v2 is on v1 + v1 is on v3 (2)
       cf the [check_res] function below

   ** Checking expression arguments 

   ok. So now, let us detail how we clock check expression arguments.  
   e.g., in the equation


   we want to make sure that the clocks of the argument "a" and "b" are compatible
   with the input clock profile of "toto".

   To do that, we suppose we have already computed:

     - "cil_par" the expected input clock profile (via "get_clock_profile")
     - "cil_arg" the list of clocks of arguments  (via a rec call to f)

   In order to check that this call is correct, we check that both
   terms are unifiable.

let (check_args : Lxm.t -> subst -> Eff.id_clock list -> Eff.id_clock list -> subst) =
  fun lxm (s1,s2) cil_par cil_arg ->
    assert (List.length cil_par = List.length cil_arg);
    let idl_par,cil_par = List.split cil_par
    and idl_arg,cil_arg = List.split cil_arg in
    let s = (List.combine idl_par idl_arg)@s1, s2 in
    let s = List.fold_left2 (UnifyClock.f lxm) s cil_par cil_arg in

(** Checking expression result

    It is the same thing, except that we have Eff.left list instead 
    of Eff.id_clock list.

    e.g., in the equation:


    we want to check that the clocks of "x" and "y" are compatible with
    the output clock profile of node "toto".

    To do that, we suppose we have:
    - "left" the list of Eff.left
    - "rigth" the list of result clock. (via "get_clock_profile" again)

    and we just need to check that both side are unifiable.

let rec (var_info_eff_of_left_eff: Eff.left -> Eff.var_info) =
  | LeftVarEff   (v, _) -> v
  | LeftFieldEff (l, id,_) -> 
      let v = var_info_eff_of_left_eff l in
      let new_name = (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ "." ^ (Ident.to_string id) in
        { v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }

  | LeftArrayEff (l,i,_) -> 
      let v = var_info_eff_of_left_eff l in
      let new_name = (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ "[" ^ 
        (string_of_int i) ^ "]" 
        { v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }

  | LeftSliceEff (l,si,_) -> 
      let v = var_info_eff_of_left_eff l in
      let new_name = (Ident.to_string v.var_name_eff) ^ (string_of_slice_info_eff si)
        { v with  var_name_eff = Ident.of_string new_name }

let var_info_eff_to_clock_eff v = v.var_clock_eff

(* exported *)
let (check_res : Lxm.t -> subst -> Eff.left list -> Eff.id_clock list -> unit) =
  fun lxm (s1,s2) left rigth ->
    let left_vi = var_info_eff_of_left_eff left in
    let left_ci = var_info_eff_to_clock_eff left_vi in
      if (List.length left_ci <> List.length rigth) then assert false;
      let idl_rigth,rigth = List.split rigth
      and idl_left, left_ci = List.split left_ci in
      let s = (List.combine idl_rigth idl_left)@s1, s2 in
        ignore(List.fold_left2 (UnifyClock.f lxm) s left_ci rigth)


(** In order to clock check "when" statements, we need to know if a clock [sc]
    is a sub_clock of another one c (i.e., for all instants i, c(i) => sc(i))

    If it is a sub_clock, we return the accumulator (the current substitution)
let rec (is_a_sub_clock : 
           Lxm.t -> subst -> Eff.id_clock -> Eff.id_clock -> subst option) =
  fun lxm s (id_sc,sc) (id_c,c) -> 
    (* Check if [sc] is a sub-clock of [c] (in the large sense). 
       Returns Some updated substitution if it is the case, and None otherwise *)
    let rec aux sc c =
      match sc, c with 
          (* the base clock is a sub-clock of all clocks *)
        | BaseEff, (BaseEff|On(_,_)|ClockVar _) -> Some s            
        | On(_,_), BaseEff -> None

        | sc, On(_,c_clk) -> (
            try Some(UnifyClock.f lxm s sc c)
            with Compile_error _ -> aux sc c_clk 
        | _,_ -> 
            try Some(UnifyClock.f lxm s sc c)
            with Compile_error _ -> None
      aux sc c
type clock_profile = Eff.id_clock list * Eff.id_clock list

let (get_clock_profile : Eff.node_exp -> clock_profile) = 
  fun n -> 
      ( var_info_eff_to_clock_eff n.inlist_eff, var_info_eff_to_clock_eff n.outlist_eff)

let ci2str = LicDump.string_of_clock2

(* We tabulate the result of the Eff.val_exp clock ckecking. Note,
   that there is no clash in that table because all var_exp_eff are

let val_exp_eff_clk_tab:(Eff.val_exp, Eff.id_clock list) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 0
let tabulate_res vef clock_eff_list =
(*   print_string "*** '"; *)
(*   print_string (LicDump.string_of_val_exp_eff vef); *)
(*   let lxm = match vef with *)
(*     |CallByPosEff(op,_) -> op.src *)
(*     | CallByNameEff(op,_) -> op.src *)
(*   in *)
(*     print_string (Lxm.details lxm); *)
(*     print_string "' -> "; *)
(*     print_string (String.concat ","  *)
(*                     ( (fun (_,clk) -> LicDump.string_of_clock2 clk)  *)
(*                        clock_eff_list)); *)
(*     print_string "\n"; *)
(*     flush stdout; *)

    Hashtbl.replace val_exp_eff_clk_tab vef clock_eff_list

let (add  : Eff.val_exp -> Eff.id_clock list -> unit) = tabulate_res
(*   fun ve cl ->  *)
(*     Hashtbl.add val_exp_eff_clk_tab ve cl *)

let (lookup : Eff.val_exp -> Eff.id_clock list) =
  fun vef -> 
      let res = Hashtbl.find val_exp_eff_clk_tab vef in
(*       let rec var_clock_to_base = function *)
(*           (* Some expressions migth be infered to be a variable clock *)
(*              (e.g., constants). In that case, it is ok to consider that such *)
(*              expressions are on the base clock in the end (i.e., at top-level).  *)
(*           *) *)
(*         | BaseEff ->  BaseEff *)
(*         | ClockVar i  -> BaseEff *)
(*         | On(v, clk) -> On(v, var_clock_to_base clk) *)
(*       in *) (fun (id,clk) -> id, (* var_clock_to_base *) clk) res
    with Not_found -> 
      print_string "*** No entry in clock table for the expression '";
      print_string (LicDump.string_of_val_exp_eff vef);
      print_string "'\n ";
      flush stdout;
      assert false

let (copy : Eff.val_exp -> Eff.val_exp -> unit) =
  fun ve1 ve2 -> 
    let tl = lookup ve2 in
      Hashtbl.add val_exp_eff_clk_tab ve1 tl  

(** Now we can go on and define [f].  *)

(* During the inner call to f_aux, some intermediary clock variables
   may remain. This function tries to get rid of them using s *)
let apply_subst_to_clk_tbl s = 
    (fun ve cel -> 
       let cel2 =  
           (fun (id,clk) -> 
              let clk = apply_subst2 s clk in
                id, clk) 
         if cel <> cel2 then ( 
(*            let lxm = match ve with *)
(*              |CallByPosEff(op,_) -> op.src *)
(*              | CallByNameEff(op,_) -> op.src *)
(*            in *)
(*              print_string ("*** Replacing the clock of " ^  *)
(*                            (string_of_val_exp_eff ve) ^ " [" ^(Lxm.position lxm) *)
(*                          ^ "] (which was bound to " ^ *)
(*                            (String.concat ","  *)
(*                               ( (fun (_,clk) -> string_of_clock2 clk) cel))^  *)
(*                            ") by " ^ *)
(*                            (String.concat ","  *)
(*                               ( (fun (_,clk) -> string_of_clock2 clk) cel2))^ *)
(*                            "\n"); *)
(*            flush stdout; *)
           Hashtbl.replace val_exp_eff_clk_tab ve cel2
let rec (f : Lxm.t -> Eff.id_solver -> subst -> Eff.val_exp -> Eff.clock list -> 
          Eff.id_clock list * subst) =
  fun lxm id_solver s ve exp_clks ->
    (* we split f so that we can reinit the fresh clock var generator *)
    let inf_clks, s = f_aux id_solver s ve in
    let s =  List.fold_left2
      (fun s eclk iclk -> UnifyClock.f lxm s eclk iclk) 
      ( (fun (_,clk) -> clk) inf_clks)
      apply_subst_to_clk_tbl s;
      inf_clks, s

and f_aux id_solver s ve =
  let cel, s = 
    match ve.core with
      | CallByPosEff ({it=posop; src=lxm}, OperEff args) ->
          eval_by_pos_clock id_solver posop lxm args s
      | CallByNameEff ({it=nmop; src=lxm}, nmargs ) ->
          try eval_by_name_clock id_solver nmop lxm nmargs s
          with EvalConst_error msg ->
            raise (Compile_error(lxm, "\n*** can't eval constant: "^msg))
    tabulate_res ve cel;
    cel, s

(* iterate f on a list of expressions *)
and (f_list : Eff.id_solver -> subst -> Eff.val_exp list -> 
      Eff.id_clock list list * subst) =
  fun id_solver s args ->
    let aux (acc,s) arg =
      let cil, s = f_aux id_solver s arg in 
        (cil::acc, s)
    let (cil, s) = List.fold_left aux ([],s) args in
    let cil = List.rev cil in
      apply_subst_to_clk_tbl s;
      cil, s

and (eval_by_pos_clock : Eff.id_solver -> Eff.by_pos_op -> Lxm.t -> Eff.val_exp list ->
      subst -> Eff.id_clock list * subst) =
  fun id_solver posop lxm args s ->
    let apply_subst s (id,clk) = id, UnifyClock.apply_subst s clk in
    match posop,args with
      | Eff.CURRENT,args -> ( (* we return the clock of the argument *)
          let clocks_of_args, s = f_list id_solver s args in
          let current_clock = function
            | (id, BaseEff) -> (id, BaseEff)
            | (id, On(_,clk)) -> (id, clk)
            | (_, ClockVar _) -> assert false
   current_clock (List.flatten clocks_of_args), s
      | Eff.WHEN clk_exp,args -> (
          let c_clk, when_exp_clk =
            match clk_exp with
              | Base -> BaseEff, BaseEff
              | NamedClock { it = (cc,c) ; src = lxm } ->
                  let id, c_clk =
                    (id_solver.id2var (Ident.to_idref c) lxm).var_clock_eff
                    c_clk, On((cc,c), c_clk)
	  let aux_when exp_clk s =
               In order to clock check an expression such as

                 exp when C(c)
               (1) we first need to check that the clock of c (c_clk)
                   is a sub-clock of the clock of exp (exp_clk).

            match is_a_sub_clock lxm s exp_clk (fst exp_clk,c_clk) with
              | None -> 
                  let msg = "\n*** clock error: '" ^ (ci2str (snd exp_clk)) ^ 
                    "' is not a sub-clock of '" ^ (ci2str c_clk) ^ "'"
                    raise (Compile_error(lxm, msg))
              | Some s -> 
                  let id_when_exp_clk, s =
                    match exp_clk with
                      | id, On(var, _) -> (id, when_exp_clk), s
                      | id, BaseEff -> (id, when_exp_clk), s
                      | id, ClockVar i ->
                          let id_when_exp_clk = id, when_exp_clk in
                          let (s1,s2) = s in
                          (s1, UnifyClock.add_subst2 i when_exp_clk s2)
                    id_when_exp_clk, s
            (match f_list id_solver s args with
                 (* XXX ce cas ne sert à rien !!!
                    le traitement du cas ou la liste ne contient qu'un element
                    n'a aucun raison d'etre particulier, si ???
               | [[exp_clk]], s -> 
		   let (exp_clk,s) = aux_when exp_clk s in
		     ([exp_clk], s)

               | [exp_clk_list], s ->
                   (* when on tuples *)
		   let exp_clk_list, s = 
		       (fun (acc,s) exp_clk -> 
			  let (exp_clk,s) = aux_when exp_clk s in
			    exp_clk::acc, s
		     (List.rev exp_clk_list, s)
               |  _ -> assert false (* "(x1,x2) when node (x,y)" *)

      | Eff.MERGE _,args -> assert false (* TODO *)
          (*      f_aux id_solver (List.hd args) *)

      | Eff.HAT(i,ve),args -> f_aux id_solver s ve
          (* nb: the args have been put inside the HAT_eff constructor *)

      | Eff.IDENT idref,args -> (
          try ([var_info_eff_to_clock_eff (id_solver.id2var idref lxm)], s)
          with Compile_error _ ->  (* => it is a constant *) 
            let s, clk = UnifyClock.new_clock_var s in
              [Ident.of_idref idref, clk], s
      | Eff.CALL node_exp_eff,args -> 
          let (cil_arg, cil_res) = get_clock_profile in
          let s, rel_base = UnifyClock.new_clock_var s in
            (*  the value of the base clock of a node is actually relative
                to the context into which the node is called.
                Hence we create a fresh var clock, that will be instanciated
                by the caller.
          let (replace_base : Eff.clock -> Eff.id_clock -> Eff.id_clock) =
            fun rel_base (id,ci) -> 
              (* [replace_base rel_base ci ] replaces in [ci] any occurences of the
                 base clock by [rel_base] *)
              let rec aux ci =
                match ci with
                  | BaseEff -> rel_base
                  | On(v,clk) -> On(v, aux clk)
                  | ClockVar i -> ci
                id, aux ci
          let cil_arg = (replace_base rel_base) cil_arg in 
          let cil_res = (replace_base rel_base) cil_res in 
          let clk_args, s = f_list id_solver s args in
          let s = check_args lxm s cil_arg (List.flatten clk_args) in
   (apply_subst s) cil_res, s

      (* One argument. *)
      | Eff.PRE,args
      | Eff.STRUCT_ACCESS _,args
      | Eff.ARRAY_ACCES  (_),args
      | Eff.ARRAY_SLICE (_),args  -> 
          assert(List.length args = 1);
          f_aux id_solver s (List.hd args)

      | Eff.Predef (op,sargs),args  -> 
          let clk_args, s =  f_list id_solver s args in
          let flat_clk_args = List.flatten clk_args in (* => mono-clock! *)
          let _,flat_clk_args = List.split flat_clk_args in
          let clk_list, s =       
            if args = [] then [],s else
              let _clk,s = UnifyClock.list lxm flat_clk_args s in
       ( (apply_subst s)) clk_args, s
            PredefEvalClock.f op lxm sargs s clk_list

      (* may have tuples as arguments *)
      | Eff.TUPLE,args
      | Eff.ARROW,args
      | Eff.FBY   ,args
      | Eff.CONCAT,args
      | Eff.ARRAY(args),_ -> (
          (* Check that all args are of the same (unifiable) clocks.

             XXX : we suppose that all those operators are
             mono-clocks (i.e., when they return tuples, all elements
             are on the same clock).  It would be sensible to have,
             e.g., arrows on multiple clocks. We'll refine later.  *)
          let clk_args, s =  f_list id_solver s args in
          let flat_clk_args = List.flatten clk_args in (* => mono-clock! *)
          let idl,flat_clk_args = List.split flat_clk_args in
          let clk,s = UnifyClock.list lxm flat_clk_args s in
          let clk_list =
            match posop with
              | Eff.TUPLE -> 
                  let clk_l = (UnifyClock.apply_subst s) flat_clk_args in
                    List.combine idl clk_l
              | _ -> (apply_subst s) (List.hd clk_args)
            clk_list, s
      | Eff.WITH(ve),args -> f_aux id_solver s ve 

and (eval_by_name_clock : Eff.id_solver -> Eff.by_name_op -> Lxm.t -> 
      (Ident.t Lxm.srcflagged * Eff.val_exp) list -> subst -> 
      Eff.id_clock list * subst) =
  fun id_solver namop lxm namargs s -> 
    match namop with
      | Eff.STRUCT_anonymous -> assert false (* cf EvalType.E *)
      | Eff.STRUCT _ ->
          let apply_subst s (id,clk) = id, UnifyClock.apply_subst s clk in
          let args = (fun (id,ve) -> ve) namargs in
          (* XXX The 3 following lines duplicates the code of TUPLE_eff and co *)
          let clk_args, s =  f_list id_solver s args in
          let flat_clk_args = List.flatten clk_args in (* => mono-clock! *)
          let _,flat_clk_args = List.split flat_clk_args in
          let clk,s = UnifyClock.list lxm flat_clk_args s in
          let clk_list = (apply_subst s) (List.hd clk_args) in
            clk_list, s