Erwan Jahier authored
profiles constain only named types. Typically, instead of printing: node toto(x: int ^ 4) ... print something like : type int4 = int ^ 4 node toto(x: int4) ... Moreover, in order to avoid name clashes, we prefix all user name type by "_".
Erwan Jahier authoredprofiles constain only named types. Typically, instead of printing: node toto(x: int ^ 4) ... print something like : type int4 = int ^ 4 node toto(x: int4) ... Moreover, in order to avoid name clashes, we prefix all user name type by "_".
main.ml 7.66 KiB
(** Time-stamp: <modified the 04/07/2008 (at 16:31) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(** Here follows a description of the different modules used by this lus2lic compiler.
(1) First of all, the Lustre files are parsed,
which results into a parse tree containing raw source expressions.
syntaxTree.ml -> should rather be called rawSyntaxTab.ml ?
(2) Then, we perform reference checking at module level + model expansion.
symbolTab.mli/ml (type/const/node)
syntaxTab is a kind of layer above syntaxTree to make things easier afterwards.
(3) Finally, the compilation (type checking+const/type evaluation) is performed.
Some misc (eponymous) modules are used along the way.
open Verbose
open SyntaxTree
open SyntaxTreeCore
open Lxm
open Errors
open Parsing
open Format
Les args sont des variables GLOBALES
let print_version = function (x: unit) -> (
print_string (Version.str ^ "\n")
let usage_msg =
"usage: "^(Version.tool)^" [options] <lustre files> | "^(Version.tool)^" -help"
let rec arg_list = [
( "--version", Arg.Unit(fun x -> print_version () ; exit 0),
"\tPrint the current version then exit"
( "--output-file", Arg.String(fun x -> Global.outfile := x), "<file>"
( "-o", Arg.String(fun x -> Global.outfile := x),
"<file>\tSet the output file name"
( "--node", Arg.String(fun x -> Global.main_node := x),
( "-n", Arg.String(fun x -> Global.main_node := x),
"<node>\tSet the main node (all items are compiled if unset)"
( "--compile-all-items", Arg.Unit
(function x -> Global.compile_all_items := true),
( "-all", Arg.Unit
(function x -> Global.compile_all_items := true),
"\t\tCompile all items of the program"
( "-unit", Arg.Unit (fun x -> Global.run_unit_test := true),
"\tRun some (internal) unit tests"
( "--verbose", Arg.Unit (fun vl -> Verbose.set_level 1 ),
( "-v", Arg.Unit (fun vl -> Verbose.set_level 1 ),
"\t\tSet verbose mode on (i.e., verbose level = 1)"
( "--verbose-level", Arg.Int(fun vl -> Verbose.set_level vl ), "<int>"
( "-vl", Arg.Int(fun vl -> Verbose.set_level vl ),
"<int>\tSet verbose level"
("-h", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (Arg.usage arg_list usage_msg; exit 0)), "" );
("-help", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (Arg.usage arg_list usage_msg; exit 0)),"" );
("--help", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> (Arg.usage arg_list usage_msg; exit 0)),
"\tDisplay this list of options" )
parse_args () = (
Arg.parse arg_list (* liste des options *)
Global.add_infile (* arg par defaut = fichier d'entree *)
usage_msg (* message d'erreur *)
let test_lex ( lexbuf ) = (
let tk = ref (Lexer.lexer lexbuf) in (
while !tk <> Parser.TK_EOF do
match (Lexer.token_code !tk) with
( co , lxm ) ->
printf "%s : %15s = \"%s\"\n"
(Lxm.position lxm) co (Lxm.str lxm) ;
tk := (Lexer.lexer lexbuf)
(* Retourne un parse_tree *)
let lus_load lexbuf = (
(Parser.sxLusFile Lexer.lexer lexbuf)
(* Dump d'un packbody *)
let dump_body (pkg: SyntaxTree.packbody) = (
let os = Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout in
SyntaxTreeDump.packbody os pkg
(* Dump d'un name-space, pack ou modele ... *)
let dump_ns (ns: SyntaxTree.pack_or_model) = (
let os = Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout in
match ns with
NSPack pf -> (
(* Verbose.printf (lazy ("DUMP PACKDEF\n")); *)
SyntaxTreeDump.packinfo os pf
| NSModel mf -> (
(* Verbose.printf (lazy ("DUMP MODDEF\n")); *)
SyntaxTreeDump.modelinfo os mf
Lance le parser et renvoie la liste name-spaces d'entre.
Dans le cas d'un fichier sans package, on lui donne
comme nom le basename de infile.
type maybe_packed =
| Packed of SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list
| Unpacked of SyntaxTree.pack_or_model
let (get_source_list : string list -> SyntaxTree.pack_or_model list) =
fun infile_list ->
let (get_one_source : string -> string list * maybe_packed) =
fun infile ->
let lexbuf = Global.lexbuf_of_file_name infile in
match (lus_load lexbuf) with
| PRPackBody(incl_files, pbdy) ->
let nme =
try Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename infile)
with _ -> print_string ("*** '"^infile^"': bad file name.\n"); exit 1
let pi =
SyntaxTree.give_pack_this_name (Ident.pack_name_of_string nme) pbdy
incl_files, Unpacked (NSPack (Lxm.flagit pi (Lxm.dummy nme)))
| PRPack_or_models(incl_files, nsl) -> incl_files, Packed nsl
let rec (get_remaining_source_list : maybe_packed * string list * string list ->
maybe_packed * string list * string list) =
fun (maybe_pack, compiled, to_be_compiled) ->
match to_be_compiled with
| [] -> (maybe_pack, compiled, [])
| infile::tail ->
if List.mem infile compiled then
get_remaining_source_list (maybe_pack, compiled, tail)
let included_files, pack = get_one_source infile in
let new_maybe_pack =
match maybe_pack, pack with
| Unpacked _, _
| _, Unpacked _ ->
print_string ("old-style (un-packaged) lustre files can " ^
" not be mixed with packages, nor be " ^
" defined in more than 1 file.");
exit 1
| Packed l1, Packed l2 -> Packed (l1@l2)
let first_file = assert (infile_list <> []); List.hd infile_list in
let included_files, first_pack = get_one_source first_file in
let (pack_list,_,_) = get_remaining_source_list
(first_pack, [first_file], (List.tl infile_list) @ included_files)
match pack_list with
| Packed l -> l
| Unpacked pack -> [pack]
let my_exit i =
close_out !Global.oc;
if Sys.file_exists !Global.outfile then Sys.remove !Global.outfile;
exit i
let main = (
(* Compile.init_appli () ; *)
parse_args ();
if !Global.run_unit_test then (
UnifyType.unit_test ()
if (!Global.infiles = []) then (
Arg.usage arg_list usage_msg ;
exit 1
try (
let nsl = get_source_list !Global.infiles in
let main_node =
if !Global.main_node = "" then None else
Some (Ident.idref_of_string !Global.main_node)
if !Global.outfile <> "" then Global.oc := open_out !Global.outfile;
Compile.doit nsl main_node;
CompiledDataDump.dump_type_alias !Global.oc;
close_out !Global.oc
) with
Sys_error(s) ->
prerr_string (s^"\n");
my_exit 1
| Global_error s ->
print_global_error s ;
my_exit 1
| Parse_error ->
print_compile_error (Lxm.last_made ()) "syntax error";
my_exit 1
| Compile_error(lxm,msg) ->
print_compile_error lxm msg ;
my_exit 1
| Assert_failure (file, line, col) ->
prerr_string (
"\n*** oops: an internal error occurred in file "^ file ^ ", line " ^
(string_of_int line) ^ ", column " ^
(string_of_int col) ^ "\n*** when compiling lustre program" ^
(if List.length !Global.infiles > 1 then "s " else " ") ^
(String.concat ", " !Global.infiles) ^ "\n") ;
my_exit 2
(* | Compile_node_error(nkey,lxm,msg) -> ( *)
(* print_compile_node_error nkey lxm msg ; *)
(* exit 1 *)
(* ) *)
(* | Global_node_error(nkey,msg) -> ( *)
(* print_global_node_error nkey msg ; *)
(* exit 1 *)
(* ) *)