2.01 KiB
let my_string_of_float = string_of_float
let (entete : out_channel -> string -> string -> unit) =
fun oc cb ce ->
let time = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
let sys_call, _ = Array.fold_left
(fun (acc,i) x ->
if 70 < i + (String.length x) then
acc ^ ce^ "\n"^cb^"\t\t" ^ x, String.length ("\n \t\t" ^ x)
acc ^ " " ^ x , (i+1+(String.length x))
and date = Printf.sprintf "%02d/%02d/%d"
time_str = Printf.sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d"
(* and user = Unix.getlogin () *)
and hostname = Unix.gethostname ()
(* Printf.fprintf oc "-- lv6 version %s\n" LustreVersion.str; *)
(* Printf.fprintf oc "-- cmd: %s\n" sys_call; *)
(* Printf.fprintf oc "-- host: %s date: %s time: %s\n" hostname date time_str *)
Printf.fprintf oc "%s This file was generated by lv6 version %s. %s\n"
cb Lv6version.str ce;
Printf.fprintf oc "%s %s %s\n" cb sys_call ce;
Printf.fprintf oc "%s on %s the %s at %s %s\n" cb hostname date time_str ce
let rec pos_in_list i x l =
match l with
| e::l -> if e=x then i else pos_in_list (i+1) x l
| [] -> assert false (* should not occur *)
let my_int_of_string = LocalGenlex.local_int_of_string
let string_ends str1 str2 =
let l1,l2 = String.length str1, String.length str2 in
l1>=l2 &&
str2 = String.sub str1 (l1 - l2 ) l2
let _ = assert (string_ends "int []" "[]")
(* [my_assoc x l] returns the elt associated to x in l plus l without (x,elt) *)
let my_assoc x l =
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> None
| (a,b)::l -> if compare a x = 0 then Some(b,List.rev_append acc l) else aux ((a,b)::acc) l
aux [] l
let gen_N i =
let rec aux acc n = if n<0 then acc else aux (n::acc) (n-1) in
aux [] i
let _ = assert (gen_N 10 = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10])