15.79 KiB
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 10/07/2017 (at 13:12) by Erwan Jahier> *)
open Data
open Soc
open Soc2cIdent
(* A boring but simple module... *)
let (lustre_binop : Soc.key -> string -> string) =
fun sk op ->
let cast = "(const void *)" in
let ctype = match sk with
| _,t::_,_ -> Printf.sprintf "sizeof(%s)" (Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c t "")
| _, [],_ -> assert false
(match sk with
| (("Lustre::eq"|"Lustre::equal"),(Array _)::_,_) ->
Printf.sprintf " *out = memcmp(%s i1, %s i2, %s)==0;\n" cast cast ctype
| (("Lustre::eq"|"Lustre::equal"),(Struct _)::_,_) ->
Printf.sprintf " *out = memcmp(%s &i1, %s &i2, %s)==0;\n" cast cast ctype
| (("Lustre::neq"|"Lustre::diff"),(Array _)::_,_) ->
Printf.sprintf " *out = !memcmp(%s i1, %s i2, %s)==0;\n" cast cast ctype
| (("Lustre::neq"|"Lustre::diff"),(Struct _)::_,_) ->
Printf.sprintf " *out = !memcmp(%s &i1, %s &i2, %s)==0;\n" cast cast ctype
| _ ->
Printf.sprintf " *out = (i1 %s i2);\n" op
let (lustre_unop : Soc.key -> string -> string) =
fun sk op ->
(* use gen_assign? *)
Printf.sprintf" *out = %s i1;\n" op
let (lustre_ite : Soc.key -> string) =
fun sk ->
let t = match sk with (_,_::t::_,_) -> t | _ -> assert false in
(* Printf.sprintf" %s.z = (%s.c)? %s.xt : %s.xe;\n" ctx ctx ctx ctx *)
Soc2cStack.gen_assign t (Printf.sprintf "*out")
(Printf.sprintf "(cond)? xthen : xelse")
let (lustre_impl : Soc.key -> string) =
fun sk ->
(* use gen_assign? *)
Printf.sprintf" *out = (!i1 || i2);\n"
let (lustre_arrow : Soc.key -> string) =
fun sk ->
let t = match sk with (_,_::t::_,_) -> t | _ -> assert false in
let x,y = "i1", "i2" in
let z = match t with
| Data.Array(_,_) -> "out"
| _ -> "*out"
let vo = Printf.sprintf"((ctx->_memory)? %s : %s)" x y in
(Soc2cStack.gen_assign t z vo) ^
(" ctx->_memory = _false;\n")
let (lustre_hat : Soc.key -> string) =
fun (n,tl,si_opt) ->
let i,t = match tl with
| [_;Data.Array(t,i)] -> i,t
| _ -> assert false
let buff = ref "" in
for j=0 to i-1 do
buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign t (Printf.sprintf "out[%d]" j)
(Printf.sprintf "i1"));
let (lustre_array: Soc.key -> string) =
fun (n,tl,si_opt) ->
let t,i = match List.hd (List.rev tl) with
| Data.Array(t,i) -> t,i
| _ -> assert false
let buff = ref "" in
for j=0 to i-1 do
buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign t (Printf.sprintf "out[%d]" j)
(Printf.sprintf "i%d" (j+1)));
let (lustre_concat: Soc.key -> string) =
fun (n,tl,si_opt) ->
let t,s1,s2 = match tl with
| [Data.Array(t,s1); Data.Array(_,s2); _] -> t,s1,s2
| _ -> assert false
let t1 = Printf.sprintf "i1"
and t2 = Printf.sprintf "i2"
and t12 = Printf.sprintf "out"
and t1_type = Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c (Data.Array(t,s1)) ""
and t2_type = Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c (Data.Array(t,s2)) ""
if not Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then (
(Printf.sprintf " memcpy(%s, %s, sizeof(%s));\n" t12 t1 t1_type)^
(Printf.sprintf " memcpy(%s+%d, %s, sizeof(%s));\n" t12 s1 t2 t2_type)
) else (
(* Both seems to work *)
let buff = ref "" in
for j=0 to s1-1 do
buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign t
(Printf.sprintf "%s[%d]" t12 j)
(Printf.sprintf "%s[%d]" t1 j)
for j=s1 to s1+s2-1 do
buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign t
(Printf.sprintf "%s[%d]" t12 j)
(Printf.sprintf "%s[%d]" t2 (j-s1))
(* let buff = ref "" in *)
(* for j=0 to s1-1 do *)
(* buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign t (Printf.sprintf "%s.z[%d]" ctx j)); *)
(* done; *)
(* for j=s1 to s1+s2-1 do *)
(* buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign t (Printf.sprintf "%s.z[%d]" ctx j)); *)
(* done; *)
(* !buff *)
let (lustre_slice: Soc.key -> string) =
fun (n,tl,si_opt) ->
let t,size = match List.hd (List.rev tl) with
| Data.Array(t,i) -> t,i
| _ -> assert false
match si_opt with
| Slic(b,e,step) ->
let buff = ref "" in
let j=ref 0 in
for i = b to e do
if (i-b) mod step = 0 then (
buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign t (Printf.sprintf "out[%d]" !j)
(Printf.sprintf "i1[%d]" i)
incr j);
| _ -> assert false
(* exported *)
let (get_predef_op: Soc.key -> string) =
fun sk ->
let (n,tl,si_opt) = sk in
match n with
| "Lustre::rplus"
| "Lustre::plus"
| "Lustre::iplus" -> lustre_binop sk "+"
| "Lustre::itimes"
| "Lustre::times"
| "Lustre::rtimes" -> lustre_binop sk "*"
| "Lustre::idiv"
| "Lustre::div"
| "Lustre::rdiv" -> lustre_binop sk "/"
| "Lustre::islash"
| "Lustre::slash"
| "Lustre::rslash" -> lustre_binop sk "/"
| "Lustre::iminus"
| "Lustre::minus"
| "Lustre::rminus" -> lustre_binop sk "-"
| "Lustre::mod" -> lustre_binop sk "%"
| "Lustre::iuminus"
| "Lustre::uminus"
| "Lustre::ruminus"-> lustre_unop sk "-"
| "Lustre::eq" -> lustre_binop sk "=="
| "Lustre::equal" -> lustre_binop sk "=="
| "Lustre::and" -> lustre_binop sk "&&"
| "Lustre::neq" -> lustre_binop sk "!="
| "Lustre::diff" -> lustre_binop sk "!="
| "Lustre::or" -> lustre_binop sk "||"
| "Lustre::xor" -> lustre_binop sk "!="
| "Lustre::not" -> lustre_unop sk "!"
| "Lustre::real2int" -> lustre_unop sk "(_integer)"
| "Lustre::int2real" -> lustre_unop sk "(_real)"
| "Lustre::lt"
| "Lustre::rlt"
| "Lustre::ilt" -> lustre_binop sk "<"
| "Lustre::gt"
| "Lustre::rgt"
| "Lustre::igt" -> lustre_binop sk ">"
| "Lustre::lte"
| "Lustre::rlte"
| "Lustre::ilte" -> lustre_binop sk "<="
| "Lustre::gte"
| "Lustre::rgte"
| "Lustre::igte" -> lustre_binop sk ">="
| "Lustre::impl" -> lustre_impl sk
| "Lustre::if"
| "Lustre::rif"
| "Lustre::iif" -> lustre_ite sk
| "Lustre::current" -> assert false
| "Lustre::arrow" -> lustre_arrow sk
| "Lustre::hat" -> lustre_hat sk
| "Lustre::array" -> lustre_array sk
| "Lustre::concat" -> lustre_concat sk
| "Lustre::array_slice" -> lustre_slice sk
| "Lustre::nor" -> assert false (* ougth to be translated into boolred *)
| "Lustre::diese" -> assert false (* ditto *)
| _ -> assert false
let rec type_elt_of_array = function
| Data.Array(t,_) -> t
| Data.Alias(_,t) -> type_elt_of_array t
| _ -> assert false
let (not_an_array : Data.t -> bool) = function
| Data.Array(_,_) -> false | _ -> true
(* exported *)
let (get_iterator : Soc.t -> string -> Soc.t -> int -> string) =
fun soc iterator it_soc n ->
let iter_inputs,iter_outputs = soc.profile in
let node_step = match soc.step with [step] -> | _ -> assert false in
let step_args, ctx, array_index =
match soc.instances with
| [] -> (
let (array_index : int -> Soc.var -> Soc.var_expr) =
fun i (vn,vt) -> (* Var(Printf.sprintf "%s[%d]" vn i, type_elt_of_array vt) *)
let vt_elt = match vt with
| Data.Array(vt,_) -> vt
| _ -> assert false
Index(Var (vn,vt),i,vt_elt)
Array.make n "",
Array.make n (get_ctx_name it_soc.key),
| _ ->
let il, _ = Soc2cInstances.to_array soc.instances in
let step_args = List.flatten(
fun (sk,i) ->
let l = Lv6util.gen_N i in
let id = get_ctx_name sk in
let step_args = (fun n -> Printf.sprintf "&ctx->%s_tab[%d]" id n) l in
(* let ctx = (fun n -> Printf.sprintf "&ctx->%s" id n) l in *)
) il)
let ctx = step_args (* (fun sn -> ("ctx->"^(id2s sn))) inst_names *) in
let (array_index : int -> var -> Soc.var_expr) =
fun i (vn,vt) ->
let vt_elt = match vt with
| Data.Array(vt,_) -> vt
| _ -> assert false
Index(Var (vn, Data.Array(vt,i)),i,vt_elt)
(* Var(Printf.sprintf "%s[%d]" vn i,vt) *)
Array.of_list step_args,
Array.of_list ctx,
let buff = ref "" in
let name, telt = List.hd iter_inputs in
let a_in = name in
(* if the accumulator is passed by adress (eg, if it is an array), we need
an extra variable for fillred (not for map) *)
let a_in_bis = "_local_"^name in (* can it clash? *)
let acc_is_passed_by_value =
match telt with
| Alias(_, (Enum _ | Bool | Int | Real))
| Struct _ (* ZZZ if we pass struct by adress one day, I should move that line *)
| Enum _ | Bool | Int | Real ->
(* arg passed by value are copied into the stack, so it's safe
to use the same variable *)
| Alias _ | Alpha _ -> assert false
(* ougth to be deadcode; true is the safe value anyway *)
| Extern _
| Array _ -> false
let a_in, a_in_bis = if acc_is_passed_by_value then a_in, a_in else a_in, a_in_bis in
let a_in_v = Var(a_in, telt) in
let a_in_bis_v = Var(a_in_bis, telt) in
if not acc_is_passed_by_value && iterator <> "map" then (
buff := !buff^(Printf.sprintf " %s;\n"
(Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c telt a_in_bis));
(match Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.soc2c_inline_loops, iterator with
| true, "map" -> (
for i=0 to n-1 do
let vel_in, vel_out =
( (array_index i) iter_inputs, (array_index i) iter_outputs)
buff := !buff^(
soc it_soc vel_out vel_in ctx.(i) node_step step_args.(i));
| false, "map" -> (
let vel_in, vel_out =
(* xxx <ugly>... Soc.var_expr cannot hold index variable
and I don't want to rewrite (nor duplicate)
gen_step_call for now. Hence this ugly 666 turn-around *)
( (array_index (-666)) iter_inputs, (array_index (-666)) iter_outputs)
let for_loop = Printf.sprintf "for (_i=0 ; _i<%i ; _i+=1) {" n in
let body = Soc2cStack.gen_step_call
soc it_soc vel_out vel_in ctx.(0) node_step step_args.(0);
let body =
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\[-666\\]") "[_i]" body
in (* </ugly> *)
let str = Printf.sprintf " int _i;\n %s\n %s }" for_loop body in
buff := !buff ^ str
| true, ("fold" | "red" | "fill" | "fillred") -> (
let a_out =
let o,t = List.hd iter_outputs in
if Soc2cStack.is_soc_output (Var(o,t)) soc && not_an_array t
then "*"^o else o
for i=0 to n-1 do
let vel_in, vel_out =
let a_in_v, a_in_bis_v =
if i mod 2 = 0 then a_in_v, a_in_bis_v else a_in_bis_v, a_in_v
a_in_v ::( (array_index i) ( iter_inputs)),
a_in_bis_v::( (array_index i) ( iter_outputs))
buff := !buff^(
soc it_soc vel_out vel_in ctx.(i) node_step step_args.(i)) ;
if n mod 2 = 0 then
buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign telt a_out a_in) (* a_out=a_n *)
buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign telt a_out a_in_bis)
| false, ("fold" | "red" | "fill" | "fillred") -> (
let a_out =
let o,t = List.hd iter_outputs in
if Soc2cStack.is_soc_output (Var(o,t)) soc && not_an_array t
then "*"^o else o
let for_loop = Printf.sprintf "for (_i=0 ; _i<%i ; _i+=2){" (n-1) in
let vel_in, vel_out =
a_in_v ::( (array_index (-666)) ( iter_inputs)),
a_in_bis_v::( (array_index (-666)) ( iter_outputs))
let vel_in2, vel_out2 =
List.hd vel_out ::( vel_in),
List.hd vel_in ::( vel_out)
let step_arg =
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\[0\\]") "[_i]" step_args.(0) in
let step_arg2 =
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\[0\\]") "[_i+1]" step_args.(0) in
let body = Soc2cStack.gen_step_call
soc it_soc vel_out vel_in ctx.(0) node_step step_arg;
let body2 = Soc2cStack.gen_step_call
soc it_soc vel_out2 vel_in2 ctx.(0) node_step step_arg2;
let call1 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\[-666\\]") "[_i]" body in
let call2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\[-666\\]") "[_i+1]" body2 in (* </ugly> *)
let call3 = if (n mod 2 = 1) then
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\[-666\\]")
("["^string_of_int (n-1)^"]") body
else ""
let str = Printf.sprintf
" int _i;\n %s\n %s %s }\n%s " for_loop call1 call2 call3
buff := !buff ^ str;
if n mod 2 = 0 then
buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign telt a_out a_in) (* a_out=a_n *)
buff := !buff^(Soc2cStack.gen_assign telt a_out a_in_bis)
| _,_ -> assert false (* SNO *)
(* exported *)
let (get_condact : Soc.t -> Soc.t -> var_expr list -> string ) =
fun soc condact_soc el ->
let buff = ref "" in
let add str = buff:=!buff^(str^"\n") in
let add_ncr str = buff:=!buff^(str) in
let clk = Printf.sprintf "activate" in
let vel_in,vel_out = soc.profile in
let vel_in = vel_in in
let vel_in = (fun var -> Var var) vel_in in
let vel_out = (fun var -> Var var) vel_out in
add (Printf.sprintf "\n if (%s == _true) { " clk);
(if SocUtils.is_memory_less condact_soc then
let condact_ctx = get_ctx_name condact_soc.key in
add (Soc2cStack.gen_step_call soc condact_soc vel_out vel_in condact_ctx "step" "")
let condact_ctx =
match soc.instances with
| [inst] ->
let _, get_index = Soc2cInstances.to_array soc.instances in
let index = get_index (inst) in
(Printf.sprintf "ctx->%s_tab[%d]" (get_ctx_name condact_soc.key) index)
| _ -> assert false
add_ncr (Soc2cStack.gen_step_call soc condact_soc vel_out vel_in
condact_ctx "step" ("&"^condact_ctx))
add " ctx->_memory = _false;";
add " } else if (ctx->_memory == _true) {";
List.iter2 (fun var ve ->
add (Printf.sprintf " *%s = %s;" (Soc2cStack.string_of_var_expr soc var)
(Soc2cStack.string_of_var_expr soc ve) )
) vel_out el ;
add " ctx->_memory = _false;";
add " }";
(* exported *)
let (get_boolred : Soc.t -> int -> int -> int -> string )=
fun soc i j k ->
let buff = ref "" in
let add str = buff:=!buff^(str^"\n") in
add " int cpt,i;";
add " cpt=0;";
add (Printf.sprintf " for (i = 0 ; i < %d ; i += 1) if (i1[i] == _true) cpt++;" k);
add (Printf.sprintf " *out = (%d <= cpt && cpt <= %d) ? _true : _false;" i j);