Erwan Jahier authored
simple, and also avoids 3 shift/reduce conflicts. It also make the pragma stuff more homogeneous and simple to explain in the manual. Moreover, pramgma are no more attached to AST nodes, but to lexemes.
Erwan Jahier authoredsimple, and also avoids 3 shift/reduce conflicts. It also make the pragma stuff more homogeneous and simple to explain in the manual. Moreover, pramgma are no more attached to AST nodes, but to lexemes.
lxm.ml 1.94 KiB
(** Time-stamp: <modified the 01/09/2008 (at 17:03) by jahier> *)
(** Common to lus2lic and lic2loc *)
let new_line ( lexbuf ) = (
Global.line_start_pos := Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf;
incr Global.line_num;
(* exported *)
type pragma = Pragma of string * string
(* le type ``lexeme'', string + info source *)
type t = {
_file : string ;
_str : string ;
_line : int ;
_cstart : int ;
_cend : int;
_pragma : pragma list
let str x = (x._str)
let id x = (Ident.of_string x._str)
let line x = (x._line)
let cstart x = (x._cstart)
let cend x = (x._cend)
let file x = x._file
let pragma x = x._pragma
(* affichage standard: *)
let details lxm = (
Printf.sprintf "in file \"%s\", line %d, col %d to %d, token '%s'"
lxm._file lxm._line lxm._cstart lxm._cend lxm._str
let position lxm = (
Printf.sprintf "line:%d, col:%d to %d"
lxm._line lxm._cstart lxm._cend
(* constructeur de type flagg avec un lexeme *)
type 'a srcflagged = {
src : t ;
it : 'a
(* flagage d'une valeur quelconque *)
let (flagit : 'a -> t -> 'a srcflagged) =
fun x lxm ->
{ it = x; src = lxm }
let dummy str =
_str = str ;
_file = String.concat ", " !Global.infiles ;
_line = 0 ;
_cstart = 0 ;
_cend = 0 ;
_pragma = []
let last_lexeme = ref (dummy "")
let make ( lexbuf ) = (
let s = (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) in
let l = !Global.line_num in
let c1 = (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf - !Global.line_start_pos + 1) in
let c2 = (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf - !Global.line_start_pos) in
last_lexeme :=
{ _str = s ;
_file = !Global.current_file;
_line = l;
_cstart = c1 ;
_cend = c2 ;
_pragma = []
let add_pragma lxm pl = { lxm with _pragma = pl }
let make_string ( lexbuf ) =
let lxm = make lexbuf in
{ lxm with _str = String.sub lxm._str 1 ((String.length lxm._str)-2) }
let last_made () = !last_lexeme