Erwan Jahier authored
Indeed, having two different mechanisms is bad. In the end, I've kept mine (and not the one of Pascal), because the it was depending on LicPrg.t, which was creating a circular dep (which could of course be fixed, but I am lazy).
Erwan Jahier authoredIndeed, having two different mechanisms is bad. In the end, I've kept mine (and not the one of Pascal), because the it was depending on LicPrg.t, which was creating a circular dep (which could of course be fixed, but I am lazy).
licPrg.mli 2.09 KiB
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 03/03/2015 (at 10:42) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(** The data structure resulting from the compilation process *)
(** Réorganisation de la compil :
Un LicPrg est :
- un programme Lustre SIMPLE, vérifié et cohérent,
à base de Lic.xx
- du lv6, on passe à LicPrg via licTab, qui fait
UNIQUEMENT le boulot de base :
* dé-packaging
* résolution de l'ordre sup statique, y compris la
récursion, en tirant "le fil" du main node
* SAUF pour les macros prédéfinies (non-programmables)
* résolution de la surcharge
- les transformations (expansions etc.) qui étaient faites
dans licTab sont (appelées à devenir) des phases
apres coup du type LicPrg -> LicPrg
Pas très différent des infos de licTab.t
Sauf que on utilise des map
type t
(** nb: previous bindings disappear *)
val add_type : Lic.item_key -> Lic.type_ -> t -> t
val add_const : Lic.item_key -> Lic.const -> t -> t
val add_node : Lic.node_key -> Lic.node_exp -> t -> t
val del_node : Lic.node_key -> t -> t
val empty : t
(* fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b *)
val fold_consts : (Lic.item_key -> Lic.const -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_types : (Lic.item_key -> Lic.type_ -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_nodes : (Lic.node_key -> Lic.node_exp -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val list_nodes : t -> (Lic.node_key * Lic.node_exp) list
val iter_consts : (Lic.item_key -> Lic.const -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iter_types : (Lic.item_key -> Lic.type_ -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iter_nodes : (Lic.node_key -> Lic.node_exp -> unit) -> t -> unit
val to_file : Lv6MainArgs.t -> t -> Lv6Id.idref option -> unit
val find_type : t -> Lic.item_key -> Lic.type_ option
val find_const : t -> Lic.item_key -> Lic.const option
val find_node : t -> Lic.node_key -> Lic.node_exp option
val node_exists: t -> Lic.node_key -> bool
(** choose a user node *)
val choose_node : t -> (Lic.node_key * Lic.node_exp) option
val find_var : Lv6Id.t -> Lic.node_exp -> Lic.var_info option
val fresh_type_id : t -> Lv6Id.pack_name -> string -> Lv6Id.long