soc2cStack.mli 1.66 KiB
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/06/2017 (at 16:41) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(** Gathers all entities (functions, types) that implement the
heap-based C generator. *)
(* [is_soc_output ve soc] is true if ve is an output of soc *)
val is_soc_output : Soc.var_expr -> Soc.t -> bool
(** [gen_assign t vi vo size] generated the C code that assign vo to vi,
using memcpy or = depending on the type t *)
val gen_assign : Data.t -> string -> string -> string
(** ditto *)
val gen_assign_var_expr : Soc.t -> Soc.var_expr -> Soc.var_expr -> string
(** Generates the C step name from the soc key and the soc step name *)
val step_name : Soc.key -> string -> string
(** Returns the prototype (.c) and the decl (.h) of the step function.
For the stack based approach, we need to arg I/O params.
val get_step_prototype : Soc.step_method -> Soc.t -> string * string * string
val string_of_var_expr: Soc.t -> Soc.var_expr -> string
(* [ctx_var vk id] *)
val ctx_var : Soc2cUtil.var_kind -> Soc.t -> Lv6Id.t -> string
(** [gen_step_call soc called_soc vel_out vel_in ctx sname step_arg]
Generates the C code that performs the call to a step method of
[called_soc] from [soc].
- [vel_out] and [vel_in] are the called_soc O/I arguments
- [ctx] is the C name of the context of the called_soc
- [sname] is the C name of the step to call
- [step_arg] is a string holding the arg of the step (empty for proc call)
val gen_step_call : Soc.t -> Soc.t -> Soc.var_expr list -> Soc.var_expr list ->
string -> string -> string -> string
(* should this soc be inlined? (depends on Lv6MainArgs.global_opt) *)
val inlined_soc : Soc.key -> bool
val typedef_of_soc : Soc.t -> string