(* Time-stamp: <modified the 04/06/2024 (at 09:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
** Copyright (C) - Verimag.
open Lv6MainArgs
open Soc
open SocExecValue
let make_do argv opt =
Lv6Verbose.exe ~level:3 (fun () ->
Gc.set { (Gc.get ()) with Gc.verbose = 0x01 }
Erwan Jahier
if (opt.infiles = []) then (Lv6MainArgs.usage stderr opt; exit 1);
let new_dft_pack = Filename.basename (Filename.chop_extension (List.hd opt.infiles)) in
Lv6Id.set_dft_pack_name new_dft_pack;
let main_node =
if opt.main_node = "" then None else
Some (Lv6Id.idref_of_string opt.main_node)
if opt.outfile <> "" then opt.oc <- open_out opt.outfile;
let nsl = Lv6Compile.get_source_list opt opt.infiles in
let lic_prg = Lv6Compile.doit opt nsl main_node in
let nk = (Lic.node_key_of_idref (Lv6Id.to_idref opt.main_node)) in
if LicPrg.node_exists lic_prg nk then (
) else (
print_string ("Error: cannot find node "^opt.main_node^" in "^
(String.concat "," opt.infiles)^".\n");
flush stdout;
let soc_inputs,soc_outputs = soc.profile in
let soc_inputs,soc_outputs =
if opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_io_type then
(SocVar.expand_profile true SocVar.PP (fst soc.profile)),
(SocVar.expand_profile true SocVar.PP (snd soc.profile))
let (vntl_i:Data.vntl) = soc_inputs in
let (vntl_o:Data.vntl) = soc_outputs in
(* LicDump.dump_entete oc; *)
(* RifIO.write_interface oc vntl_i vntl_o None None; *)
(* RifIO.flush oc; *)
let (to_soc_subst : SocExecValue.ctx -> Soc.var list -> Data.subst list) =
(* let sl = (fun var -> fst var, SocExecValue.get_value ctx (Var var)) vl in *)
let sl = SocExecValue.filter_top_subst ctx.s in
let sl = List.flatten ( SocVar.expand_subst sl) in
(* If the order ever matters, I could try the following. :
try (fun v -> fst v,
List.assoc (fst v) sl) vl with Not_found -> assert false
let (add_subst : Data.subst list -> SocExecValue.substs -> SocExecValue.substs) =
let s = SocVar.unexpand_profile s (fst soc.profile) in
List.fold_left (fun acc (id,v) -> SocExecValue.sadd acc [id] v) ctx_s s
let ctx_ref = ref (SocExecValue.create_ctx soc_tbl soc) in
let ss_table = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let step sl_in =
let ctx = { !ctx_ref with s = add_subst sl_in !ctx_ref.s } in
Erwan Jahier
let ctx = SocExecDbg.do_step soc_tbl soc ctx in
let sl_out = to_soc_subst ctx soc_outputs in
ctx_ref := ctx;
(* RifIO.write_outputs oc Util.my_string_of_float vntl_o sl_out; *)
(* RifIO.flush oc; *)
let step_dbg sl_in ectx cont =
let cont2 ectx ctx =
let sl_out = to_soc_subst ctx soc_outputs in
ctx_ref := ctx;
cont sl_out ectx
ctx_ref := { !ctx_ref with s = add_subst sl_in !ctx_ref.s };
Erwan Jahier
SocExecDbg.do_step_dbg soc_tbl soc ectx !ctx_ref cont2
let (mems_in : Data.subst list) = [] in (* XXX todo *)
let (mems_out : Data.subst list) = [] in (* XXX todo *)
id = Printf.sprintf "%s" (String.concat " " (Array.to_list argv));
inputs = vntl_i;
outputs= vntl_o;
Erwan Jahier
reset=(fun () -> ctx_ref := SocExecValue.create_ctx soc_tbl soc);
kill=(fun _ -> if opt.outfile <> "" then (flush opt.oc; close_out opt.oc));
save_state = (fun i -> Hashtbl.replace ss_table i (!ctx_ref));
restore_state = (fun i ->
match Hashtbl.find_opt ss_table i with
| Some (x) -> ctx_ref := x
| None -> Printf.eprintf "Cannot restore state %i from lv6\n" i; flush stderr
open Lv6errors
let my_exit opt i =
if opt.outfile <> "" then (
flush opt.oc;
close_out opt.oc
flush stdout;
flush stderr;
(* if i>0 && Sys.file_exists opt.outfile then Sys.remove opt.outfile; *)
exit i
let make argv =
let opt = Lv6MainArgs.parse argv in
try make_do argv opt with
| Sys_error(s) -> prerr_string (s^"\n"); my_exit opt 1
| Global_error s -> print_global_error s; my_exit opt 1
| Parsing.Parse_error ->
print_compile_error (Lxm.last_made ()) "Syntax error";
exit 1
print_compile_error lxm ("unknown variable (" ^ (Lv6Id.to_string id) ^")");
my_exit opt 1
print_compile_error lxm ("unknown constant (" ^ str ^")");
my_exit opt 1
| Compile_error(lxm,msg) -> print_compile_error lxm msg; my_exit opt 1
| L2lCheckLoops.Error(lxm,msg,lic_prg) ->
(* Sometime it helps to see the current state of the faulty program *)
let main_node =
if opt.main_node = "" then None else
Some (Lv6Id.idref_of_string opt.main_node)
LicPrg.to_file opt lic_prg main_node;
flush opt.oc;
print_compile_error lxm msg;
my_exit opt 1
| SocExec.AssertViolation lxm ->
print_compile_error lxm "An assertion is violated in the Lustre program";
my_exit opt 1
prerr_string (
"\", line " ^ (string_of_int line) ^ ", column " ^
(string_of_int col) ^ "\nError: when compiling lustre program" ^
(if List.length opt.infiles > 1 then "s " else " ") ^
(String.concat ", " opt.infiles) ^ "\n"^
"\nError: You migth want to sent a bug report to "^Lv6version.maintainer ^"\n") ;
flush stderr;
my_exit opt 2