(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/09/2017 (at 15:14) by Erwan Jahier> *)
Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.line_start_pos <- Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf;
Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.line_num <- Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.line_num +1;
Erwan Jahier
(* exported *)
type pragma = Pragma of string * string
(* le type ``lexeme'', string + info source *)
type t = {
_file : string ;
_str : string ;
_line : int ;
_cstart : int ;
let id x = (Lv6Id.of_string x._str)
let line x = (x._line)
let cstart x = (x._cstart)
let cend x = (x._cend)
let file x = x._file
let pragma x = x._pragma
let file = if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.nonreg_test then
(* during non-regression test, having absolute paths printed
complicate the perusal (because of the diff output). *)
Filename.basename lxm._file
Printf.sprintf "in file \"%s\", line %d, col %d to %d, token '%s'"
file lxm._line lxm._cstart lxm._cend lxm._str
Pascal Raymond
(* affichage compact: *)
let short_details lxm = (
let file = Filename.basename lxm._file in
Printf.sprintf "f:%s, l:%d, c:%d-%d, t:'%s'"
file lxm._line lxm._cstart lxm._cend lxm._str
Printf.sprintf "line:%d, col:%d to %d"
lxm._line lxm._cstart lxm._cend
let (override_name : string -> t -> t) =
fun nname lxm ->
{ lxm with _str=nname }
src : t ;
it : 'a
(* flagage d'une valeur quelconque *)
fun x lxm ->
{ it = x; src = lxm }
_file = "dummy";
_cend = 0 ;
_pragma = []
let last_lexeme = ref (dummy "")
let l = global_opt.line_num in
let c1 = (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf - global_opt.line_start_pos) in
let c2 = (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf - global_opt.line_start_pos - 1) in
_file = global_opt.current_file;
_cend = c2 ;
_pragma = []
let add_pragma lxm pl = { lxm with _pragma = pl }
let make_string ( lexbuf ) =
let lxm = make lexbuf in
{ lxm with _str = String.sub lxm._str 1 ((String.length lxm._str)-2) }