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(* Time-stamp: <modified the 05/05/2022 (at 13:39) by Erwan Jahier> *)
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open Lxm
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(* get the first package in the package/model list *)
let dbg = (Lv6Verbose.get_flag "ast")
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let profile_info = Lv6Verbose.profile_info
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let split opt zelic = 
    || opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_nodes (* expand performs no fixpoint, so it will work
                                           only if we have one op per equation...*)
  then (
    (* Split des equations (1 eq = 1 op) *)
    profile_info "One op per equations...\n";
    L2lSplit.doit opt zelic)

let expand_nodes opt main_node zelic =
  if opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_node_call <> [] || opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_nodes then (
    let mn:Lv6Id.idref = 
      match main_node with
      | None -> 
         (match LicPrg.choose_node zelic with
          | None -> assert false
          | Some(nk,_) -> Lv6Id.idref_of_long (fst nk)
      | Some mn -> mn
    let ids_to_expand = Lv6Id.idref_of_string opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_node_call
    let long_match_idref (p,n) idref =
      (* if no pack is specified, we match them all *)
      (Lv6Id.name_of_idref idref = n)
      && (match Lv6Id.pack_of_idref idref with
            None -> true
          | Some p2 -> p = p2)
    let nodes_to_keep: Lic.node_key list = 
        (fun (long,sargs) _ acc -> 
         if opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_nodes then 
           (if long_match_idref long mn then
         else if
           List.exists (long_match_idref long) ids_to_expand 
    assert (nodes_to_keep <> []);
    profile_info ("Expanding the following node calls: "
       ^(String.concat "," ( (Lv6Id.string_of_idref false) ids_to_expand))^"\n");
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    profile_info ("Keeping the following node calls: "
      ^(String.concat "," ( Lic.string_of_node_key nodes_to_keep))^"\n");
    L2lExpandNodes.doit nodes_to_keep zelic

(* may introduce arrays, that may need to be expanded, so
   this has to be done before expand_arrays *)
let expand_enums _opt zelic =
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  match Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_enums with
  | Lv6MainArgs.AsBool -> L2lExpandEnum.doit L2lExpandEnum.BA zelic
  | Lv6MainArgs.AsInt  -> L2lExpandEnum.doit L2lExpandEnum.I  zelic
  | Lv6MainArgs.AsEnum
  | Lv6MainArgs.AsConst -> zelic

let remove_polymorphism _opt zelic =
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(* limination polymorphisme  surcharge *)
  profile_info "Removing polymorphism...\n";
  L2lRmPoly.doit zelic 
let expand_iterators _opt zelic =
  if not Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.inline_iterator then zelic else (
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    profile_info "Inlining iterators...\n";
    (* to be done before array expansion otherwise they won't be expanded *)
    let zelic = L2lExpandMetaOp.doit zelic in
    if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.kcg && not Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.inline_iterator
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	   L2lExpandMetaOp.doit_boolred zelic

let optimize_ite opt zelic =
  if not opt.Lv6MainArgs.optim_ite then zelic else ( 
    profile_info "Optimizing if/then/else...\n";
    L2lOptimIte.doit zelic)

(* Array and struct expansion: to do after polymorphism elimination
and after node expansion *)
let expand_arrays opt zelic =
  if not opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_arrays then zelic else (
    profile_info "Expanding arrays...\n";
    let zelic = L2lExpandArrays.doit zelic in
    let zelic = split opt zelic in

(* alias des types array XXX fait partir lic2soc en boucle 
   cause des soc key qui ne sont plus cohrentes entre elles 
  (cf commentaire au dbut du module). Bon, j'enleve, car j'en ai
   pas vraiment besoin en plus.
let _alias_arrays _opt zelic = zelic
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  (* profile_info "Aliasing arrays...\n";  *)
  (* let zelic = L2lAliasType.doit zelic in  *)
let remove_aliases opt zelic =
  if opt.Lv6MainArgs.keep_aliases then zelic else L2lRemoveAlias.doit zelic

let when_on_idents _opt zelic =
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  (* should be done after L2lOptimIte, as it introduces some 'when' *)
  if not Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.when_on_ident then zelic else ( 
    profile_info "Creating ident on when statements if necessary...\n";
let no_when_not _opt zelic = 
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  if not Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.no_when_not then zelic else (
    profile_info "Replace 'when not' statements by new variables...\n";
    L2lNoWhenNot.doit zelic)

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    profile_info "Check loops...\n";
    let zelic = if opt.Lv6MainArgs.expand_arrays then zelic else
        (* L2lCheckLoops only works if struct and array are expanded *)
        L2lExpandArrays.doit zelic
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let check_decl opt zelic =
  profile_info "Check safety and memory declarations...\n";
  if opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_c then 
    L2lCheckCKeyWord.doit zelic;
  if  Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.kcg then 
    L2lCheckKcgKeyWord.doit zelic
    L2lCheckMemSafe.doit zelic

let check_outputs _opt zelic =
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  profile_info "Check unique outputs...\n";
  L2lCheckOutputs.doit zelic
let (doit : Lv6MainArgs.t -> AstV6.pack_or_model list -> Lv6Id.idref option ->
            LicPrg.t) =
  fun opt srclist main_node ->
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  (*     let t0 = Sys.time() in *)
  profile_info "Lv6Compile: Start!\n";
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  let syntax_tab = AstTab.create srclist in
  (* Pour chaque package, on a un solveur de rfrences
       globales, pour les types, const et node :
       - les rfrences pointes (p::n) sont recherches
       directement dans la syntax_tab puisqu'il n'y a pas 
       - les rfrences simples sont recherches :
       . dans le pack lui-mme
       . dans un des packs dclars "uses", avec
       priorit dans l'ordre
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  let lic_tab = LicTab.create syntax_tab in
  Lv6Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg (fun () -> AstTab.dump syntax_tab);
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  profile_info "Lv6Compile: Compiling into lic\n";
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  let lic_tab = match main_node with
    | None -> LicTab.compile_all lic_tab
    | Some main_node -> 
       if opt.Lv6MainArgs.compile_all_items then
         LicTab.compile_all lic_tab
         LicTab.compile_node lic_tab main_node
  profile_info "Converting to lic_prg...\n";
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  let zelic = LicTab.to_lic_prg lic_tab in
  if opt.Lv6MainArgs.print_interface then zelic else (
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    check_decl opt zelic;
    let zelic = optimize_ite        opt zelic in
    let zelic = remove_polymorphism opt zelic in
    let zelic = expand_iterators    opt zelic in (* before expand_arrays *)
    let zelic = split               opt zelic in (* after expand_iterators *)
    let zelic = expand_enums        opt zelic in (* before expand_arrays *)
    let zelic = when_on_idents      opt zelic in (* after optimize_ite *)
    let zelic = expand_nodes        opt main_node zelic in (* after split *)
    let zelic = no_when_not         opt zelic in
    let zelic = expand_arrays       opt zelic in (* after expand_nodes 
                                                    and remove_polymorphism *)
    check_loops opt zelic main_node; 
    let zelic = remove_aliases      opt zelic in (* after check_loops *)
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    (* let zelic = alias_arrays opt zelic in  *)
    check_outputs opt zelic;
    profile_info "Lic Compilation done!\n";
let test_lex ( lexbuf ) = (
  let tk = ref (Lv6lexer.lexer lexbuf) in 
  while !tk <> Lv6parser.TK_EOF do
    match (Lv6lexer.token_code !tk) with 
	     ( co , lxm ) ->
	       Printf.printf "line %3d col %2d to %2d : %15s = \"%s\"\n"
	         (line lxm) (cstart lxm) (cend lxm) co (str lxm) ;
	       tk := (Lv6lexer.lexer lexbuf)

(* Retourne un AstV6.t *)
let lus_load lexbuf = 
  let tree = Lv6parser.program Lv6lexer.lexer lexbuf in
    FreshName.update_fresh_var_prefix ();
    AstRecognizePredef.f tree
type maybe_packed = 
  | Packed of AstV6.pack_or_model
  | Unpacked of AstV6.packbody 

let (get_source_list : Lv6MainArgs.t -> string list -> AstV6.pack_or_model list) =
  fun opt infile_list -> 
    let (get_one_source : string -> string list * maybe_packed list) = 
      fun infile -> 
        let incl_files, l =
          let lexbuf = Lv6MainArgs.lexbuf_of_file_name infile in
          if opt.Lv6MainArgs.tlex then test_lex lexbuf;
          match (lus_load lexbuf) with
          | PRPackBody(incl_files, pbdy) -> incl_files, [Unpacked pbdy]
          | PRPack_or_models(incl_files, nsl) ->
            incl_files, ( (fun ns -> Packed ns) nsl)
        (* If included files have a relative path, strange things may happen.
           Hence we make the path absolute, using the directory of the includer.
        let includer_dir = Filename.dirname infile in
        let fix_dir f = if Filename.is_relative f then
            Filename.concat includer_dir f else f in
        let incl_files = fix_dir incl_files in
        incl_files, l
    let rec (get_remaining_source_list : maybe_packed list * string list * string list -> 
             maybe_packed list * string list * string list) =
      fun (pack_acc, compiled, to_be_compiled) -> 
        match to_be_compiled with
        | [] -> (pack_acc, compiled, [])
        | infile::tail ->
          let infile = FilenameExtras.simplify infile in
          if List.mem infile compiled then
            get_remaining_source_list (pack_acc, compiled, tail)
            let included_files, pack = get_one_source infile in
            let new_pack_acc = pack_acc@pack in
    let infile_list = 
      (* We need absolute paths to make sure that files are not
         included several times.  Indeed, otherwise,
         FilenameExtras.simplify may miss some simplifications.  For
         example, consider the files "../../x/toto.lus" and
         "../toto.lus".  They actually refer to the same file if the
         current directory is a sub-directory of "x". Working with
         absolute paths solves the problem.
      let make_it_absolute f = 
        if Filename.is_relative f then Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) f else f 
      in make_it_absolute infile_list
    let first_file = assert (infile_list <> []); List.hd infile_list in
    let included_files, first_pack = get_one_source first_file in
    let (pack_list, _compiled_files, included_files) = 
      get_remaining_source_list (first_pack, [first_file],
                                 ( infile_list) @ included_files)
    let _ = assert (included_files=[]) in
    let packed_list, unpacked_list = 
        (fun (pl, upl) p -> 
           match p with
           | Packed p ->  p::pl, upl
           | Unpacked up -> pl, up::upl
        ([], [])
    let unpacked_merged_opt = (* All unpacked files are merged into one single package *)
        (fun acc pbody -> 
           match acc with
           | None -> Some pbody
           | Some pbody_acc -> 
             let add tbl x y =
               (* Let's perform some clashes checks *)
               if Hashtbl.mem tbl x then
                 let ybis = Hashtbl.find tbl x in
		           print_string ("*** Error: "^(Lv6Id.to_string x)^
                               " is defined twice: \n\t" ^ 
                               (Lxm.details y.src) ^ "\n\t" ^
                               (Lxm.details ybis.src) ^ ".\n"); 
                 exit 2
                 Hashtbl.add tbl x y
             Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_const_table x y)
             Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_type_table x y)
             Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> add pbody_acc.pk_node_table x y)
             Some { pbody_acc with
    match unpacked_merged_opt with
    | None -> packed_list
    | Some unpacked_merged ->
      let name = 
        try Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename first_file) 
        with _ -> 
		    print_string ("*** Error: '"^first_file^"' is a bad file name.\n"); exit 1
      let pi = AstV6.give_pack_this_name (Lv6Id.pack_name_of_string name) unpacked_merged in
      let p = NSPack (Lxm.flagit pi (Lxm.dummy name)) in