(** Time-stamp: <modified the 20/03/2022 (at 22:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(** Compute dependencies between actions *)
type t
val empty : t
(** Linear in the size of the first parameter *)
val concat: t -> t -> t
(** Compute the action dependencies that comes from the equations
Ajoute à une liste de dépendances existante celles issues d'une
liste d'actions (dont les entrées dépendent des sorties).
Lic2soc.lic_to_soc_type is passed in argument to break a dep loop
Erwan Jahier
val build_data_deps_from_actions: (Lic.type_ -> Data.t) -> t -> Action.t list -> t
(** Use the dependency constraints that come from the SOC (e.g., 'get' before 'set'
in memory SOC).
Erwan Jahier
val generate_deps_from_step_policy: Soc.precedence list -> (string * Action.t) list -> t
(** Returns the list of actions that depends on the action in argument. *)
Erwan Jahier
val find_deps: t -> Action.t -> Action.t list
val have_deps : t -> Action.t -> bool
val remove_dep : t -> Action.t -> t
(* Could also be named is_greater because if a1 depends on a2, it
means that a2 should be computed before, i.e. that a2 is smaller than
a1 *)
val depends_on : t -> Action.t -> Action.t -> bool
val to_string: t -> string