(** Time-stamp: <modified the 23/07/2008 (at 10:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
Erwan Jahier
type t
type long
val to_string : t -> string
val of_string : string -> t
val of_long : long -> t
val pack_name_of_string : string -> pack_name
val to_pack_name : t -> pack_name
val pack_name_to_string : pack_name -> string
val pack_of_long : long -> pack_name
val short_string_of_long : long -> string
val string_of_long : long -> string
val long_to_string : long -> string
val long_of_string : string -> long
val make_long : pack_name -> t -> long
val set_dft_pack_name : pack_name -> unit
(* TODO: a renommer et a abstraire ??
a mettre dans ???
During parsing, we don't know yet what default name we should
give to the package. Once we know it, we manipulate Ident.t rather than idref
idref is used to denote user ident, that migth be prefixed
by the module name or not. One of the first stage of the compiling
will consist in transforming those idref (should be called user_id?)
into Ident.long
type idref =
id_pack : string option;
id_id : string
val idref_of_string : string -> idref
val make_idref : pack_name -> t -> idref
val string_of_idref : idref -> string
val of_idref : idref -> t
val to_idref : t -> idref
val name_of_idref : idref -> t
val pack_of_idref : idref -> pack_name option
(** [long_of_idref default_pack_name id_ref] builds a long ident from a
val long_of_idref : idref -> long