(** Time-stamp: <modified the 29/08/2008 (at 09:28) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(** This module defines functions that translate SyntaxTreeCore datatypes into
Basically, it
- calls [EvalConst.f] wherever it is necessary, i.e., for items
that are required to be static, such as arrays sizes, or array
- recursively calls itself for translating sub-terms
- checks the arguments and the parameters are compatible (i.e., that they unify)
val typ : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.type_exp -> Eff.type_
val clock: Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.var_info -> Eff.clock
A [node_exp] is a name plus a list of static arguments.
The goal of [node] is to
- compute the effective type of static arguments
- check they are compatible with the node signature
check the type of the static arguments (
val node : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.node_exp Lxm.srcflagged ->
val eq : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.eq_info Lxm.srcflagged ->
Eff.eq_info Lxm.srcflagged
val assertion : Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.val_exp Lxm.srcflagged ->
Eff.val_exp Lxm.srcflagged
(** Useful to type check node aliased by array iterators *)
val translate_predef_static_args:
Eff.id_solver -> SyntaxTreeCore.static_arg Lxm.srcflagged list ->
Lxm.t -> Eff.static_arg list