(** Time-stamp: <modified the 27/03/2008 (at 11:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
Erwan Jahier
Sous-module pour SyntaxTab
| NotHere of Ident.long
st_consts: (Ident.t , (const_info srcflagged) hereflagged) Hashtbl.t ;
st_types : (Ident.t , (type_info srcflagged) hereflagged) Hashtbl.t ;
st_nodes : (Ident.t , (node_info srcflagged) hereflagged) Hashtbl.t ;
let create () =
let consts_tbl = Hashtbl.create 50
and types_tbl = Hashtbl.create 50
and nodes_tbl = Hashtbl.create 50
(* List.iter (fun (n,xx) -> Hashtbl.add nodes_tbl n xx) predef_node_list; *)
st_consts = consts_tbl;
st_types = types_tbl;
st_nodes = nodes_tbl;
let find_type (this: t) (id: Ident.t) lxm =
try Hashtbl.find (this.st_types) id
with Not_found -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, "unknown type"))
let find_const (this: t) (id: Ident.t) lxm =
try Hashtbl.find (this.st_consts) id
with Not_found ->
raise (Compile_error(lxm, "unknown constant"))
let find_node (this: t) (id: Ident.t) lxm =
try Hashtbl.find (this.st_nodes) id
with Not_found -> raise (Compile_error(lxm, "unknown node"))
let add_import_const (this: t) (id: Ident.t) (aid: Ident.long) = (
Hashtbl.replace (this.st_consts) id (NotHere aid)
let add_import_type (this: t) (id: Ident.t) (aid: Ident.long) = (
Hashtbl.replace (this.st_types) id (NotHere aid)
let add_import_node (this: t) (id: Ident.t) (aid: Ident.long) = (
Hashtbl.replace (this.st_nodes) id (NotHere aid)
let add_const (this: t) (n: Ident.t) (cix: const_info srcflagged) = (
Hashtbl.replace this.st_consts n (Here cix)
let add_type (this: t) (n: Ident.t) (tix: type_info srcflagged) = (
Hashtbl.replace this.st_types n (Here tix) ;
(* cas particulier des types enums *)
match with
EnumType (_, ecl) -> (
let tname = Lxm.str tix.src in
let treat_enum_const ec = (
let te = Named_type_exp { Ident.id_pack = None; Ident.id_id = tname} in
let tex = Lxm.flagit te tix.src in
let ci = EnumConst (, tex) in
add_const this (Lxm.flagit ci (ec.src))
) in
List.iter treat_enum_const ecl
| _ -> ()
let add_node (this: t) (n: Ident.t) (oix: node_info srcflagged) = (
Hashtbl.add this.st_nodes n (Here oix)
let iter_types this f = ( Hashtbl.iter f this.st_types)
let iter_consts this f = ( Hashtbl.iter f this.st_consts)
let iter_nodes this f = ( Hashtbl.iter f this.st_nodes)