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(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/02/2015 (at 11:20) by Erwan Jahier> *)
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(** (Raw) Abstract syntax tree of source Lustre V6 programs. 
    This is a syntax tree represented by Hash tables.
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open Printf
open Lxm  (* pour la remonte au source *)
open Lv6errors
open AstCore
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(** Constructeur de type "avec erreur info"   *)
(* QUESTION: pourquoi ne pas le mettre dans le module Error? *)
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type 'a error  = 
    Ok of 'a
  | Error of string
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    PRPackBody of string list * packbody
  | PRPack_or_models of string list * pack_or_model list
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    NSPack   of  pack_info srcflagged
  | NSModel  of  model_info srcflagged
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  model_info = {
    mo_name  : Lv6Id.pack_name ;
    mo_uses  : Lv6Id.pack_name srcflagged list ;
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    mo_needs : static_param srcflagged list ;
    (* N.B. CAS PARTICULIER DE item_info *)
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    mo_provides : item_info srcflagged list option;
    mo_body : packbody ;
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and pack_info = {
    pa_def : pack_def ;
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  pack_def = 
    PackGiven of pack_given
  | PackInstance of pack_instance
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  pack_given = { 
    pg_uses  : Lv6Id.pack_name srcflagged list ;
    (* N.B. CAS PARTICULIER DE item_info *)
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    pg_provides : item_info srcflagged list option;
    pg_body : packbody ;
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  pack_instance = {
    pi_model : Lv6Id.t ;
    pi_args : (Lv6Id.t * static_arg srcflagged) list ;
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    (** Collection de noeuds, types const etc.
	- une table pour chaque sorte de defs
	- une liste de defs permettant de les
	ressortir dans l'ordre                   
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  packbody = {
    pk_const_table : (Lv6Id.t, const_info srcflagged ) Hashtbl.t ;
    pk_type_table  : (Lv6Id.t, type_info  srcflagged ) Hashtbl.t ;
    pk_node_table  : (Lv6Id.t, node_info  srcflagged ) Hashtbl.t ;
    pk_def_list    : item_ident list ; 
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Utilitaires pour fabriquer des packages
let give_pack_this_name name pbdy = (
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      pa_def = PackGiven {
      	pg_uses = [];
      	pg_provides = None;
      	pg_body = pbdy;

(*                      INTERFACE AVEC LE PARSER                              *)

Construction d'un packbody
n.b. les tables sont copies et donc
rutilisables par l'appelant

let make_packbody ctab ttab otab dlst = (
    pk_const_table = Hashtbl.copy ctab;
    pk_type_table  = Hashtbl.copy ttab;
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    pk_node_table  = Hashtbl.copy otab;
    pk_def_list    = dlst
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Rle : retourne le lexeme ``principal'' d'une expression/d'un 

Entres : val_exp

Sorties : Lxm.t

Effets de bord :

let rec lexeme_of_left_part = function
  | LeftVar sflg -> sflg.src
  | LeftField (x, _) -> lexeme_of_left_part x 
  | LeftArray (x, _) -> lexeme_of_left_part x
  | LeftSlice (x, _) -> lexeme_of_left_part x

let (pack_or_model_to_string: pack_or_model -> string) =
    | NSPack  pi -> Lv6Id.pack_name_to_string ^ " (pack) "
    | NSModel mi -> Lv6Id.pack_name_to_string ^ " (model) "