rights;"Data access and use are ruled by the ? data policy.";;;;
rights;"Aline et al. (2019)";;;;
description:Abstract;"GNSS data are analyzed by the ISTerre laboratory, part of the Observatories of Earth Sciences and Astronomy of Grenoble (OSUG). This analysis center processes GNSS data from permanent sites. A general processing description can be found on this link: https://isterre.fr/recherche/projets-de-recherche/projets-en-cours/projets-europeens/article/gnss-products?lang=en and will be in more detail described in Deprez et al. (2019). Different areas in the world are processed, corresponding to different research projects. For now, only the Europe project is available (GNSS.products.EUROPE). ISTerre provides the processing solutions, i.e. position and velocity at each site. For the European project, for instance, each solution is in GNSS.products.EUROPE.all.";;;;
rights;"Deprez et al. (2019)";;;;
description:Abstract;"GNSS data are analyzed by the ISTerre laboratory, part of the Observatories of Earth Sciences and Astronomy of Grenoble (OSUG). This analysis center processes GNSS data from permanent sites. A detailed processing description can be found in Deprez et al. (2019, submitted). Different areas in the world are processed, corresponding to different research projects. For now, only the Europe project is available. ISTerre provides the processing solutions, i.e. position and velocity at each site. A specific DOI is allocated for each solution.";;;;