Collects syslog messages as per RFC5425 or RFC5426.
The syslog plugin listens for syslog messages transmitted over
[UDP]( or
It can act as a syslog transport receiver over TLS (or TCP) - ie., RFC5425 - or over UDP - ie., RFC5426.
This plugin listens for syslog messages following RFC5424 format. When received it parses them extracting metrics.
Syslog messages should be formatted according to
[RFC 5424](
### Configuration
@@ -48,72 +49,50 @@ This plugin listens for syslog messages following RFC5424 format. When received
# sdparam_separator = "_"
#### Other configs
Other available configurations are:
#### Best Effort
-`keep_alive_period`, `max_connections` for stream sockets
-`best_effort` to tell the parser to work until it is able to do and extract partial but valid info (more [here](
-`sdparam_separator` to choose how to separate structured data param name from its structured data identifier
The [`best_effort`](
option instructs the parser to extract partial but valid info from syslog
messages. If unset only full messages will be collected.
The name of fields in _italic_ corresponds to their runtime value.
The fields/tags which name is in **bold** will always be present when a valid Syslog message has been received.
### RSYSLOG integration
The following instructions illustrate how to configure a syslog transport sender as per RFC5425 - ie., using the octect framing technique - via RSYSLOG.
Install `rsyslog`.
Give it a configuration - ie., `/etc/rsyslog.conf`.
- severity (string)
- facility (string)
- hostname (string)
- appname (string)
- fields
- version (integer)
- severity_code (integer)
- facility_code (integer)
- timestamp (integer)
- procid (string)
- msgid (string)
- sdid (bool)
-*Structured Data* (string)
### Rsyslog Integration
Rsyslog can be configured to forward logging messages to Telegraf by configuring