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The test directory contains various examples of self-stabilizing distributed programs taken from the book ``Introduction to Distributed Self-Stabilizing Algorithms'' By Altisen, Devismes, Dubois, and Petit.

  1. test/skeleton/: a fake algorithm meant to be used as a skeleton
  2. test/dijkstra-ring/: Dijkstra token ring
  3. test/unison/: Synchronous unison
  4. test/async-unison/: Asynchronous unison
  5. test/coloring/: a graph coloring algorithm
  6. test/alea-coloring/: a randomized variant of the previous one
  7. test/bfs-spanning-tree/: a Breadth First Search Spanning tree construction

It also contains implementations of algorithms found in the literature:

  1. test/st-CYH91: another Spanning tree construction ("A self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing spanning trees" by Chen, Yu, and Huang in 1991)
  2. test/bfs-st-HC92: another BFS Spanning tree construction ("A self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing breadth-first trees" by Huang and Chen in 1992)
  3. test/st-KK06_algo1 and test/st-KK06_algo2: another Spanning tree construction ("A Self-stabilizing Algorithm for Finding a Spanning Tree in a Polynomial Number of Moves" by Kosowski and Kuszner, 2006)
  4. test/dfs/: a Depth First Search using arrays (the ``atomic state model'' version of a Depth First Search algorithm proposed by Collin and Dolev in 1994)
  5. test/dfs-list/: the same Depth First Search, but using lists instead or arrays

Each directories contains working examples, which are checked using the Continuous Integration facilities of Gitlab (cf the .gitlab-ci.yml script and the CI pipelines results).

If you want to reproduce or understand what those non-regression tests do, please look at the test/*/Makefile, present in each directory (which all include the test/ one).

The test directory also contains sub-directories which gathers programs shared by all examples:

  • test/lustre/: contains Lustre programs used as (test/*/*.lus) oracles
  • test/rdbg-utils/: contains ocaml functions that can be used from rdbg
  • test/ contains useful shortcuts/commands that can be used from rdbg.
  • test/*/ includes test/ and defines commands specific to the example of the directory. Indeed, rdbg, once launched, first tries to read the content of the file name (if it exists).