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Commit f43f69b9 authored by erwan's avatar erwan
Browse files

Add a neighbor type in algo local vars.

Also add the list of neighbors to the init function. The rationale is that
to give a sensible initial value to local vars of type 'Neighbor', we need
the neighbors number.

I could have chosen to pass an integer only. Well, who can the plus
can the minus.
parent 4bd13d94
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 21/02/2019 (at 11:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 11:41) by Erwan Jahier> *)
type t = {
pid : string;
variables : Algo.vars;
init : Algo.local_env;
init : Algo.neighbor list -> Algo.local_env;
enable : Algo.enable_fun;
step : Algo.step_fun ;
(* le demon choisi quelle action activer *)
......@@ -19,20 +19,25 @@ let (make: Topology.node -> t) =
(* TODO: should I prevent the same cmxs to be loaded twice? Not clear. *)
Dynlink.loadfile cmxs;
let vars = Algo.get_vars id in
let init_env = Algo.get_init_vars id vars in
(* let (string_to_value: string -> Algo.value) = *)
let init_env v =
let user_init_env = Algo.get_init_vars id vars in
(* let (string_to_value: string -> Algo.value) = *)
let init_env nl v =
match List.assoc_opt v n.Topology.init with
None -> init_env v
None ->
if !Algo.verbose_level > 1 then
Printf.eprintf "No init value for '%s' found in the graph.\n" v;
user_init_env nl v
| Some x -> (
match List.assoc_opt v vars with
| Some(Algo.It)
| Some(Algo.Nt) -> I (int_of_string x)
| Some(Algo.Bt) -> B (bool_of_string x)
| Some(Algo.Ft) -> F (float_of_string x)
| Some(Algo.Et _i) -> I (int_of_string x)
| None -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a variable of program %s" v cmxs)
match List.assoc_opt v vars with
| Some(Algo.Neighbor)
| Some(Algo.It)
| Some(Algo.Nt) -> I (int_of_string x)
| Some(Algo.Bt) -> B (bool_of_string x)
| Some(Algo.Ft) -> F (float_of_string x)
| Some(Algo.Et _i) -> I (int_of_string x)
| None ->
failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a variable of program %s" v cmxs)
let process = {
pid = pid;
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 18/02/2019 (at 15:39) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/03/2019 (at 17:53) by Erwan Jahier> *)
type t = {
pid : string; (* unique *)
variables : Algo.vars;
init : Algo.local_env;
init : Algo.neighbor list -> Algo.local_env;
enable : Algo.enable_fun;
step : Algo.step_fun ;
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/03/2019 (at 16:44) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 12:39) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* XXX Je pourrais utiliser Lwt pour rendre step non-bloquant, ce qui
permettrait d'accelerer la simu sur les machines qui ont plusieurs
......@@ -8,33 +8,22 @@
open Algo
let (to_process: Env.t -> Topology.node -> Env.t * Process.t) =
fun e n ->
let p = Process.make n in
let e = List.fold_left
(fun e (n,_t) -> Env.set e n (p.init n))
let (update_env_with_init : Env.t -> Process.t list -> Algo.neighbor list list -> Env.t) =
fun e pl neighbors ->
let (aux: Env.t -> Process.t -> Algo.neighbor list -> Env.t) =
fun e p nl ->
(fun e (n,_t) -> Env.set e n (p.init nl n))
e, p
let (to_process_list : Env.t -> Topology.node list -> Env.t * Process.t list) =
fun e nl ->
(fun (e,pl) n -> let e,p= to_process e n in e,p::pl)
(e,[]) nl
List.fold_left2 aux e pl neighbors
(* Should be called after [to_process] has been called on all
Topology.nodes, which is ensured by the [process_are_created] ref
let process_are_created = ref false
let (get_neighors: Process.t -> Topology.neighbor list) =
fun p ->
assert (!process_are_created);
let id = in
let idl = try Hashtbl.find Topology.node_succ id with Not_found -> [] in
let idl = try Hashtbl.find Topology.node_succ id with Not_found -> [] in
(fun id ->
let node =
......@@ -133,13 +122,14 @@ let () =
Algo.verbose_level := SasArg.args.verbose;
Printf.printf "nodes: %s\nedges:\n" nstr;
if !Algo.verbose_level > 0 then Printf.printf "nodes: %s\nedges:\n" nstr;
let e = Env.init () in
let e, pl = to_process_list e nl in
process_are_created := true;
let pl = Process.make nl in
let neighors = get_neighors pl in
let algo_neighors = ( (to_algo_neighbor e)) neighors in
let e = update_env_with_init e pl algo_neighors in
let pl_n = List.combine pl neighors in
List.iter dump_process pl_n;
if !Algo.verbose_level > 0 then List.iter dump_process pl_n;
let n = SasArg.args.length in
simu n n pl pl_n e
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ let (algo_varT: Algo.varT -> string) = function
| Ft -> "float"
| Bt -> "bool"
| Et i -> Printf.sprintf "enum(%d)" i
| Neighbor -> "Neighbor"
let (algo_vars : Algo.vars -> string) = fun vars ->
String.concat "," ( (fun (n,t) -> Printf.sprintf "%s:%s" n (algo_varT t)) vars)
- [Dot files](#orga1a97e0)
- [Algorithms](#orgf52cd3e)
- [Simulation](#orgbe2dc00)
- [Installation (not yet working)](#orgdeec637)
- [Dot files](#org2f54426)
- [Algorithms](#org5c3306f)
- [Simulation](#org087d55e)
- [Installation (not yet working)](#org8ba7b3c)
Basically, one needs to provide
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Basically, one needs to provide
2. the algorithms mentionned in the dot file
<a id="orga1a97e0"></a>
<a id="org2f54426"></a>
# Dot files
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ graph ring {
<a id="orgf52cd3e"></a>
<a id="org5c3306f"></a>
# Algorithms
......@@ -51,16 +51,32 @@ More precisely, each algorithm should provide 3 functions that must be registred
which profiles is defined in [algo.mli](
One can also register a function that provides initial values to local variables (`reg_init`). If not such registration is done, local variables will be set according to `init` annotations in the dot file. If no such annotations exists, initial values will be chosen at random.
graph ring {
p1 [algo="some_algo.cmxs" init="v=1" init="x=3"]
p2 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p3 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p4 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p5 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p6 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p7 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p1 -- p2 -- p3 -- p4 -- p5 -- p6 -- p7 -- p1
Algorithms must then be compiled with `ocamlopt -shared` to produce the cmxs files mentionned in the dot file algo fields.
ocamlopt -shared -I +sasa -o some_algo.cmxs
Some examples can be found in the <./test/> directory.
Some examples can be found in the [test]( directory.
<a id="orgbe2dc00"></a>
<a id="org087d55e"></a>
# Simulation
......@@ -70,7 +86,7 @@ sasa --help
<a id="orgdeec637"></a>
<a id="org8ba7b3c"></a>
# Installation (not yet working)
......@@ -41,6 +41,26 @@ registred using the string used in dot file algo fields with:
which profiles is defined in [[][algo.mli]]
One can also register a function that provides initial values to local
variables (=reg_init=). If not such registration is done, local
variables will be set according to =init= annotations in the dot
file. If no such annotations exists, initial values will be chosen at
graph ring {
p1 [algo="some_algo.cmxs" init="v=1" init="x=3"]
p2 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p3 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p4 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p5 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p6 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p7 [algo="some_algo.cmxs"]
p1 -- p2 -- p3 -- p4 -- p5 -- p6 -- p7 -- p1
Algorithms must then be compiled with =ocamlopt -shared= to produce
the cmxs files mentionned in the dot file algo fields.
......@@ -48,7 +68,7 @@ the cmxs files mentionned in the dot file algo fields.
ocamlopt -shared -I +sasa -o some_algo.cmxs
Some examples can be found in the [[file:./test/]] directory.
Some examples can be found in the [[][test]] directory.
* Simulation
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 06/03/2019 (at 17:17) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 12:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(** Process programmer API *)
type varT = It | Nt | Ft | Bt | Et of int
type varT = It | Nt | Ft | Bt | Et of int | Neighbor
type action = string (* juste un label *)
type value = I of int | F of float | B of bool | S of string
type value = I of int | F of float | B of bool | S of string | N of int
type local_env = string -> value
type vars = (string * varT) list
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ type step_fun = neighbor list -> local_env -> action -> local_env
type int_tables = {
vars: (string, vars) Hashtbl.t;
init_vars: (string, local_env) Hashtbl.t;
init_vars: (string, neighbor list -> local_env) Hashtbl.t;
enable: (string, enable_fun) Hashtbl.t;
step: (string, step_fun) Hashtbl.t;
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ let tbls = {
let verbose_level = ref 0
let value_to_string = function
| I i -> string_of_int i
| I i
| N i -> string_of_int i
| F f -> string_of_float f
| B true -> "t"
| B false -> "f"
......@@ -50,7 +51,8 @@ let print_table lbl tbl =
type algo_id = string
let (reg_vars : algo_id -> (string * varT) list -> unit) = fun algo_id x ->
let (reg_vars : algo_id -> (string * varT) list -> unit) =
fun algo_id x ->
if !verbose_level > 0 then Printf.printf "Registering %s vars\n" algo_id;
flush stdout;
Hashtbl.replace tbls.vars algo_id x
......@@ -60,28 +62,45 @@ let (get_vars : string -> (string * varT) list) = fun algo_id ->
print_table "vars" tbls.vars;
raise (Unregistred ("variable", algo_id))
let (reg_init_vars : algo_id -> local_env -> unit) = fun algo_id x ->
let (reg_init_vars : algo_id -> (neighbor list -> local_env) -> unit) = fun algo_id x ->
if !verbose_level > 0 then Printf.printf "Registering %s init_vars\n" algo_id;
flush stdout;
Hashtbl.replace tbls.init_vars algo_id x
let (get_init_vars : algo_id -> (string * varT) list -> local_env) =
fun algo_id vars ->
try Hashtbl.find tbls.init_vars algo_id
with Not_found ->
(fun v ->
match List.find_opt (fun (x,_t) -> x=v) vars with
None -> failwith (v^" unknown var")
| Some(_,It)
| Some(_,Nt) -> I ( 100000)
| Some(_,Bt) -> B (Random.bool ())
| Some(_,Ft) -> F (Random.float max_float)
| Some(_,Et i) -> I ( i)
let (get_init_vars : algo_id -> (string * varT) list -> (neighbor list -> local_env)) =
fun algo_id vars ->
let default_env =
(fun nl v ->
match List.find_opt (fun (x,_t) -> x=v) vars with
None -> failwith (v^" unknown var")
| Some(_,Neighbor) ->
assert (nl <> []);
N ( ((List.length nl)-1))
| Some(_,It)
| Some(_,Nt) -> I ( 100000)
| Some(_,Bt) -> B (Random.bool ())
| Some(_,Ft) -> F (Random.float max_float)
| Some(_,Et i) -> I ( i)
let user_env = Hashtbl.find tbls.init_vars algo_id in
(fun nl v ->
try user_env nl v
with e ->
if !verbose_level > 1 then
Printf.eprintf "No init value for '%s' in user init function (%s).\n" v
(Printexc.to_string e);
default_env nl v)
with Not_found ->
if !verbose_level > 1 then
Printf.eprintf "No user init function is provided.\n";
let (reg_enable : algo_id -> enable_fun -> unit) = fun algo_id x ->
if !verbose_level > 0 then Printf.printf "Registering %s enable\n" algo_id;
flush stdout;
Hashtbl.replace tbls.enable algo_id x
if !verbose_level > 0 then Printf.printf "Registering %s enable\n" algo_id;
flush stdout;
Hashtbl.replace tbls.enable algo_id x
let (get_enable : algo_id -> enable_fun) = fun algo_id ->
try Hashtbl.find tbls.enable algo_id
with Not_found ->
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 06/03/2019 (at 17:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/03/2019 (at 17:51) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(** Process programmer API *)
type value = I of int | F of float | B of bool | S of string
| N of int (* neighbor canal number *)
type local_env = string -> value (* XXX assez efficace ? *)
type action = string (* label? *)
type varT = It | Nt | Ft | Bt | Et of int (* XXX what else ? *)
type varT = It | Nt | Ft | Bt | Et of int | Neighbor
type vars = (string * varT) list
type neighbor = {
......@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ val reg_enable : algo_id -> enable_fun -> unit
val reg_step : algo_id -> step_fun -> unit
(** nb: The initialisation done in the dot file have priority over this one *)
val reg_init_vars : algo_id -> local_env -> unit
val reg_init_vars : algo_id -> (neighbor list -> local_env) -> unit
(** util(s) *)
val value_to_string : value -> string
......@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ exception Unregistred of string * string
(** the following functions are used by sasa *)
val get_vars : algo_id -> vars
val get_init_vars : algo_id -> (string * varT) list -> local_env
val get_init_vars : algo_id -> (string * varT) list -> (neighbor list -> local_env)
val get_enable : algo_id -> enable_fun
val get_step : algo_id -> step_fun
......@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ test:
cd dijkstra-ring/ && make
cd unison/ && make
cd coloring/ && make
cd bfs-spanning-tree/ && make
cd dijkstra-ring/ && make clean
cd unison/ && make clean
cd coloring/ && make clean
cd bfs-spanning-tree/ && make clean
# Time-stamp: <modified the 07/03/2019 (at 14:27) by Erwan>
# Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 14:32) by Erwan Jahier>
......@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ MLI=-I $(DIR)/lib/algo
ocamlopt -shared $(MLI) $^ -o $@
rm -f *.cmxs sasa *.cmi *.o *.cmx *.pdf
rm -f *.cmxs sasa *.cmi *.o *.cmx *.pdf
# Time-stamp: <modified the 08/03/2019 (at 16:12) by Erwan Jahier>
# Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 12:03) by Erwan Jahier>
test: root.cmxs p.cmxs
$(sasa) -l 200 -sd
test2: root.cmxs p.cmxs
$(sasa) -l 200 -sd
-include ../
graph fig4_1 {
p1 [algo="root.cmxs" ]
p2 [algo="p.cmxs"]
p3 [algo="p.cmxs"]
p4 [algo="p.cmxs"]
p5 [algo="p.cmxs"]
p6 [algo="p.cmxs"]
p7 [algo="p.cmxs"]
p8 [algo="p.cmxs"]
p1 -- p2 -- p3 -- p4 -- p5 -- p6 -- p7 -- p8 -- p1
p3 -- p7
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/03/2019 (at 16:50) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 12:45) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* This is algo 5.4 in the book *)
open Algo
let vars = ["d",It; "par",It; ]
let vars = ["d",It; "par",Neighbor ]
let d=10
let init_vars = function
let (init_vars: neighbor list -> local_env) =
fun nl -> function
| "d" -> I ( d)
| "par" -> I (0) (* the init should be done the graph *)
| _ -> assert false
| "par" -> N ( ((List.length nl)-1))
| _ -> raise Not_found
(* casting *)
let i v = match v with I i -> i | _ -> assert false
let i v = match v with I i | N i -> i | _ -> assert false
let (dist: neighbor list -> int) = fun nl ->
let dl = (fun n -> i (n.lenv "d")) nl in
......@@ -25,11 +26,18 @@ let (dist_ok: neighbor list -> local_env -> bool) =
let md = List.fold_left min (List.hd dl) ( dl) in
i (e "d") - 1 = md
let enable_f nl e =
let par = List.nth nl (i (e "par")) in
let par_env = par.lenv in
(if i (e "d") <> dist nl then ["CD"] else []) @
(if (dist_ok nl e) && (i (par_env "d") <> i (e "d") -1) then ["CP"] else [])
let (get_parent: neighbor list -> local_env -> neighbor) =
fun nl e ->
let canal = i (e "par") in
try List.nth nl canal
with Failure _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Canal %i does not exist (canal in [0..%i])\n" canal ((List.length nl)-1))
let (enable_f:neighbor list -> local_env -> action list) =
fun nl e ->
let par = get_parent nl e in
let par_env = par.lenv in
(if i (e "d") <> dist nl then ["CD"] else []) @
(if (dist_ok nl e) && (i (par_env "d") <> i (e "d") -1) then ["CP"] else [])
let (index_of_first_true : bool list -> int) = fun bl ->
......@@ -41,19 +49,20 @@ let (index_of_first_true : bool list -> int) = fun bl ->
f 0 bl
let step_f nl e =
| "CD" -> (function "d" -> I (dist nl) | o -> e o)
| "CP" -> (
| "par" ->
let d = i (e "d") in
let ok_l = (fun n -> i (n.lenv "d") = d-1) nl in
let q = index_of_first_true ok_l in
I q
| o -> e o
| _ -> assert false
let (step_f : neighbor list -> local_env -> action -> local_env) =
fun nl e ->
| "CD" -> (function "d" -> I (dist nl) | o -> e o)
| "CP" -> (
| "par" ->
let d = i (e "d") in
let ok_l = (fun n -> i (n.lenv "d") = d-1) nl in
let q = index_of_first_true ok_l in
I q
| o -> e o
| _ -> assert false
let () =
let algo_id = "p" in
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/03/2019 (at 13:54) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 12:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* This is algo 5.3 in the book *)
......@@ -7,12 +7,17 @@ open Algo
let vars = ["d",It]
let d=10
let init_vars = function _ -> I ( d)
let (init_vars: neighbor list -> local_env) =
fun _nl ->
function _ -> I ( d)
let enable_f nl e = if (e "d") <> I 0 then ["CD"] else []
let (enable_f:neighbor list -> local_env -> action list) =
fun nl e ->
if (e "d") <> I 0 then ["CD"] else []
let step_f nl e = function | _ -> (function "d" -> I 0 | _ -> assert false)
let (step_f : neighbor list -> local_env -> action -> local_env) =
fun nl e ->
function | _ -> (function "d" -> I 0 | _ -> assert false)
let () =
let algo_id = "root" in
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/03/2019 (at 16:25) by Erwan> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 14:22) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* This is algo 3.1 in the book *)
......@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ open Algo
let vars = ["c",It]
let k=3
let init_vars = function _ -> I ( k)
let (init_vars: neighbor list -> local_env) =
fun _nl ->
function _ -> I ( k)
let (used : neighbor list -> Algo.value list) = fun nl ->
......@@ -26,11 +28,13 @@ let (free : neighbor list -> Algo.value list) = fun nl ->
let res = aux [] used_list 0 in
List.rev res
let enable_f nl e = if List.mem (e "c") (used nl) then ["conflict"] else []
let (enable_f:neighbor list -> local_env -> action list) =
fun nl e ->
if List.mem (e "c") (used nl) then ["conflict"] else []
let step_f nl e =
function | _ -> (function "c" -> List.hd (free nl) | _ -> assert false)
let (step_f : neighbor list -> local_env -> action -> local_env) =
fun nl e ->
function | _ -> (function "c" -> List.hd (free nl) | _ -> assert false)
let () =
let algo_id = "p" in
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 21/02/2019 (at 14:56) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 14:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
open Algo
let vars = ["v",It]
let k=42
let init_vars = function _ -> I ( k)
let (init_vars: neighbor list -> local_env) =
fun _nl ->
function _ -> I ( k)
(* XXX comment donner des valeurs initiales differentes selon les
instances ??? Le faire au niveau du dot ?
let enable_f nl e =
let pred = List.hd nl in
if e "v" <> pred.lenv "v" then ["g"] else []
let step_f nl e =
| _ ->
let (enable_f:neighbor list -> local_env -> action list) =
fun nl e ->
let pred = List.hd nl in
(function "v" -> pred.lenv "v" | _ -> assert false)
if e "v" <> pred.lenv "v" then ["g"] else []
let (step_f : neighbor list -> local_env -> action -> local_env) =
fun nl e ->
| _ ->
let pred = List.hd nl in
(function "v" -> pred.lenv "v" | _ -> assert false)
let () =
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 14:20) by Erwan Jahier> *)
open Algo
let vars = ["v",It]
let k=42
let (init_vars: neighbor list -> local_env) =
fun _nl ->
function _ -> I ( k)
let init_vars = function _ -> I ( k)
let enable_f nl e =
let pred = List.hd nl in
if e "v" = pred.lenv "v" then ["g"] else []
let (enable_f:neighbor list -> local_env -> action list) =
fun nl e ->
let pred = List.hd nl in
if e "v" = pred.lenv "v" then ["g"] else []
let i e v = match e v with I i -> i | _ -> failwith "type error"
let step_f nl e =
| _ ->
let vv = i e "v" in
(function "v" -> I ((vv +1) mod k) | _ -> assert false)
let (step_f : neighbor list -> local_env -> action -> local_env) =
fun nl e ->
| _ ->
let vv = i e "v" in
(function "v" -> I ((vv +1) mod k) | _ -> assert false)
let () =
let algo_id = "ringroot" in (* XXX comment automatiser ca ??? *)
let algo_id = "ringroot" in
Algo.reg_vars algo_id vars;
Algo.reg_init_vars algo_id init_vars;
Algo.reg_enable algo_id enable_f;
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/03/2019 (at 16:42) by Erwan> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/03/2019 (at 14:23) by Erwan Jahier> *)
open Algo
let vars = ["clock",It]
let m=10
let init_vars = function _ -> I ( m)
let (init_vars: neighbor list -> local_env) =
fun _nl ->
function _ -> I ( m)
let list_min l =
match l with
......@@ -20,12 +22,13 @@ let new_clock_value nl e =
let min_clock = List.fold_left min (i e "clock") cl in
(min_clock + 1) mod m
let enable_f nl e =
if I (new_clock_value nl e) <> e "clock" then ["incr"] else []
let (enable_f:neighbor list -> local_env -> action list) =
fun nl e ->
if I (new_clock_value nl e) <> e "clock" then ["incr"] else []
let step_f nl e =
function | _ -> (function "clock" -> I (new_clock_value nl e) | _ -> assert false)
let (step_f : neighbor list -> local_env -> action -> local_env) =
fun nl e ->
function | _ -> (function "clock" -> I (new_clock_value nl e) | _ -> assert false)
let () =
let algo_id = "unison" in
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