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Commit f3f31512 authored by erwan's avatar erwan
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Update: some progress to get time-travel working with rdbgui4sasa

parent 66b73846
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(* Time-stamp: <modified the 31/05/2021 (at 11:56) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 03/06/2021 (at 12:02) by Erwan Jahier> *)
#require "lablgtk3"
......@@ -117,14 +117,23 @@ let display_event b =
(* *)
let goto_hook_call () =
if custom_mode then (
e := next_cond !e (fun e -> = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Call)
let goto_hook_call e =
if custom_mode then
next_cond e (fun e -> = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Call)
let goto_hook_exit e =
if custom_mode then
next_cond e (fun e -> = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Exit)
let goto_hook_exit () =
let goto_top e =
if custom_mode then
e := next_cond !e (fun e -> = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Exit)
next_cond e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop)
let init_rdbg_hook () =
let guidaemon sl =
......@@ -175,7 +184,7 @@ let init_rdbg_hook () =
let set_tooltip b = b#misc#set_tooltip_text
let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button legitimate_button =
let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button legitimate_button =
(* création du rdbg_mv_hook et de tout ce qu'il faut autour *)
init_rdbg_hook ();
......@@ -200,8 +209,8 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button legitimate_button =
(* Necessary for salut (to perform a fake step that let sasa provide
the first set of enables) *)
if args.salut_mode then goto_hook_exit ();
goto_hook_call ();
if args.salut_mode then e := goto_hook_exit !e;
e := goto_hook_call !e;
blue_add gtext#buffer (str_of_sasa_event false !e);
let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled !e in
......@@ -222,7 +231,6 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button legitimate_button =
blue gtext#buffer txt;
Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate node activate
(* 1 case par noeud : activer/pas activer *)
......@@ -291,8 +299,8 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button legitimate_button =
~callback: (fun _ ->
update_rdbg_hook name true;
goto_hook_exit ();
goto_hook_call ();
e := goto_hook_exit !e;
e := goto_hook_call !e;
display_event gtext;
store !e.nb;
refresh ();
......@@ -348,6 +356,7 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button legitimate_button =
match !daemon_kind with
| Manual ->
show step_button; show checkbox_grid;
hide back_step_button;
hide legitimate_button;
(match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> hide b | None -> ());
hide round_button; hide pushbox_grid; hide counter_grid;
......@@ -362,14 +371,17 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button legitimate_button =
| ManualCentral ->
hide legitimate_button;
(match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> hide b | None -> ());
hide step_button; hide round_button; hide checkbox_grid; hide counter_grid;
(* hide back_step_button; *)
hide step_button;
hide round_button; hide checkbox_grid; hide counter_grid;
show pushbox_grid;
let pushbox = Hashtbl.find pushbox_map node in
if enabled then show pushbox else hide pushbox;
pushbox#set_sensitive enabled
| Distributed | Synchronous | Central | LocCentral ->
(match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> show b | None -> ());
show step_button; show round_button; show counter_grid; show legitimate_button;
show back_step_button; show step_button; show round_button;
show counter_grid; show legitimate_button;
hide checkbox_grid; hide pushbox_grid;
let update_all_checkboxes () =
......@@ -425,63 +437,57 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button legitimate_button =
aux 0 [] nl
let step () =
let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled !e in
let set_daemongui_tbl e =
(* In automatic modes:
- looks who is enabled,
- chooses whom to activate, and
- sets the the tbl shared with the hook function
Should therefore be used at events where the enabled process info is available
let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled e in
let nodes = List.filter (fun (_,b) -> b) nodes_enabled in
let nodes = get_higher_prioriry nodes in
(* p ("==> gtkgui: CALL =" ^ (string_of_event !e)); *)
(* p ("==> gtkgui: CALL =" ^ (string_of_event e)); *)
(match !daemon_kind with
| Distributed -> (
let nodes = (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
let to_activate = Daemon.distributed nodes in
Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
goto_hook_exit ();
goto_hook_call ();
| Synchronous -> (
Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) nodes;
goto_hook_exit ();
goto_hook_call ();
| Central -> (
let nodes = (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
let to_activate = Daemon.central nodes in
Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
List.iter (fun n ->
Printf.printf "Activating %s\n" n;
Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
goto_hook_exit ();
goto_hook_call ();
| LocCentral -> (
let get_neigbors x =
let succ = snd (List.split (topology.succ x)) in
let pred = topology.pred x in
let res = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if List.mem x acc then acc else x::acc) succ pred in
(* p (Printf.sprintf "voisins(%s)=%s\n" x (String.concat "," res)); *)
let nodes = (fun x -> [x, get_neigbors x]) nodes in
let to_activate = Daemon.locally_central nodes in
Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
goto_hook_exit ();
goto_hook_call ();
| Distributed -> (
let nodes = (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
let to_activate = Daemon.distributed nodes in
Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate
| Synchronous -> (
Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) nodes
| Central -> (
let nodes = (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
let to_activate = Daemon.central nodes in
Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
List.iter (fun n ->
Printf.printf "Activating %s\n" n;
Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate
| LocCentral -> (
let get_neigbors x =
let succ = snd (List.split (topology.succ x)) in
let pred = topology.pred x in
let res = List.fold_left
(fun acc x -> if List.mem x acc then acc else x::acc) succ pred
(* p (Printf.sprintf "voisins(%s)=%s\n" x (String.concat "," res)); *)
let nodes = (fun x -> [x, get_neigbors x]) nodes in
let to_activate = Daemon.locally_central nodes in
Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate
| ManualCentral -> () (* SNO; the step is done in pushbox callbacks *)
| Manual -> ()
| ManualCentral -> () (* SNO; the step is done in pushbox callbacks *)
| Manual ->
goto_hook_exit ();
goto_hook_call ();
store !e.nb;
if not args.salut_mode && is_silent !e then
(* go to Ltop so that the round number can be updated *)
e := next_cond !e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop);
d ()
let prefix =
......@@ -550,7 +556,6 @@ let main () =
let back_step_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:`GO_BACK ~packing:bbox#add () in
set_tooltip back_step_button "Move BACKWARD to the previous STEP";
change_label back_step_button "Ste_p";
ignore (back_step_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb true true bd));
let step_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~packing:bbox#add ~stock:`GO_FORWARD () in
let back_round_button =
......@@ -564,19 +569,55 @@ let main () =
"Move FORWARD until a legitimate configuration is reached (silence by default)";
let image = GMisc.image ~file:(libui_prefix^"/chut_small.svg") () in
legitimate_button#set_image image#coerce;
let ze_step =
let set_daemongui_tbl =
if custom_mode then
custom_daemon p text_out w step_button round_button legitimate_button
custom_daemon p text_out w step_button back_step_button round_button legitimate_button
s (* cf *)
let step () =
(fun _ -> ())
let a_gui_step e =
(* set the daemongui_tbl and step to the next event where the user
is asked to choose whom to activate *)
if custom_mode then (
set_daemongui_tbl e;
let e = goto_hook_exit e in
let e = goto_hook_call e in
if not args.salut_mode && is_silent e then
(* go to Ltop so that the round number can be updated *)
next_cond e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop)
let e = sasa_step e in
store e.nb;
print_event e;
let back_step_gui () =
let lnext e =
if args.salut_mode then
let e = goto_top e in
set_daemongui_tbl e;
let e = goto_hook_call e in
set_daemongui_tbl e;
let ne = rev_cond_gen !e (fun ne -> ne.step = !e.step-1) lnext in
if ne.kind <> !e.kind || <> ! then
e:=next_cond ne (fun ne -> ne.kind = !e.kind || = !
ignore (back_step_button#connect#clicked
~callback:(button_cb true false back_step_gui));
let step () = if not (is_silent !e) then (e := a_gui_step !e; d()) in
let rec legitimate_gui () =
if is_silent !e then () else e := a_gui_step !e;
if is_legitimate !e || is_silent !e then () else (legitimate_gui ());
(* change_label legitimate_button "Silen_t"; *)
......@@ -588,7 +629,7 @@ let main () =
if custom_mode then legitimate_button#misc#hide();
(* indeed, in the defaut mode (manual central), it should be hided *)
let rec next_round_gui rn =
if is_silent !e then () else e:=a_gui_step !e;
if rn < !roundnb || is_silent !e then () else (next_round_gui rn);
......@@ -602,8 +643,10 @@ let main () =
button_cb true true (fun () ->
if custom_mode then (
next_round_gui !roundnb;
if custom_mode && ! <> "mv_hook" && !e.kind <> Call then
goto_hook_call ()
if custom_mode && ! <> "mv_hook" && !e.kind <> Call
&& not (is_silent !e)
e:= goto_hook_call !e
nr ()
......@@ -612,7 +655,7 @@ let main () =
set_tooltip back_round_button "Move BACKWARD to the previous ROUND";
change_label back_round_button "Roun_d";
ignore (back_round_button#connect#clicked
~callback:(button_cb true true (fun () -> pr();pr(); goto_hook_call ())));
~callback:(button_cb true true (fun () -> pr();pr(); e:=goto_hook_call !e)));
let graph () =
......@@ -636,7 +679,7 @@ let main () =
let oracle_button =
make_button `OK "_Oracle" "Move FORWARD until an oracle is violated"
(fun () -> let str = viol_string () in goto_hook_call (); d(); store !e.nb; str))
(fun () -> let str = viol_string () in e:=goto_hook_call !e; d(); store !e.nb; str))
oracle_button#misc#hide(); (* indeed, in the defaut mode (manual central), it should be hided *)
oracle_button_ref := Some oracle_button
......@@ -653,8 +696,8 @@ let main () =
(* in this mode, the hook plays first to provide fake values to sasa
but the hook does not need input at this first step
goto_hook_exit ();
goto_hook_call ();
e:=goto_hook_exit !e;
e:=goto_hook_call !e;
let _ = make_button `REFRESH "_New Seed" "Restart from the beginning using a New Seed"
......@@ -670,8 +713,8 @@ let main () =
(* in this mode, the hook plays first to provide fake values to sasa
but the hook does not need input at this first step
goto_hook_exit ();
goto_hook_call ();
e:=goto_hook_exit !e;
e:=goto_hook_call !e;
let _ = make_button `MEDIA_PLAY "_Sim2chro" "Launch sim2chro on the generated data (so far)"
......@@ -8,13 +8,24 @@ open RdbgMain
open Sasacore.Topology;;
#use "";;
let is_silent e =
match List.assoc_opt "silent" with
| Some B b -> b
| _ -> failwith "The silent value is not available in this event"
let is_legitimate e =
match List.assoc_opt "legitimate" with
| Some B b -> b
| _ -> failwith ("legitimate not available at this event: "^(string_of_event e))
(** Computing rounds *)
let roundnb = ref (-666)
let mask = ref [] (* nodes we look the activation of *) (* XXX use an array! *)
let roundtbl = Hashtbl.create 10;;
let roundtbl = Hashtbl.create 10;; (* maps event nb to round + round nb *)
(* let _ = Hashtbl.add roundtbl 1 (1,true);; *)
let verbose = ref false
......@@ -47,12 +58,14 @@ let enabled pl = (* returns the enabled processes *)
(* called at each event via the time-travel hook *)
let (round : RdbgEvent.t -> bool) = fun e ->
match Hashtbl.find_opt roundtbl e.nb with
| Some (croundnb, round) ->
| Some (croundnb, round, cmask) ->
(* Printf.printf "round tabulated at e.nb %d: croundnb=%d round = %b\n%!" *)
(* e.nb croundnb round; *)
roundnb := croundnb;
mask := cmask;
| None ->
if !mask = [] && is_silent e then false else
let round =
( (* we check if a round occurs when activated processes are available *)
if args.salut_mode then
......@@ -91,7 +104,7 @@ let (round : RdbgEvent.t -> bool) = fun e ->
if round then incr roundnb;
Hashtbl.add roundtbl e.nb (!roundnb, round);
Hashtbl.add roundtbl e.nb (!roundnb, round, !mask);
(* Printf.printf "round computed at e.nb %d: croundnb=%d round = %b\n%!"
e.nb !roundnb round; *)
......@@ -99,7 +112,7 @@ let (round : RdbgEvent.t -> bool) = fun e ->
let update_round_nb e =
match Hashtbl.find_opt roundtbl e.nb with
| None -> ()
| Some (n,_) -> roundnb := n
| Some (n,_, m) -> roundnb := n; mask := m
(* go to next round *)
let next_round e =
......@@ -108,8 +121,8 @@ let next_round e =
(* redefine (more meaningful) step and back-step for sasa *)
let sasa_step e = next_cond e (fun ne -> ne.kind = e.kind)
let sasa_bstep e = rev_cond e (fun ne -> ne.kind = e.kind)
let sasa_step e = next_cond e (fun ne -> ne.kind = e.kind && =
let sasa_bstep e = rev_cond e (fun ne -> ne.kind = e.kind && =
let s () = e:=sasa_step !e ; emacs_udate !e; store !e.nb;pe()
let b () = e:=sasa_bstep !e ; emacs_udate !e; store !e.nb;pe()
......@@ -168,6 +181,33 @@ let r () =
(* if the first event is not a round, add it as a check_point *)
if !ckpt_list = [] then ckpt_list := [!e];;
(* Move forward until silence *)
let goto_silence e = next_cond e is_silent
let silence () = e:=goto_silence !e; !dot_view ();;
let _ = add_doc_entry
"silence" "unit -> unit" "Move forward until is_silent returns true"
"sasa" "";
"is_silent" "RdbgEvent.t -> bool"
"does the event correspond to a silent configuration? (i.e., no enable node)"
"sasa" "";;
let goto_legitimate e = next_cond e is_legitimate
let legitimate () = e:=goto_legitimate !e; !dot_view ();;
let _ =
"legitimate" "unit -> unit"
" Move forward until a legitimate configuration is reached (uses 'silence' by default)"
"sasa" "";
"is_legitimate" "RdbgEvent.t -> bool"
"does the event correspond to a legitimate configuration?"
"sasa" "";;
(* print_event tuning *)
......@@ -279,42 +319,6 @@ let _ = add_doc_entry
"sasa" ""
(* Move forward until silence *)
let is_silent e =
match List.assoc_opt "silent" with
| Some B b -> b
| _ -> failwith "The silent value is not available in this event"
let goto_silence e = next_cond e is_silent
let silence () = e:=goto_silence !e; !dot_view ();;
let _ = add_doc_entry
"silence" "unit -> unit" "Move forward until is_silent returns true"
"sasa" "";
"is_silent" "RdbgEvent.t -> bool"
"does the event correspond to a silent configuration? (i.e., no enable node)"
"sasa" "";;
let is_legitimate e =
match List.assoc_opt "legitimate" with
| Some B b -> b
| _ -> failwith ("legitimate not available at this event: "^(string_of_event e))
let goto_legitimate e = next_cond e is_legitimate
let legitimate () = e:=goto_legitimate !e; !dot_view ();;
let _ =
"legitimate" "unit -> unit"
" Move forward until a legitimate configuration is reached (uses 'silence' by default)"
"sasa" "";
"is_legitimate" "RdbgEvent.t -> bool"
"does the event correspond to a legitimate configuration?"
"sasa" "";;
(* Perform the checkpointing at rounds! *)
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