** Not strictly mandatory, but useful, third-party software
Hopefully, everything went file. Otherwise, you can try one of methods below :
In order to perform interactive simulations, you need to install the
** Install =sasa= via opam (long version)
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOT_(graph_description_language)][graphviz]] tools suite and a pdf viewer that is able to auto-refresh
(for instance =zathura=). E.g., on debian-based distribution:
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :eval no
sudo apt install zathura graphviz
Moreover, as you will write Ocaml programs, you definitely need to
Follows more or less the same instructions as above, but described
install the ocaml package manager [[http://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html][opam]]. =opam= works out of the box
into more details in case you want to understand the rationale for
with most Linux distributions and OSX (mac). =opam= ought to work [[http://protz.github.io/ocaml-installer/][on
each commands, and adapt it to your distribution.
windows too]].
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :eval no
sudo apt install opam
As using =sasa= requires to write =Ocaml= programs, you definitely
opam init
need to install the =Ocaml= package manager [[http://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html][opam]]. [[http://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html][opam]] works out
opam switch create 4.11.1
of the box with most Linux distributions and OSX (mac). =opam= ought
to work [[http://protz.github.io/ocaml-installer/][on windows too]].
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :eval no
sudo apt install -y opam
opam init -y
eval $(opam env)
eval $(opam env)
echo "eval $(opam env)" >> ~/.bashrc
You also need an editor. We advice =emacs= with =merlin= and =tuareg=.
The =opam init= ougth to have populated your shell resource file with
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :eval no
the necessary configurations commands, but it case it didn't you can
sudo apt install emacs
run something like:
opam install -y merlin tuareg
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :eval no
opam user-setup install -y
echo "eval $(opam env)" >> ~/.bashrc
In order to be able to use =luciole= (a small GUI useful to
Once opam is installed and configured, you may want to install (or not) the last
interactively play the role of the daemon using gtk buttons) you can
version of the compiler.
also install the Lustre V4 distribution. On linux: