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Commit b7da290b authored by erwan's avatar erwan
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parent c498c953
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1 merge request!14A new rdbgui4sasa with automatic daemons
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/05/2021 (at 17:21) by Erwan Jahier> *)
(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/05/2021 (at 17:28) by Erwan Jahier> *)
#require "lablgtk3"
......@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ let init_rdbg_hook () =
rdbg_mv_hook := Some guidaemon
let set_tooltip b = b#misc#set_tooltip_text
let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
(* création du rdbg_mv_hook et de tout ce qu'il faut autour *)
init_rdbg_hook ();
......@@ -100,12 +102,12 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
let dk_sd = make_but (!daemon_kind=Synchronous) "Synchronous" in
let dk_manual = make_but (!daemon_kind=Manual) "Manual" in
let dk_manual_central = make_but (!daemon_kind=ManualCentral) "Manual Central" in
dk_dd#misc#set_tooltip_text (Printf.sprintf "Set the automatic distributed mode");
dk_sd#misc#set_tooltip_text (Printf.sprintf "Set the automatic synchronous mode");
dk_cd#misc#set_tooltip_text (Printf.sprintf "Set the automatic central mode");
dk_lcd#misc#set_tooltip_text (Printf.sprintf "Set the automatic locally central mode");
dk_manual#misc#set_tooltip_text (Printf.sprintf "Set the manual mode");
dk_manual_central#misc#set_tooltip_text (Printf.sprintf "Set the manual central mode");
set_tooltip dk_dd (Printf.sprintf "Set the automatic distributed mode");
set_tooltip dk_sd (Printf.sprintf "Set the automatic synchronous mode");
set_tooltip dk_cd (Printf.sprintf "Set the automatic central mode");
set_tooltip dk_lcd (Printf.sprintf "Set the automatic locally central mode");
set_tooltip dk_manual (Printf.sprintf "Set the manual mode");
set_tooltip dk_manual_central (Printf.sprintf "Set the manual central mode");
let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled !e in
......@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
(* cf. classe toggle_button de lablgtk3 *)
let checkbox = GButton.check_button ~label:name ~packing:!checkbox_line_ref#add () in
(* Quand on coche/décoche, met à jour le rdbg_mv_hook *)
checkbox#misc#set_tooltip_text (Printf.sprintf "check to activate %s at the next step" name);
set_tooltip checkbox (Printf.sprintf "check to activate %s at the next step" name);
~callback: (fun () -> update_rdbg_hook name checkbox#active));
checkbox#set_sensitive enabled; (* désactive la box si le noeud n'est pas activable *)
......@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
(* cf. classe toggle_button de lablgtk3 *)
let pushbox = GButton.button ~label:name ~packing:!pushbox_line_ref#add () in
pushbox#misc#set_tooltip_text (Printf.sprintf "Press to activate %s" name);
set_tooltip pushbox (Printf.sprintf "Press to activate %s" name);
(* Quand on appuie, met à jour le rdbg_mv_hook *)
~callback: (fun _ ->
......@@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
ignore (adj#connect#value_changed ~callback:(fun () -> counter#set (truncate adj#value)));
ignore (counter#connect#changed ~callback:(fun n -> counter_lbl#set_text (string_of_int n)));
counter#set 1;
counter_container#misc#set_tooltip_text (Printf.sprintf "Set the priority of %s" name);
set_tooltip counter_container (Printf.sprintf "Set the priority of %s" name);
Hashtbl.add counter_map name counter
......@@ -382,7 +384,7 @@ let main () =
let sw2 = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~shadow_type:`OUT ~height:250
~packing:box#add ()
sw2#misc#set_tooltip_text "This window displays commands outputs";
set_tooltip sw2 "This window displays commands outputs";
let text_out = GText.view ~wrap_mode:`CHAR ~height:250 ~editable:false
~packing: sw2#add () ~cursor_visible:true
......@@ -438,7 +440,7 @@ let main () =
let back_step_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:`GO_BACK ~packing:bbox#add () in
back_step_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Move BACKWARD to the previous STEP";
set_tooltip back_step_button "Move BACKWARD to the previous STEP";
change_label back_step_button "Ste_p";
ignore (back_step_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb bd));
......@@ -460,19 +462,19 @@ let main () =
step_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Move FORWARD to the next STEP";
set_tooltip step_button "Move FORWARD to the next STEP";
change_label step_button "_Step";
ignore (step_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb step));
round_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Move FORWARD to the next ROUND";
set_tooltip round_button "Move FORWARD to the next ROUND";
change_label round_button "_Round";
ignore (round_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb nr));
back_round_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Move BACKWARD to the previous ROUND";
set_tooltip back_round_button "Move BACKWARD to the previous ROUND";
change_label back_round_button "Roun_d";
ignore (back_round_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb pr));
let legitimate () =
let legitimate_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~packing:bbox#add () in
set_tooltip legitimate_button
"Move FORWARD until a legitimate configuration is reached (silence by default)";
let image = GMisc.image ~file:(libui_prefix^"/chut_small.svg") () in
legitimate_button#set_image image#coerce;
......@@ -484,8 +486,7 @@ let main () =
let graph () =
let graph_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~packing:bbox#add () in
"Visualize the Topology states: Green=Enabled ; Gold=Active";
set_tooltip graph_button "Visualize the Topology states: Green=Enabled ; Gold=Active";
let image = GMisc.image ~file:(libui_prefix^"/graph_small.png") () in
graph_button#set_image image#coerce;
ignore (graph_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb graph_view));
......@@ -495,7 +496,7 @@ let main () =
let make_button stock lbl msg cmd =
let butt = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:stock ~packing:bbox#add ~label:lbl () in
butt#misc#set_tooltip_text msg;
set_tooltip butt msg;
change_label butt lbl;
ignore (butt#connect#clicked ~callback:cmd);
......@@ -555,14 +556,14 @@ let main () =
let par_ci_button = make_but "circo*" in
let par_pa_button = make_but "patchwork*" in
let par_os_button = make_but "osage*" in
par_dot_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use dot, but show only links to the parent";
par_fd_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use fdp, but show only links to the parent";
par_sf_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use sfdp, but show only links to the parent";
par_ne_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use neato, but show only links to the parent";
par_tw_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use twopi, but show only links to the parent";
par_ci_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use circo, but show only links to the parent";
par_pa_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use patchwork, but show only links to the parent";
par_os_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use osage, but show only links to the parent";
set_tooltip par_dot_button "Use dot, but show only links to the parent";
set_tooltip par_fd_button "Use fdp, but show only links to the parent";
set_tooltip par_sf_button "Use sfdp, but show only links to the parent";
set_tooltip par_ne_button "Use neato, but show only links to the parent";
set_tooltip par_tw_button "Use twopi, but show only links to the parent";
set_tooltip par_ci_button "Use circo, but show only links to the parent";
set_tooltip par_pa_button "Use patchwork, but show only links to the parent";
set_tooltip par_os_button "Use osage, but show only links to the parent";
connect par_dot_button "d_par" d_par;
connect par_fd_button "fd_par" fd_par;
connect par_sf_button "sf_par" sf_par;
......@@ -572,14 +573,14 @@ let main () =
connect par_pa_button "pa_par" pa_par;
connect par_os_button "os_par" os_par;
dot_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use the dot engine to display the graph";
fd_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use the fdp engine to display the graph";
sf_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use the sfdp engine to display the graph";
ne_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use the neato engine to display the graph";
tw_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use the twopi engine to display the graph";
ci_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use the circo engine to display the graph";
pa_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use the patchwork engine to display the graph";
os_button#misc#set_tooltip_text "Use the osage engine to display the graph";
set_tooltip dot_button "Use the dot engine to display the graph";
set_tooltip fd_button "Use the fdp engine to display the graph";
set_tooltip sf_button "Use the sfdp engine to display the graph";
set_tooltip ne_button "Use the neato engine to display the graph";
set_tooltip tw_button "Use the twopi engine to display the graph";
set_tooltip ci_button "Use the circo engine to display the graph";
set_tooltip pa_button "Use the patchwork engine to display the graph";
set_tooltip os_button "Use the osage engine to display the graph";
connect dot_button "d" dot;
connect fd_button "fd" fd;
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