unison" by Couvreur, J., Francez, N., and Gouda, M. G. in 1992)
2. =test/st-CYH91=: another Spanning tree construction ("A
self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing spanning trees" by Chen,
self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing spanning trees" by Chen,
Yu, and Huang in 1991)
Yu, and Huang in 1991)
2. =test/bfs-st-HC92=: another BFS Spanning tree construction ("A
3. =test/bfs-st-HC92=: another BFS Spanning tree construction ("A
self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing breadth-first trees" by
self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing breadth-first trees" by
Huang and Chen in 1992)
Huang and Chen in 1992)
3. =test/st-KK06_algo1= and =test/st-KK06_algo2=: another Spanning tree
4. =test/st-KK06_algo1= and =test/st-KK06_algo2=: another Spanning tree
construction ("A Self-stabilizing Algorithm for Finding a Spanning
construction ("A Self-stabilizing Algorithm for Finding a Spanning
Tree in a Polynomial Number of Moves" by Kosowski and Kuszner, 2006)
Tree in a Polynomial Number of Moves" by Kosowski and Kuszner, 2006)
4. =test/dfs/=: a Depth First Search using arrays (the ``atomic state
5. =test/dfs/=: a Depth First Search using arrays (the ``atomic state
model'' version of a [[http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=][Depth First Search algorithm proposed by Collin and Dolev in 1994]])
model'' version of a [[http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=][Depth First Search algorithm proposed by Collin and Dolev in 1994]])
5. =test/dfs-list/=: the same Depth First Search, but using lists
6. =test/dfs-list/=: the same Depth First Search, but using lists
instead or arrays
instead or arrays
6. =test/rsp-tree/=: The Algorithm 1 of "Self-Stabilizing Disconnected
7. =test/rsp-tree/=: The Algorithm 1 of "Self-Stabilizing Disconnected
Components Detection and Rooted Shortest-Path Tree Maintenance in
Components Detection and Rooted Shortest-Path Tree Maintenance in
Polynomial Steps" by Stéphane Devismes, David Ilcinkas, Colette
Polynomial Steps" by Stéphane Devismes, David Ilcinkas, Colette