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Commit 17151687 authored by erwan's avatar erwan
Browse files

test: add the Hoepman ring orientation algo

(not yet finished: the legitimate predicate is not rigth)
parent d7e6529c
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TOPOLOGY ?= ring5
SASAFLAGS += --central-daemon
include ./
include ./
# Non-regression tests
test: kind2-test ring5.lurette ring15.lurette
clean: genclean
../ ring 3 ok central uint8 Bitwuzla
# Other examples of use
## Some examples of use of ../
# run a simulation with luciole
simu: ring7.simu
# make diring4.simu
kind2: ring7.kind2
-include ./Makefile.untrack
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-- Time-stamp: <modified the 22/06/2023 (at 16:05) by Erwan Jahier>
--Step and Enable functions:
function p_enable<<const degree:int>>(q : state; neighbors : neigh^degree)
returns (enabled : bool^actions_number);
na : state^degree;
p, r : state;
na = map<<state,degree>>(neighbors);
p = na[0];
r = na[1];
enabled = [
-- A (0)
p.color_0 and q.color_0 and r.color_0,
-- B (1)
p.color_0 and not q.color_0 and r.color_0
and q.phase_pos, -- not in Figure 3, but necessary to converge!
-- C (2)
not p.color_0 and not q.color_0 and not r.color_0,
--D (3)
not p.color_0 and q.color_0 and not r.color_0
and q.phase_pos , -- ditto
-- Epr (4)
( p.color_0 and p.phase_pos and
q.color_0 and not q.phase_pos and
not r.color_0 and not r.phase_pos),
-- Erp (5)
((not p.color_0 and not p.phase_pos and
q.color_0 and not q.phase_pos and
r.color_0 and r.phase_pos)),
-- Fpr (6)
( not p.color_0 and p.phase_pos and
not q.color_0 and not q.phase_pos and
r.color_0 and not r.phase_pos),
-- Frp (7)
(( p.color_0 and not p.phase_pos and
not q.color_0 and not q.phase_pos and
not r.color_0 and r.phase_pos)),
-- G
( ( p.color_0 and not p.phase_pos and
q.color_0 and not q.phase_pos and
not r.color_0 )
or ((not p.color_0 and
q.color_0 and not q.phase_pos and
r.color_0 and not r.phase_pos))),
-- H
( ( p.color_0 and p.phase_pos and
q.color_0 and q.phase_pos and
not r.color_0 )
or ((not p.color_0 and
q.color_0 and q.phase_pos and
r.color_0 and r.phase_pos))),
-- I
( ( not p.color_0 and not p.phase_pos and
not q.color_0 and not q.phase_pos and
r.color_0 )
or (( p.color_0 and
not q.color_0 and not q.phase_pos and
not r.color_0 and not r.phase_pos))),
-- J
( ( not p.color_0 and p.phase_pos and
not q.color_0 and q.phase_pos and
r.color_0 )
or (( p.color_0 and
not q.color_0 and q.phase_pos and
not r.color_0 and r.phase_pos)))
function p_step<<const d:int>>(
q : state;
neighbors : neigh^d;
a : action)
returns (new_q : state);
na : state^d;
p, r : state;
na = map<<state,d>>(neighbors);
p = na[0];
r = na[1];
new_q = if a = A then state { color_0 = false ; phase_pos = false ; orient_left = q.orient_left }
else if a = B then state { color_0 = false ; phase_pos = false ; orient_left = q.orient_left }
else if a = C then state { color_0 = true ; phase_pos = false ; orient_left = q.orient_left }
else if a = D then state { color_0 = true ; phase_pos = false ; orient_left = q.orient_left }
else if a = Epr then state { color_0 = false ; phase_pos = true ; orient_left = orient(p,r) }
else if a = Erp then state { color_0 = false ; phase_pos = true ; orient_left = orient(r,p) }
else if a = Fpr then state { color_0 = true ; phase_pos = true ; orient_left = orient(p,r) }
else if a = Frp then state { color_0 = true ; phase_pos = true ; orient_left = orient(r,p) }
else if a = G then state { color_0 = true ; phase_pos = true ; orient_left = q.orient_left }
else if a = H then state { color_0 = true ; phase_pos = false ; orient_left = q.orient_left }
else if a = I then state { color_0 = false ; phase_pos = true ; orient_left = q.orient_left }
else (* a = J *) state { color_0 = false ; phase_pos = false ; orient_left = q.orient_left };
function orient(p,r : state) returns (res : bool);
res = if p.phase_pos and not r.phase_pos then true else false;
-- if not p.phase_pos and r.phase_pos then false else
-- if p.phase_pos and r.phase_pos then false else
-- (* not p.phase_pos and not r.phase_pos *) false
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include "../../lib/utils.lus"
node ring_orientation_oracle(
legitimate : bool;
-- ocaml_cost : real;
ocaml_enabled : bool^actions_number^card;
active : bool^actions_number^card;
ocaml_config : state^card;
returns (ok : bool);
lustre_config : state^card;
lustre_enabled : bool^actions_number^card;
-- lustre_cost:int;
ok, lustre_config, lustre_enabled, lustre_round, lustre_round_nb =
ring_orientation_oracle_debug(legitimate, ocaml_enabled,active, ocaml_config, round, round_nb);
node ring_orientation_oracle_debug(
legitimate : bool;
-- ocaml_cost : real;
ocaml_enabled : bool^actions_number^card;
active : bool^actions_number^card;
ocaml_config : state^card;
returns (ok : bool;
lustre_config : state^card;
lustre_enabled : bool^actions_number^card;
-- lustre_cost:int;
lustre_config, lustre_enabled, lustre_round, lustre_round_nb =
topology(active -> pre active, -- ignored at the first step
ocaml_config -- used at the first step only
ok = lustre_enabled = ocaml_enabled
-- compare the sasa dot interpretation and the salut dot to lustre compilation
and lustre_config = ocaml_config
-- and round = lustre_round
-- and round_nb = lustre_round_nb
function to_state(color_0, phase_pos, orient_left :bool)
returns ( res : state);
res = state { color_0 = color_0; phase_pos = phase_pos; orient_left = orient_left };
-- Time-stamp: <modified the 03/07/2023 (at 16:46) by Erwan Jahier>
type state = { color_0 : bool ; phase_pos : bool ; orient_left : bool };
type action = enum { A , B , C , D , Epr , Erp , Fpr , Frp , G , H , I , J };
const actions_number = 12;
function action_of_int(i : int) returns (a : action);
a = if i = 0 then A else
if i = 1 then B else
if i = 2 then C else
if i = 3 then D else
if i = 4 then Epr else
if i = 5 then Erp else
if i = 6 then Fpr else
if i = 7 then Frp else
if i = 8 then G else
if i = 9 then H else
if i = 10 then I else J;
-- This legitimate function is not good enough to be able to prove closure
-- Indeed, the orientation field migth be oriented by chance, while the other
-- fields (that are used in guards) are not in a legitimate configuration.
-- Adding L3 property (p16) in the definition of legitimate should be enough
-- to fix this problem.
function legitimate<<const actions_number:int; const card:int>>(
enables : bool^actions_number^card; config: state^card)
returns (res : bool);
orientations : bool ^ card;
one_token : bool;
orientations = map<<get_orientation,card>>(config);
one_token = nary_xor<<card>>(map<<nary_or<<actions_number>>,card>> (enables));
res = one_token and all_equal <<bool,card>>(orientations);
function get_orientation(s:state) returns (res:bool);
res = s.orient_left;
(* XXX finish me
function L3 <<const an:int;const card:int;const n:int>>(config: state^card) returns (res : bool);
res = with n = 0
then true
else L3<<an,card,n>>
function I3 <<const an:int;const n:int>>(config: state^card) returns (res : bool);
res = with n =
then ???
function O3 <<const an:int;const n:int>>(config: state^card) returns (res : bool);
res = with n = 0
then ???
-- zero left
function zl(s:state) returns (res:bool); let res = s.color_0 and s.orient_left tel;
function zpl(s:state) returns (res:bool); let res = zl(s) and s.phase_pos tel;
function zml(s:state) returns (res:bool); let res = zl(s) and not s.phase_pos tel;
-- one left
function ol(s:state) returns (res:bool); let res = (not s.color_0) and s.orient_left tel;
function opl(s:state) returns (res:bool); let res = ol(s) and s.phase_pos tel;
function oml(s:state) returns (res:bool); let res = ol(s) and not s.phase_pos tel;
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-- hint: call me with ../
include "daemon_hyp.lus"
const worst_case = card * card;
node verify(active : bool^actions_number^card; init_config : state^card)
returns (ok : bool);
config : state^card;
enabled : bool^actions_number^card;
legitimate, closure, converge_worst_case,worst_case_is_tigth : bool;
steps : int;
round:bool; round_nb:int;
assert(true -> daemon<<actions_number,card>> (active, pre enabled));
assert(config = init_config -> true);
steps = 0 -> (pre(steps) + 1);
config, enabled, round, round_nb = topology(active, init_config);
-- stability = mutual exclusion: exactly 1 node is enabled at a time
legitimate = legitimate<<actions_number,card>>(enabled,config);
closure = steps > 1 => (pre(legitimate) => legitimate);
converge_worst_case = (round_nb >= worst_case) => legitimate;
worst_case_is_tigth = (round_nb >= worst_case-1) => legitimate;
ok =
-- closure is wrong because legitimate needs to be more specific (cf state.lus)
converge_worst_case ; -- closure and;
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# Time-stamp: <modified the 21/06/2023 (at 12:04) by Erwan Jahier>
-include ./
-include ./
# Non-regression tests
test: grid5.gm_test grid5.rdbg-test clean
# update golden-master tests (if necessary)
make grid5.ugm_test || echo "grid4 ok"
# Other examples of use
rdbg --sasa -sut "sasa"
clean: genclean
rm -f grid*.* diring*.* clique*.* er*.*
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let potential = None (* None => only -sd, -cd, -lcd, -dd, or -custd are possible *)
let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
let init_search_utils = None (* To provide to use --init-search *)
let legitimate = None (* XXX this is wrong: FIXME *)
;; dune file to build the cmxs (resp the cma) needed by sasa (resp rdbgui4sasa)
(name user_algo_files) ;; a fake name because "%{env:topology=ring4}" is rejected
(libraries algo)
; (wrapped false) ; so that user_algo_files is not used in the .cm*
(library_flags -linkall)
;; copy the <topology>.dot to the build dir if it already exists
;; or create it via make otherwise
(mode (promote (until-clean)))
(target %{env:topology=ring4}.dot)
(:makefile Makefile)
(bash "[ -f ../../%{env:topology=ring4}.dot ] && cp ../../%{env:topology=ring4}.dot . || \
make %{env:topology=ring4}.dot")
;; generate the registration file (out of the dot file)
(target %{env:topology=ring4}.ml)
(deps (:dotfile ./%{env:topology=ring4}.dot))
(bash "sasa -reg %{dotfile}")
(mode (promote (until-clean)))
;; give them back the rigth name
(copy user_algo_files.cmxs %{env:topology=ring4}.cmxs)
(copy user_algo_files.cmxa %{env:topology=ring4}.cmxa)
(copy user_algo_files.cma %{env:topology=ring4}.cma)
(copy user_algo_files.a %{env:topology=ring4}.a)
;; we can have only one registering file in the build dir
(bash "rm %{env:topology=ring4}.ml")
(deps (:src ./%{env:topology=ring4}.dot))
;; The glue lustre code between the oracle and the topology
(target %{env:topology=ring4}_oracle.lus)
(mode (promote (until-clean)))
(:dotfile ./%{env:topology=ring4}.dot)
(:cmxs ./%{env:topology=ring4}.cmxs)
(action (bash "sasa -glos %{dotfile} -o $(basename $(realpath $PWD/../..))"))
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