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open Algo
open State 
open P

let debug = false

let rec (pot : pid -> (pid -> ('a * ('a neighbor*pid) list)) -> int -> int -> int) =
  fun pid get level acc ->
  (* From a pid  and its level, adds to acc the  potential of the tree
     rooted in pid *)
    let s, nl = get pid in
    let nl2 = fst nl in
    let acc = if P.enable_f s nl2 <> [] then (
        if debug then Printf.printf "%s -> acc=%d+%d\n%!" pid acc level ; 
      else acc in
    List.fold_left (fun acc (_, pid) -> pot pid get (level+1) acc) acc nl

(* The  potential is defined as  the sum of enabled  nodes levels (the
   level is 1 for root, 2 for its children, and so on *)
let (pf: pid list -> (pid -> ('a * ('a neighbor * pid) list)) -> float) =
  fun pidl get ->
  let root_pot = pot "root" get 1 0 in
  if debug then (
    let enab pid =
      let v,nl = get pid in
      if P.enable_f v ( fst nl)  = [] then
    let enab_list = enab pidl in
    Printf.printf "=================> potential(%s) = %d\n%!" (String.concat "," enab_list) root_pot
    (*     (String.concat "," ( (fun pid -> Printf.sprintf "%s=%b" get pid) pidl) root_pot ; *)
  float_of_int root_pot
let potential = Some pf

let legitimate = None (* None => only silent configuration are legitimate *)
let fault = None

open State
let maxi = 2*k+1
let s2n s = [I (0, s.alpha, maxi)]
let n2s nl s =
  match nl with
  | [I(_, i, _)] ->  { s with alpha = i }
  | _ -> assert false
let init_search_utils = Some (s2n, n2s)