rdbgui.ml 1.31 KiB
let quote str = if String.contains str ' ' then ("\""^str^"\"") else str
let rdbg_cmd =
let cmd = List.tl (List.map quote (Array.to_list Sys.argv)) in
let str = String.concat " " cmd in
let salut_mode = not (Str.string_match (Str.regexp ".*sasa .*\\.dot") str 0) in
let str = if salut_mode then str else
Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "sasa ") "sasa -custd -replay " str
(* I add -custd here, but it ought to be overridden by user option.
The idea is that I don't want the default daemon to be -dd from the gui
(as it is the case from the cli)
let sasa_opt = if salut_mode then "--salut" else "--sasa" in
String.concat " " ("rdbg"::sasa_opt::str::[])
let gui =
Printf.sprintf " --ocaml-cmd \"#use \\\"gtkgui.ml\\\";;\""
let welcome () =
Printf.printf "rdbgui4sasa is a GUI wrapper around rdbg when used with sasa\n";
Printf.printf "you can thus replace rdbg by rdbgui4sasa, but sasa *must be* ";
Printf.printf "involved in the session\nExample: \n";
Printf.printf " rdbgui4sasa -sut \"sasa g.dot\"\n";
Printf.printf " rdbgui4sasa -h\n\n";
flush stdout
let _ =
let n = Array.length Sys.argv in
welcome ();
if n = 1 && Mypervasives.ls ".rdbg-session" "ml" = [] then exit 0;
let cmd = rdbg_cmd ^ gui in
Printf.printf "%s\n%!" cmd;
Sys.command cmd