(* Time-stamp: <modified the 13/05/2019 (at 10:16) by Erwan Jahier> *)
let bool verbose_mode pname a =
Printf.eprintf "Enter a bool [1,t,T|0,f,F] for process %s\n" pname;
flush stderr
let x = input_char stdin in
let rec aux x =
match x with
| '0' | 'f' | 'F' -> false
| '1' | 't' | 'T' -> true
| 'q' -> Printf.eprintf "bye\n"; flush stderr; exit 0
| '#' -> skip_comment ()
| x ->
if verbose_mode then (Printf.eprintf "'%c'" x; flush stderr);
aux (input_char stdin)
and skip_comment () =
match input_char stdin with
| '\n'-> aux (input_char stdin)
| 'q' -> Printf.eprintf "bye\n"; flush stderr; exit 0
| c -> (if verbose_mode then print_char c) ;skip_comment ()
let res = aux x in
if verbose_mode then (
flush stderr;
Printf.eprintf "%s_%s<-%s\n" pname a (if res then "t" else "f");