(* Time-stamp: <modified the 06/06/2019 (at 11:14) by Erwan Jahier> *)
module Dico = Map.Make(String)
open Algo
type t = local_env Dico.t
let (nget: t -> string -> Algo.local_env) =
fun e pid ->
Printf.printf "get pid %s\n" pid; flush stdout;
try ((Dico.find pid e) )
with Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unknown pid: %s" pid)
let (get: t -> string -> string -> value) =
fun e pid v ->
try ((Dico.find pid e) v)
with _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unknown value: %s.%s" pid v)
let (nget_copy: Algo.vars -> t -> string -> Algo.local_env) =
fun vars e pid ->
Algo.copy_local_env vars (get e pid)
let (get_copy: Algo.vars -> t -> string -> string -> value) =
fun vars e pid ->
Algo.copy_local_env vars (get e pid)
let (nset: t -> string -> Algo.local_env -> t) =
fun e pid lenv ->
Dico.add pid lenv e