(* Time-stamp: <modified the 04/04/2019 (at 21:27) by Erwan Jahier> *)
Erwan Jahier
type ident = string
type v = I of int | F of float | B of bool
| E of ident * int
| A of v array | S of (ident * v) list | U
type t =
| Bool | Int | Real
| Extern of ident
| Enum of (ident * ident list)
| Struct of ident * (ident * t) list
| Array of (t * int)
| Alpha of int
| Alias of (string * t)
val val_to_string : (float -> string) -> v -> string
val val_to_rif_string : (float -> string) -> v -> string
Erwan Jahier
val val_to_string_type : v -> string
val type_of_string : string -> t
val type_to_string : t -> string
(** use the alias for aliased types *)
val type_to_string_alias : t -> string
type vntl = (string * t) list
type subst = (string * v)
type access = Idx of int | Fld of ident | Sle of int * int * int * int
(* Replace access(pre_v) by v in pre_v *)
val update_val : v -> v -> access list -> v
(* The same as update_val in the case where no previous value exists *)
val create_val : t -> v -> access list -> v