About Fidle
This repository contains all the documents and links of the Fidle Training .
Fidle (for Formation Introduction au Deep Learning) is a 3-day training session co-organized
by the 3IA MIAI institute, the CNRS, via the Mission for Transversal and Interdisciplinary
Initiatives (MITI) and the University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA).
The objectives of this training are :
- Understanding the bases of Deep Learning neural networks
- Develop a first experience through simple and representative examples
- Understanding Tensorflow/Keras and Jupyter lab technologies
- Apprehend the academic computing environments Tier-2 or Tier-1 with powerfull GPU
For more information, see https://fidle.cnrs.fr :
- Fidle site
- Presentation of the training
- Detailed program
- Subscribe to the list, to stay informed !
- Find us on youtube
- Corrected notebooks
For more information, you can contact us at :
Current Version : 2.5.4
Course materials
Course slides The course in pdf format |
Notebooks Get a Zip or clone this repository |
Datasets All the needed datasets |
Videos Our Youtube channel |
Have a look about How to get and install these notebooks and datasets.
Jupyter notebooks
NOTE : The examples marked "obsolete" are still functional under Keras2/Tensorflow,
but cannot be run in the proposed environment, now based on Keras3, PyTorch and Lightning.
We have decided to consider Keras2/Tensorflow as pedagogically obsolete, although Keras2 and Tensorflow are still perfectly usable (January 2024).
For these reason, they are kept as examples, while we develop the Keras3/PyTorch versions.
The world of Deep Learning is changing very fast !
Linear and logistic regression
LINR1 - Linear regression with direct resolution
Low-level implementation, using numpy, of a direct resolution for a linear regression -
GRAD1 - Linear regression with gradient descent
Low level implementation of a solution by gradient descent. Basic and stochastic approach. -
POLR1 - Complexity Syndrome
Illustration of the problem of complexity with the polynomial regression -
LOGR1 - Logistic regression
Simple example of logistic regression with a sklearn solution
Perceptron Model 1957
PER57 - Perceptron Model 1957
Example of use of a Perceptron, with sklearn and IRIS dataset of 1936 !
BHPD regression (DNN), using Keras3/PyTorch
K3BHPD1 - Regression with a Dense Network (DNN)
Simple example of a regression with the dataset Boston Housing Prices Dataset (BHPD) -
K3BHPD2 - Regression with a Dense Network (DNN) - Advanced code
A more advanced implementation of the precedent example, using Keras3
BHPD regression (DNN), using PyTorch
PBHPD1 - Regression with a Dense Network (DNN)
A Simple regression with a Dense Neural Network (DNN) using Pytorch - BHPD dataset
Wine Quality prediction (DNN), using Keras3/PyTorch
K3WINE1 - Wine quality prediction with a Dense Network (DNN)
Another example of regression, with a wine quality prediction, using Keras 3 and PyTorch
Wine Quality prediction (DNN), using PyTorch/Lightning
LWINE1 - Wine quality prediction with a Dense Network (DNN)
Another example of regression, with a wine quality prediction, using PyTorch Lightning
MNIST classification (DNN,CNN), using Keras3/PyTorch
K3MNIST1 - Simple classification with DNN
An example of classification using a dense neural network for the famous MNIST dataset -
K3MNIST2 - Simple classification with CNN
An example of classification using a convolutional neural network for the famous MNIST dataset
MNIST classification (DNN,CNN), using PyTorch
PMNIST1 - Simple classification with DNN
Example of classification with a fully connected neural network, using Pytorch
MNIST classification (DNN,CNN), using PyTorch/Lightning
LMNIST2 - Simple classification with DNN
An example of classification using a dense neural network for the famous MNIST dataset, using PyTorch Lightning -
LMNIST2 - Simple classification with CNN
An example of classification using a convolutional neural network for the famous MNIST dataset, using PyTorch Lightning
Images classification GTSRB with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), using Keras3/PyTorch
K3GTSRB1 - Dataset analysis and preparation
Episode 1 : Analysis of the GTSRB dataset and creation of an enhanced dataset -
K3GTSRB2 - First convolutions
Episode 2 : First convolutions and first classification of our traffic signs, using Keras3 -
K3GTSRB3 - Training monitoring
Episode 3 : Monitoring, analysis and check points during a training session, using Keras3 -
K3GTSRB4 - Hight level example (Keras-cv)
An example of using a pre-trained model with Keras-cv -
K3GTSRB10 - OAR batch script submission
Bash script for an OAR batch submission of an ipython code -
K3GTSRB11 - SLURM batch script
Bash script for a Slurm batch submission of an ipython code
Sentiment analysis with word embedding, using Keras3/PyTorch
K3IMDB1 - Sentiment analysis with hot-one encoding
A basic example of sentiment analysis with sparse encoding, using a dataset from Internet Movie Database (IMDB), using Keras 3 on PyTorch -
K3IMDB2 - Sentiment analysis with text embedding
A very classical example of word embedding with a dataset from Internet Movie Database (IMDB), using Keras 3 on PyTorch -
K3IMDB3 - Reload and reuse a saved model
Retrieving a saved model to perform a sentiment analysis (movie review), using Keras 3 and PyTorch -
K3IMDB4 - Reload embedded vectors
Retrieving embedded vectors from our trained model, using Keras 3 and PyTorch -
K3IMDB5 - Sentiment analysis with a RNN network
Still the same problem, but with a network combining embedding and RNN, using Keras 3 and PyTorch
Time series with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), using Keras3/PyTorch
K3LADYB1 - Prediction of a 2D trajectory via RNN
Artificial dataset generation and prediction attempt via a recurrent network, using Keras 3 and PyTorch
Sentiment analysis with transformer, using PyTorch
TRANS1 - IMDB, Sentiment analysis with Transformers
Using a Tranformer to perform a sentiment analysis (IMDB) - Jean Zay version -
TRANS2 - IMDB, Sentiment analysis with Transformers
Using a Tranformer to perform a sentiment analysis (IMDB) - Colab version
Unsupervised learning with an autoencoder neural network (AE), using Keras2 (obsolete)
K2AE1 - Prepare a noisy MNIST dataset
Episode 1: Preparation of a noisy MNIST dataset, using Keras 2 and Tensorflow (obsolete) -
K2AE2 - Building and training an AE denoiser model
Episode 1 : Construction of a denoising autoencoder and training of it with a noisy MNIST dataset, using Keras 2 and Tensorflow (obsolete) -
K2AE3 - Playing with our denoiser model
Episode 2 : Using the previously trained autoencoder to denoise data, using Keras 2 and Tensorflow (obsolete) -
K2AE4 - Denoiser and classifier model
Episode 4 : Construction of a denoiser and classifier model, using Keras 2 and Tensorflow (obsolete) -
K2AE5 - Advanced denoiser and classifier model
Episode 5 : Construction of an advanced denoiser and classifier model, using Keras 2 and Tensorflow (obsolete)
Generative network with Variational Autoencoder (VAE), using Keras2 (obsolete)
K2VAE1 - First VAE, using functional API (MNIST dataset)
Construction and training of a VAE, using functional APPI, with a latent space of small dimension, using Keras 2 and Tensorflow (obsolete) -
K2VAE2 - VAE, using a custom model class (MNIST dataset)
Construction and training of a VAE, using model subclass, with a latent space of small dimension, using Keras 2 and Tensorflow (obsolete) -
K2VAE3 - Analysis of the VAE's latent space of MNIST dataset
Visualization and analysis of the VAE's latent space of the dataset MNIST, using Keras 2 and Tensorflow (obsolete)
Generative network with Variational Autoencoder (VAE), using PyTorch Lightning
LVAE1 - First VAE, using Lightning API (MNIST dataset)
Construction and training of a VAE, using Lightning API, with a latent space of small dimension, using PyTorch Lightning -
LVAE2 - VAE, using a custom model class (MNIST dataset)
Construction and training of a VAE, using model subclass, with a latent space of small dimension, using PyTorch Lightninh -
LVAE3 - Analysis of the VAE's latent space of MNIST dataset
Visualization and analysis of the VAE's latent space of the dataset MNIST, using PyTorch Lightning
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), using Lightning
LSHEEP3 - A DCGAN to Draw a Sheep, using Pytorch Lightning
"Draw me a sheep", revisited with a DCGAN, using Pytorch Lightning
Diffusion Model (DDPM) using PyTorch
DDPM1 - Fashion MNIST Generation with DDPM
Diffusion Model example, to generate Fashion MNIST images. -
DDPM2 - DDPM Python classes
Python classes used by DDMP Example
Training optimization, using PyTorch
OPT1 - Training setup optimization
The goal of this notebook is to go through a typical deep learning model training
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), using PyTorch
DRL1 - Solving CartPole with DQN
Using a a Deep Q-Network to play CartPole - an inverted pendulum problem (PyTorch) -
DRL2 - RL Baselines3 Zoo: Training in Colab
Demo of Stable baseline3 with Colab
Miscellaneous things, but very important!
NP1 - A short introduction to Numpy
Numpy is an essential tool for the Scientific Python. -
ACTF1 - Activation functions
Some activation functions, with their derivatives. -
PANDAS1 - Quelques exemples avec Pandas
pandas is another essential tool for the Scientific Python. -
PYTORCH1 - Practical Lab : PyTorch
PyTorch est l'un des principaux framework utilisé dans le Deep Learning -
TSB1 - Tensorboard with/from Jupyter
4 ways to use Tensorboard from the Jupyter environment -
SCRATCH1 - Scratchbook
A scratchbook for small examples
NOTE : The examples marked "obsolete" are still functional under Keras2/Tensorflow,
but cannot be run in the proposed environment, now based on Keras3, PyTorch and Lightning.
We have decided to consider Keras2/Tensorflow as pedagogically obsolete, although Keras2 and Tensorflow are still perfectly usable (January 2024).
For these resaon, they are kept as examples, while we develop the Keras3/PyTorch versions.
The world of Deep Learning is changing very fast !
Have a look about How to get and install these notebooks and datasets.
[en] Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
[Fr] Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International
See License.
See Disclaimer.