CI configuration for Hysop project
- keep only latest tags
- exception: releases
Create and save docker images
- build docker images with all the dependencies required to config and build hysop
- save those images in hysop registries
- ci_cpu_intel: OpenCL/Intel, for an host without GPUs --> saved in hysop registry as ci_cpu_intel
- ci_gpu_nvidia: OpenCL/NVIDIA, for an host with GPUs --> saved in hysop registry as ci_cpu_nvidia
- ci_cpu_intel_doc: same as ci_cpu_intel but with extra-deps required to build the documentation (project hysop-doc) --> saved in hysop-doc registry
When: only if the last commit message contains [docker-build]
Requirement: the same docker images must be generated, whatever the branch is (i.e. ci directory and .gitlab-ci.yml must be properly synchronized between all branches)
Configure hysop
- Run meson setup on OpenCL/Intel and OpenCL/NVIDIA images
- Keep artifacts (build-dir) for build job
Build hysop
- Run meson compile on OpenCL/Intel and OpenCL/NVIDIA images
- Keep artifacts (build-dir) for tests and install and examples jobs
Install hysop
- Run meson install on OpenCL/Intel and OpenCL/NVIDIA images
- Try to import hysop and hysop fortran packages
Two jobs to:
- run meson tests on OpenCL/Intel and OpenCL/NVIDIA images
- generate artifacts only if tests fail.
Two jobs to:
- run examples ( on OpenCL/Intel and OpenCL/NVIDIA images
- generate artifacts only if tests fail.
Create 'read-to-use' images
Build and save docker images with a fully functionnal hysop install
hysopbinderlab, based on 'ci_cpu_intel', source image to create binder repo. Saved in project hysop-binder
hysoplab-cpu-intel- master based on 'ci_cpu_intel, jupyter lab for hysop (no GPUs host) Saved in hysop registry
docker run -p 8888:8888 --rm -ti
hysoplab-gpu-nvidia- based on 'ci_gpu_nvidia, jupyter lab for hysop (GPUs host) Saved in hysop registry
docker run -p 8888:8888 --runtime=nvidia --gpus all --rm -ti
Build doc
A job to trigger doc. generation in project hysop-doc
- A job to automatically create a release when a tag is pushed.