FAQ: 1. How to get only the code from the git repository? Create a local directory to clone into mkdir my_hysop && cd my_hysop Initialise an empty git local repository git init Configure it for sparse checkout git config core.sparsecheckout true Add the remote information git remote add -f origin git+ssh://<USERNAME>@scm.forge.imag.fr/var/lib/gforge/chroot/scmrepos/git/hysop/hysop.git Select the HySoP directory (that contains all the code) echo HySoP/ >> .git/info/sparse-checkout Get all files (only from the HySoP directory) git checkout master Remarks: Solution comes from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4114887/is-it-possible-to-do-a-sparse-checkout-without-checking-out-the-whole-repository It keeps the directory/files tree as git sees all files as a single unit. (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2336580/sparse-checkout-in-git-1-7-0) 2. How to use a single precision version ? Apply the patch : patch -p0 < utils/ToSinglePrecision.patch To reverse the patch: patch -p0 -R < utils/ToSinglePrecision.patch